[Trigger warnings: effort post, long post] The rightoids are destroying their own (Ye, Based Black Mommy and Hot Fox News Babe)

1  2018-11-01 by icefourthirtythree

And it all started with fucking Kanye!

A Bit of Background:

In the past few months Ye (the being formally formally known as Kanye West) and Candace Owens have been leading a crusade to make the ideals of Conservative America acceptable and alluring to Basketball Americans. However, in the past few days there's been a bit of a fallout between the two.

Also, this is not the first time that Candace and Tomi have fought over Ye (not in that way you degenerates, he's a married man for God's sake). In May, Tomi criticised Ye's comments on slavery being a choice:

Is that really the kind of messenger we want for the movement? Do not make Kanye or any celebrity a messiah.

Candace replied with the following:

I would call out @tomilahren for hating on Kanye, but she blocked me.

The next day Tomi fired back, calling Ye's comments cringeworthy and unhinged(https://twitter.com/TomiLahren/status/992012579160510464) and saying she will not jump on the Ye bandwagon:

I have nothing against Kanye but let’s be honest, that TMZ interview was cringeworthy. If we make him the golden boy of the movement, we are making a big mistake. https://www.facebook.com/TomiLahren/posts/1751716934921486 … I will not jump on the Kanye-obsessed bandwagon. If that makes me unpopular this week, so be it. America First isn’t about the whims of celebs, it’s about the average American & message. Some unhinged nonsense about liposuction & opioids doesn’t sound like MAGA, it sounds crazy.

Candace replies suggesting Tomi is not about America first:

Lahren, the next day, on her Fox News show proved herself a modern Nostradamus:

Are we really going to put our eggs in Kanye West’s basket? What happens when he flips the script next week or next month in a bid to nab more attention? Then what? We look like fools for appointing him our cultural messiah. Don’t fall for it.

The Build Up

When Kanye officially left the rightoid movement he made these not so cryptic tweets, blaming Candace off trying to profit off him with the so-called BLEXIT movement:

I introduced Candace to the person who made the logo and they didn’t want their name on it so she used mine. I never wanted any association with Blexit. I have nothing to do with it.

And then he accused Candace and others of "using him":

My eyes are now wide open and now realize I’ve been used to spread messages I don’t believe in. I am distancing myself from politics and completely focusing on being creative !!!

Ye says that BLEXIT was Candace's idea however that seems to be untrue. BLEXIT was Turning Point USA's idea, they even had a trademark and everything, Candace was only in on it later.

Anyway, Candace is now on the back foot, trying to do some damage control, in a statement on her website (which is way too long and way too shittily written for even me to try reading properly) she denies ever saying Kanye designed the shirts and logos for Blexit. However, the best news organisation in the world, Fox News, had an [interview with Candace about BLEXIT], in which she says:

Kanye saw my original design, and said, ‘I can do it better.' It certainly was. He redesigned the logo with vibrant colors inspired by his trip to Uganda.

Who knew Candace Owens was a lying bitch?

The Fight

Anyway after Ye's Exit from the right, Tomi Lahren posted the following, indirectly calling out Candace:

Are you gonna turn on Kanye now? The ship was doomed to sink from the start but hunger for fame & money was placed over the movement. Funny how he was a “free thinker” before and now he’s a “traitor.” Sounds a lot like a tactic of the Left. You made your bed, now lie in it.

Candace, her condescending bitchy usual self, replied with her [condolences on Tomi's "failed career" and telling her to "grow up":]


I think I can speak on behalf of people on both sides of the political aisle and say we are sorry about your failed career.

The desperation to be relevant again by constantly subbing me and/or attacking @kathygriffin weekly—doesn’t bode well for any movement.

Grow up.

In reply to the above Candace tweet Tomi called out identity politics, declaring it to be a leftist tactic:

I’m talking about Leftist tactics, conservative ideas & failure of identity politics. YOU are talking about ME. If you’re trying to bait me into some Twitter war, it’s not going to work. It’s not about us. You can threaten me or lob low blows about my career but I’m not playing.

