Vote against all Republicans. Every single one!!!!!!

1  2018-11-01 by Ayylmao11023


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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Well yeah duh.

Left wing redditors secretly love republicans.

What would they spend hours posting about on reddit if republicans were irrelevant?

No, we don’t

You think Donald Trump is handsome and muscular but mostly you are attracted to his work ethic.


You want to kiss his belly

Max Boot. Now that is one bussy-blasted neocon.

ping gallowboob faggot

Really unethical for WaPo to exploit the mentally ill

Bumblefuck checking in. I voted against every single kkk member Republican. Now I need those 2999 upvotes.

Imagine drama if Rebubligans win.

They’re likely to pick up a few senate seats. Even if the Dems take the House (they probably will), people will still throw a tantrum over the senate.

I'm not really familiar with the AmeriKKKn political system. Can the House kick Trump without the Senate?

Nope. You can be impeached but can't be booted from the seat without both Senate and house vote

they will impeach him just to have it on the books

i doubt it. they'll just open a million investigations with the goal of delaying/obstructing the presidency as much as possible. Sort of like they did with kavanaugh.

impeachment takes a lot of political capital that the democrats simply do not have right now, and I don't think they want to have a majority in just the house for just 2 years. If they impeach Trump and fail, he's almost guaranteed for 2020.

no and even if democrats somehow magically picked 6 seats and had 55 senators (which already is basically impossible) and let's say for shits and giggles some antifa guy murdered 6 GOP senators and they would be replaced by democratic senators, it would still be impossible because you need 67 senators and no republican under any circumstance is going to vote for conviction ever

basically this is just virtue signaling to your base because there is no timeline where Trump gets convicted, even under these circumstances

though impeachment is always fun circus so it's going to be fun regardless

ping gallowboob faggot

its the last chance, Dems could just straight up break into smaller groups if they lose the house.

the government would be 100% rep controlled, which is almost worth voting demo alone

ping gallowboob faggot

Ooooo let’s not start that shit again.

This is good for dramacoin

They likely will, and reddit will have another melt down.

Reps and Dems, imagine being one of them and not having the ability to think for yourself.


Unlike those NPC’s we can

I mean yeah?

Nah, partisan footy team voting is cancer no matter which side you're on.

I mean yeah, I’m not voting for the party that Ben “unload my nine at the welfare line Garrison belongs to.

Nah. I'm there's actually a blue wave then nobody will learn anything and the wave of smugness that follows will be unbearable. On the other hand, if Repubitards keep the majority then people might actually start offing themselves. Status quo midterms will be objectively better for dramacoin.

The Dems cook child sex slaves into children. The Pubs cut your taxes.

How is it even close?

The Dems cook child sex slaves into pizzas

Thanks, I understand pizzagate a lot better now

All this drama is only an hors d'oeuvre for the real meal that will be served come next Tuesday.

Just look at the already salt infused comments in controversial... things are marinating.

I don't think I'll ever tire of the totally legit Republicans who converted and are now 100% Democrats.

The funniest thing is there are a ton of the "walk away" videos where dems have said they are walking to the right. I haven't seen as big of a movement right to left.

Yeah, but how many of those videos are actual Democrats walking away as opposed to conservatives larping as reformed leftists?

The few I've actually watched (not many, because it seems boring to me) convinced me that they were previously active liberals. Pictures of them in dem candidate swag at rallies and stuff from years gone by and that stuff.

You are pretty gullible if you people those people in the walkawayvideos were Democrats.

I'm sure they are all russians.

I'm sure they are all Republicans.

Nope, but they are all Republicans.

Of course, all of them must be, Democrats are infallible and have never done anything that would make people think they are a bunch of mentally ill infants.

Okay, they are all former Democrats then a guy watch a video about it on the Internet so it must be true.

I never said that, I said that some of them I've watched seemed believable.

Right, all I see is Republicans making PR moves in the press.

A lot of formerly Republican educated elites are voting straight dem now.

The neverTrumpers are the only ones I've seen doing that and for the most part they are the coastal Republicans that were pretty far to the left of the party as a whole.

Yes those Republicans that dont like traditionally conservative policies like tariffs, business subsidies and growing the deficit.

