Why do mods keep banning retards like me?

1  2018-11-01 by getboofedon

We can't ping here anymore, so what's the point of banning people for acting retarded and interacting in this sub? I got my retardation stickied the other day and everyone was interacting with it, but now that account is banned and the fun is over.

Why is retarded trolling being discouraged here now? Everyone was having a great time banding together and calling me a mouth breathing mayo, so why put a stop to that? I want to spend time playing stupid exaggerated characters on alts, but mods are being buzzkills.

Don't get me wrong, I'm unironically retarded (autistic is retarded by definition), but give me room to stretch my wings and larp as other kinds of retards.


Trolling gives you the big day and this is a Christian subreddit.

following the teachings of another man

pretty much spiritual cuckoldry tbqhwyf

It's more like getting a spiritual brojob from a true bud

Are you a refugee?


Oh yeah?? Name 5 of your favorite pizza rants 😤

You got understand this place was very close to being axed. Yeah it sucks we can't get away with stuff we used to and it's pretty fucking lame compared to how it used to be, still better than 95% of the other subreddits.

still better than 95% of the other subreddits.

Let’s not get carried away.

Yeah let's not forget places like /r/tulpas exist

... Damn

I'm not complaining about the pinging being gone. I get why that had to happen.

I wasn't saying or doing anything to get the subreddit banned. Someone made a long post about T_D, so I called it an agenda post and everyone hilariously sperged out on me. I played into it, and people had a great time calling me a mayo. I hadn't logged into the account in a couple days and I saw a bunch more people responded, but then one of the mods banned the account so I can't respond and carry on the fun.

Ultimately, it doesn't really matter if one of my alts gets banned because I'll just make another one. It's just lame because I was having fun playing lolcow and letting people milk me because I'm into that. It's not like you can curate quality content here or anything. The entire purpose of this subreddit is exaggerated shit posting.

You are a fucking idiot if you think the mods banning anyone that hurts their little-girl feelings has anything to do with the admins; it's because Snally and ComedicSans are sensitive ******s (can't say that word here anymore without being banned) who want to turn this into Circlebroke3

Every comment from you these days is pure whiny faggotry. At least you used to be entertaining if entirely predictable but now it’s just crypost after crypost😭😭😭

Keep sucking Snally's tranny penis, ******.

You got to understand this place was very close to being axed.

Who gives a shit? The moment we were told not to ping a powermod who showed delta pics to an underager, we should have gone on a 3 day non-stop pinging tangent of everyone we collectively hate and allowed this sub to die a man's death. Now it will die like an old man in a nursing home.

Yup, also so what if they ban the sub, you just make a new one.

What was the username? I want to see who banned it.

It was /u/muhhatespeech. I'm going to abandon it either way because the jig is up

lol, why did you edit your comment so many times

Because I'm a retard.

Fair enough

Same. I was banned after posting tranny drama. I was never actually told that was the reason, but I can't figure out what else I could have done.

People have feelings, get over it.

Anyone who has bullied people, please submit your account names as a reply to me in order to be banned in penance.

Gallowbob and vagene


Honestly, over the last two months the mods here have gone full retard. Honestly, this sub would probably be better off with no moderation than with the people we have currently.

This sub would have been better off quarantined dont @ me im right