Candace fires back calling Tomi a 'vile human being' and 'intellectually bankrupt' (projection much?). She also reveals that Tomi has taken 30 potshots (the fuck, was she counting them) at both Candace and Charlie Kirk in the past:

After a follower suggested she chill, Candace replies saying she's chilled for a year straight and has received messages from Tomi in the past of a nature which could end Lahren's career:

I’ve actually “chilled” for a year straight by not releasing nasty messages she sent about me that would have ended her non-career long ago. Today I’m not in the chilling mood so unless she wants to get burned, she will stop subbing me immediately.

And that was the end of it. ]

(P.S. I'd like to take this moment to say that no matter how much of an idiot Tomi is, she looks like Eisenstein next to Candace.)


That entire subreddit is a cesspool. It's like a sewer that empties directly into a stagnant pond.


  1. https://www.facebook.com/TomiLahren... - Outline

  2. she denies ever saying Kanye design... - Outline

I am a bot for posting Outline.com links. github / Contact for info or issues

Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is

  2. Candace replied with the following: - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

  3. https://twitter.com/TomiLahren/stat... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

  4. jump on the Ye bandwagon: - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

  5. https://www.facebook.com/TomiLahren... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

  6. Tomi is not about America first: - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

  7. When Kanye officially left the righ... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

  8. And then he accused Candace and oth... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

  9. she denies ever saying Kanye design... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

  10. Tomi Lahren posted the following, i... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

  11. In reply to the above Candace tweet... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

  12. Candace fires back calling Tomi a '... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

  13. she's chilled for a year straight a... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Thanks for the summary, I've had trouble following all of this.

Scientists have discovered a new kind of Conservative Unity™ - and it's beatiful.

there's is no such thing as a good effort post. take that shit to SRD

Yeah and it is also clear that OP is a fucking loser

okay, this is epic.

Don't bitch about quality drama content you mong. This is precious OC that needs to be nurtured, fostered into the dramatic future that we all deserve.

im here for dino posting tbh

Please don't try to interact with cajuns

who the fuck are you?

In 1975, I walked Bob Dylan up on stage! Who the fuck are you? I knew the Grateful Dead from 1966! Who the fuck are you? You’re nothing! You are nothing. And you will never be anything. Never! How dare you? You miserable, mediocre nothing! Shame on you. You crack a stupid little smile, you little pimp! Go learn to play. You’re flat. You can’t even carry a fucking note! I don’t care about your little horn lip, it doesn’t mean you know how to play. You’re flat. I’ve trained classically, I’ve trained contemporaneously, and you suck!

nice flair

We know a significant part of the userbase are rightoids, so reading posts that are more than a paragraph long is no reallyt required. However, we don't discourage them either because the literate part of the sub can still enjoy them.

Remember when Candace Owens tried to Kickstart a website for doxing trolls, and because she's dumb as fuck and doesn't understand the internet, she thought that Zoe Quinn was using hundreds of twitter accounts and email addresses to call her a nigger.

Not really, every single time she comes up in conservative subs there's ways a bunch of people yelling about her past.

I'm sure a lot of conservative pundits aren't aware of her history, but it's hilarious that KIA of all places seems to have forgotten.

They forget whatever they need to forget this week in order to be pissy about whatever they’re supposed to be pissy about this week

I think they need to be reminded how sketchy and retarded their token queen actually is

I keep trying to show people, but all I get are downvotes on KiA.

Candace always been a BPD ho

gussy amirite

But... but Mia Love held elected office in Utah! She's the real yass kween slay of conservatism!

Oooo. Ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, attacking a black woman in <current_year, terrible optics my friend.

There aren't a lot of black female rightoids out there. So they'll take who they can get.

And it seems like a lot of their most popular black tokens are mentally ill grifters 🤔🤔🤔

Then she opened up her Twitter and said, "You ain't seen nothin yet."