Dude, no need to sperg. I don't like either party, I'm a radical centrist.

The only reason to post on drama is to sperg

This is true.

As a radical centrist.I want Republicans to win midterms just for the reason that an enormous amount of salt will be generated in liberal circles.

MAGAcels OTOH will spin defeat as victory as they always do, with some bullshit like 'Q predicted this' or 'Deep state globalist operations'.

The best outcome is if the Republicans win the midterms but half of them turn out to be pedophiles

MAGAcels OTOH will spin defeat as victory as they always do, with some bullshit like 'Q predicted this' or 'Deep state globalist operations'.

Voter fraud you mong, which is probably true in a lot of districts that tend to "find" democrat ballots come close elections.

When has that happened?

ping gallowboob faggot


Vote for the people who want to take more of my money...or vote against the people who hurt feefees.

Boy, this is a tough one.

Two can play this game:

Vote for the people who want healthcare to be cheaper or vote for the people who want to bring asbestos back and gut net neutrality. Decisions, decisions.

Healthcare increased under the Dems. So....


Not your researcher.

"It's not my job to educate you shitlord"

So....Net was fine before net neutrality was spawned....

They throttled stuff before NN happened, but even if they didn't this is the equivalent of "well no one's murdered anyone yet so we don't need to make murder illegal, we'll only make it illegal after someone's been murdered"

!Washington - My boss and I have been voting buddies for years. He is Republican, I am Democrat, we cancel each other out. He loves this arrangement because we can both speak our mind, vote our conscience and it isn't personal.

He has been very, very troubled with the Trump presidency and frequently asks for my opinions on political things where before we would only discuss them after the election. I've already voted - straight D, no judges appointed by R- , suggested tax stuff a mixed bag - but he is holding on to his ballot. Historically, he has always separated national politics from local politics but he is very concerned that he might be vote for an R that supports Trumps 'uninformed' positions (lower taxes to him are good, everything else is 'uninformed' but also 'what he promised to do'). However, now that the tax cuts are 'done', he doesn't like the rest of it.

He is challenged because he has been a 'Good Republican' since his 20's, voting straight party lines. Today I mused that he probably isn't a Republican anymore. The party has left him, at least for the moment, like it did Reagan. He is really an "Independent" (which is what many Republicans profess themselves to be) and should think independent of part. This really resonated with him and we actually talked about the candidates, reviewed their actual work histories, watched some YouTube videos of the candidates (he doesn't really explore the Internet other than his home page and Fox, so this ability to "cut out the middle man" really impressed him).

This year, "one time only", he is voting Democrat for all offices because it just happens they're better this one time and he already got his tax cuts. Of course, also supporting incumbent judges and against all initiatives - he is "independent" after all.

So I'm having a few stiff drinks tonight because it may not matter in my county, in my state, but at least I got him to do his due diligence and this year we are actually, mostly, vote buddies. And I, maybe we, really needed that.

  • And yes, long time lurker, first time poster.


And then everybody presumably clapped

Posts like this is why I do Heroine.

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That is a totally real story and he would totally vote for Democrats who want to reverse and end tax cuts!

Imagine not being a radical centrist

Gotta love all the NPCs in that thread. My favorite one is "You said to vote for all Democrats?? Well NEENER NEENER I'm voting for all Republicans to spite you!!"

Not a shread of awareness or critical thinking in that thread.

Democrats have ruined my state.

Republicans ruined this country.

Democrats are trying to ruin this country.



Hottest takes possible

Vote republican

Max Boot's life is a history of near unrivaled success. Adviser to commanders in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as senior foreign policy advisers to both McCain, Romney, and Rubio. Truly a man to listen to.

Republicans typically do have some built in mid term advantages, but the party in power always faces more motivated opposition. For Democrats, see their wins in 2006 for a good comparable election cycle.

It's tough to predict because Trump attracted a lot of new voters, but there's no guarantee that they're going to vote for your bog standard Republican candidates. A lot of people who supported Trump hate Republican congressmen and Democrats alike.

I think your lesson here is that people spin any situation they can into being a positive for them

Yeah, man. The reasons and causes and situations change for every election according to the media.

Best way to look at it, who ever wins the presidency loses the midterms, until they don't.