The prettiest of drama: Marital Drama! 🐍🐍Obsessive wife makes a fool of herself. Stuck up bitch won’t even apologize to her plighted husband.

1  2018-11-01 by Killer_B_Cell


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


  1. This Post -,,,

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Agreed. That’s why I wasn’t going to let him embarrass ?me by using a shitty, awful tone to demand that I apologize. Cunt

How good do you think that pootang is for anybody to deal with someone like this?

Cucks man, they'll put up with anything for some release

Walking the dog for tens minutes

Stop bullshitting everyone you are taking the dog for a shit dogs need more exercise than that

I tried telling them

I don't see any comments from drama users or anything, and you can't vote without subscribing. So idk. TIL a meta sub linking to a thread is "to brigade it."

I don’t even see any downvoted comments?

It only has 11 views. And I’m banned from posting there. Amicably. Wtf are they talking about?

Our reputation precedes us I suppose, fairly or not. Any moms wanting to call us bitter incels or MRAs are, of course, welcome to come and say so here. My mom knew the meaning of hospitality. Hmmpf.

orange man bad

Q predicted this

She took pictures of downvotes. We better stay under the radar for a bit.

I'm shitting myself tbh. This'll definitely be worse for us than the time we had a video of a guy killing himself stickied, or the time we accused a high-profile user of being a pedo.

I didn't know Darq or Yamate were high-profile users!


Does that dumb cunt know that admins can simply look at the user meta data to see who is downvoting and where they’re coming from?

Foids, not even once 🤢

will be taking screen shots of downvoting happening so that the admins have proof.

because admins don't have access to reddit's database :)

Reported to admins as well and will be taking screen shots of downvoting happening so that the admins have proof.

Imagine being so retarded that you think pictures of downvote comments are evidence of brigading

I like to imagine her at her computer actually snapping pictures of her screen with her phone instead of screenshotting.

Active in these communities






Fucking yikes

Sounds like a bad catch

He refuses to shut the garage door when he walks the dog for 10 minutes, twice a day.

I’ve asked again and again,

Now my nice sunglasses are gone from my car. They were in the case.

For fucks sake.