D-d-d-Daddy daddy you ain't seen n-nothing yet!

Remember when

Also, remember when these women became famous because of their really good looks which means they are very young and which then means they are probably not old and wise in any way? I remember that. If you want to listen to a 20 year old chick that looks like a model and screams like a maniac you probably are not there for the intellectual stuff.

I know people who repost Tomi's stuff, and let's be real, the average guy sharing her stuff is fantasizing about fucking her.

She has a reputation for being dishonest as far as I'm aware, but most of the politics I follow is Very Online. If Kanye is less online I'm not surprised he trusted her and got burned. I think he'll be happier in the long run if he stays out of politics. It's bad for the soul.

I was in those threads on /v/. It wasn't is going after her.

There were multiple threads about her kickstarter on /v/ and /pol/, but you're going to suggest that the people sending her emails and tweets were all actually Zoe Quinn and her friend Randi?

Have you seen the chat logs from their group that got leaked? Those two and Chris Kluwe, if you can believe it, plus their sycophants had an IRC channel where they targeted people for attack. Here's a shitty KIA source.

None of this appears to be related to Candice Owens, and Social Autopsy does not fit the profile of a Quinnspiracy target.

Aww dumb dumb doesn't see how Zoe Quinn having a whole group of people that attack people wouldn't lead to an attack on another person she was upset at.

you're going to suggest that the people sending her emails and tweets were all actually Zoe Quinn and her friend Randi?


I'm unaware of any evidence suggesting that, and it makes no sense. The only reason Candice came to believe that is because she read /pol/ threads that described Social Autopsy as a doxing site, and she recalled Zoe Quinn describing it as such during their phone call.

But I'm sure that the board known for raiding and generally fucking with people had nothing to do with it and had no reason to be target somebody who wanted to dox internet users.

Using hundreds of twitter accounts and email addresses is not as far-fetched as you make it out to be, unless you're dumb as fuck and don't understand the internet. You do know what bots are, and what they're capable of, right?

You also are dumb as fuck and don't understand the internet if you think that /pol/, which had multiple threads about her kickstarter, should not be suspected of contributing to the messages she was receiving.

Didn't forget, trust me. She legit acts like she's on the side of 'free speech' when she's actively tried to shut it down in the past. Fuck her.

No one except dumb cuckservatives have forgotten that. The only people on the right who like her are boomers and that white guy from Turning Points USA who's probably banging her.

Every time I see shitlib infiltrators on here they're talking total shit to "own the rightoids". This place is getting cringe.

shitlib infiltrators

lmao cry more retard

This place is getting cringe.

Eww, CAutist posting. Get fucked, fag.

Yeah, when Zoe Quinn went after her for trying to start a doxxing platform, that's when she decided to head for more lucrative, less scrupulous waters, such as Turning Point USA.

It's amazing how they've fully adopted the SJW herd mentality.

Tomi was right, don't put your support behind every celebrity that wants on the MAGA train for $$$, because they will abandon you one the check clears. Yet, they're so scared of a liberal uprising they huddle around ANY person of note that supports Trump/conservatives.

This is exactly how liberals will drop their undies at any rich corporation as long as they make a cringey # RESIST ice cream flavor.

I do appreciate a good conservathot catfight.

conservathot catfight


Did that dude just say she likes cloth?

The best stand.

48% upvoted



DDF cant handle snally tier posting.

All those MDEfugees probably downvoted cause they can't read.

They probably had Sam Hyde use his dumb ironic hipster voice to read out his opinions to them.

It's a damn shame. This place is overrun by rightoids. We need a hearty dose of soy to correct this.

Administered anally

By their bull

When you downvote libs epic style --> 😎

Every time I see a post like this I radically centristically downvote the submission on principle no matter the agenda.

comments in AskTrumpSupporters

downvotes this thread due to 'radical centrism'

Is this how you cope with your S E E T H I N G🤔

I didn’t believe this so I had to check. Somehow I ended up there to post about Pocahontas. You got me! I’m super seething at this tldr pathetic effortpost and you’ve owned me epic style.


I will not stand for this slanderous insult. Comment stalking is good r/drama praxis

Posts in /r/teenagers... 🤔


That's the spirit.


Its literally on your first page lol. You DDF tards don't even try. Every fucking time😂👌

How do you know I wasn’t asking a trump supporter a question? You don’t because you didn’t even read the post. Your post history literally has screen grabs from T_D where you undoubtably lurk all day.

Your post history is full of daddy shilling. You are a DDFtard masquerading as a radical centrist.

Trump is good for dramacoin and I’ve invested, deal with it chapotard throwaway. I voted for Obama too, I wonder if your little socialist brain can handle that.

Those investing in trump for dramacoin just vote for him and watch the spergout, not suck his cock though 😂 Nice cope though

Roses are red Violets aren’t fudge Merrick Garland Will never, ever, ever, ever be a Supreme Court judge

cope 😂

Did you know that recent studies show the most popular sexual fantasy among rightoids is being cucked by George Soros?

I can guess the word in the messages from Lahren that would end her career, all though certain websites would probably give her a award for using it

Yeah but those messages probably don’t exist because 1. She hasn’t already dropped them 2. She just got outed as a liar 5 minutes ago

Lol like Candace actually has damaging messages. The bitch is just being an attention whore as usual.

Black on black crime really needs to be addressed.

Call me when Candice Owens and Tomi Lahren start lezzing out, otherwise i dont care.

Angry gussy mashing

Mashed Gussatoes, yuck

BLEXIT was Turning Point USA's idea

That's a real thing ? I tought it was just memes.

That’s a real thing?

Lol no

That’s a real thing?

I meant Turning point USA.

No, it's a Psy Op by the you-know-who's

It is unfortunately

Candace Owens and Charlie Kirk came to my school once.

I shook Charlie's hand for some reason and told him I was a radical centrist. He told me I go to school with a bunch of commies (really!)

Candace was zipping around on one of these scooters our city rents out making the TPUSA wranglers she was with look nervous. Seriously if she wasn't like 6 feet tall I would've thought she was a hyperactive 5 year old the way she was acting.

Is there one thing Tomi Lahren has ever said that isn't plucked directly from other conservatives? She is the epitome of "lol im a cute conservative girl, gimme fame".

I read this with a vocal fry voice the whole time

As God intended 🙏🏻

So your normal voice?


As in npr reading it

Who is Brittany

Brittany Venti

Literally who

Gay ass Youtuber

  1. Is that really supposed to be Venti?
  2. If she’s just playing a character, then she’s one of the greatest trolls of all time and my permanent crush.
  3. Unfortunately I fear Britany Venti is actually just an imbecile. Major turnoff. Yuck.

Look at them toon tits and then Brittany's tits and tell me that's not a spittin' image 😅

No it's that Pettiboner Brittany you dimwit.

Pettiboner Brittany

Roastie is a roastie

Fair enough!

So she's like every conservative woman

Yeah she once said she was pro choice, got fired from The Blaze and never ever brought it up again.

never ever brought it up again

Bet she thought she gottem with her explanation of why at that moment.

Tami is wifey material, Candace seems like she would get your utilities cut off if you broke up with her.


I wish I didn't know who these people were

I really want to read all of this and follow the story. But fuck how I hate Twitter. This is a huge mess of messages that all are related in some way but I have to work really hard to connect all the dots here. I read some of it though and it sounds juicy.

Since they’re breaking up who is going to get custody of Alex Jones 😪?

Trump is now Alex Jones' real daddy.

Alex Jones is every daddy’s daddy. He evolved from dadbod to dadgod!

Long is fine sometimes, but when you have to re-read bits because phrasing or missing context, it makes it a chore.

The Democrats taking the house is going to be the best thing that ever happened to these people.

Because they don’t have anybody to blame for their jobs competence right now?

Yup. That and this is basically history repeating itself, from '02-'04 the GOP did this exact same thing and it was the Democrats taking the house in '06 that saved them from implosion. Per the norm this is all nothing new, its just more extreme than last time thanks to social media.

Candace Owens destroys everything she touches

Wasn't Candace Owen's a libtard before becoming a magtard? That's what I heard from yt sometime ago

Maybe? I think there's some ancient videos of her where she was... Kind of the most basic "liberal" in the sense of "I vote Democrat so I'm liberal".

Refugee reee

No the only way to be a true radical centrist is to call out Magatards and own liberals epic gamer style 😎

Maybe she can become a centard like you next.

you say that like it's a bad thing


Conservathots are fighting about Yexit

nice nice. such news really tickles the bojangles.

We are all still voting Trump tho. And straight Republican. Can't stop wont stop. Stay salty my nigra.

being this cucked by the GOP

sooo you're in a cult?

we're flex, but ok! lel

you are also in cult. My cult is just having a bit more fun right now. Sorry not sorry.

It's okay because everyone else does it too!

everyone that disagrees with you isn't in a cult. They just hate idiots

Have you considered that increasing your daily intake of lead would make you a more valuable member of society?

That would work if he was a socialist

Hahahahahhaha woah dude plz keep that FLAMEthrowr dialed down to a lower setting!!! Can anybody help a homie out nd post that wiki link of burn centers plz????? I mean holy fk like savage burn bro that was WILD!!! Chill or I'll tell ur mom!!!!

Thanks for the tip. BTW If you are ever interested in a one way ride on my helicopter let me know. Some beautiful views you gotta see.

r/Drama is not a good place to advertise your free Pedocopter rides, sir. This place is filled with nothing but degenerate furries, and self-hating bussies, no kiddies here.

sorry about your failed career.

Lol I at least know who Larhen is, I thought this lady was the Fox News anchor that sued Hasbro until I clicked on a link.

like anyone is gonna read all that shit

This post made me shit my pants and die

I want them both to peg my libertarian ass so hard while they tell me how much of a pussy I am for voting third party.

Please don’t hurt me too bad mommies 😱

based and redpilled

Lahren, the next day, on her Fox News show proved herself a modern Nostradamus



you are rarted

No you are?

i wish i were hot and retarded enough to think people needed to hear my retarded ideas.

Get hit by a train, it’s the perfect hit or miss: if you’re lucky, you’ll wake up retarded in a glorious new body made by science.

Disclaimer: please don’t get hit by a train.

It was bound to happen, Candace has always been an opportunist thot.

"we free"?

fucking really?

I would like to lick Candace Owens’ fart box

God damn it, it sucks that most heard people on both sides are pathetic lunatics.

DAE I’m raejepsenpublican and gotta support black mesiahs so I dun look rayciz 😂😂😂

this_is_fine. jpg

Is Candace Owens our own /u/cdace? I choose to believe so.

Nah bruh. I may be from Memphis but I ain’t a black woman

Didn't read and downvoted.

He's been very clear he didn't leave "the right" (which he's not REALLY on) he just thinks Candace and her people were using him.

He's still on "the right" but to him that just means he likes Trump so whatever.

I saw the trigger warning, but for some reason I tried to read it anyway, and got triggered. I'd like my money back, please.

If you believe anything about the context in which it happened, it seems very likely that Zoe Quinn had almost everything to do with it.

Almost every thread talking about social autopsy at the time was trying to get Candace on their side so they could have a black supporter to crutch on.

The same shit happened with the The Fine Young Capitalists kickstarter. They had to apologize to Quinn so they could exist.Their apology

Zoe Quinn didn’t understand this project, she decided to send some followers our way, one of them doxxed me, one of them sent a death threat, tons of them called me transphobic and the majority said the project was exploitive. It costed me some money, a friend and a sponsor. She fucked up, I’ve been treated worst, I rarely think about it anymore. My greatest sin seems to be not pretending it didn’t happen.

This is part of their apology.