Lefty Burgers lmao

1  2018-11-01 by Baconlightning


Side note: it's a function of that testosterone crippled brain that you are so focused on dicks, and your own dick in particular. Guess what? Take estrogen for a while and you will lose focus on that body part to the point where it doesn't even matter anymore. There is so much more to being a woman that genitals, like the depth and complexity of emotions and bonding with others in ways that are literally incomprehensible to you.


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Can an amerimutt fill me in here? I read there was going to be a "blue wave" this election season, so why are the lefties stressing over it so much?

I cant think of any factors that could have sent the public opinion towards the right, and if anything the recent boomboomer should have helped the Democrats

all these redditors who never shut the fuck up about politics also coincidentally don't vote, once pollsters realized this, they predicted the Rs to retain the senate and them dems are gonna pick up the house but not by much.

So if they believe themselves likely to get a house majority, why stress? Thats one of the 3 main branches of the US govt, so its gotta be important, right?

it used to be, obama kind of redefined the presidency, for better or for worse, he ruled by EO his last 6 years because republicans slaughtered the dems in every election from 2010-2014. if the dems take the house theyll do a bunch of impeachment proceedings and pass a bunch of batshit crazy bills that the senate nor trump will touch.

Whoa, they can actually impeach trump after they take house majority? Why arent all the magatards freaking out then, shouldnt that make them worried?

Impeachment is literally just a trial. And you need more than a simple majority plus the senate to convict. Bill Clinton was impeached but they didn’t have the votes to actually follow through with it.

they didn’t have the votes to actually follow through with it.

Didn't help that Newt's wild ride spectacularly backfired

Oohhh, i think i just misunderstood when it was explained to me the first time. I heard that it "starts the process of removing the president," and took it to mean that the rest of the process happens shortly afterwards

Impeachment is basically them deciding to bring charges against the president. The senate basically runs the actual trial.

Thats one of the 3 main branches of the US govt, so its gotta be important, right?

No, it's 1/2 of 1 branch. The three branches of the US government are Congress, the Executive Branch, and the federal court system.

Right, im sorry i forgot you also have a Senate. Its been a while since i took that world politics class in high school 😅

Thank you for correcting me

Thank you for caring so much about our politics.

It must be pretty fucking annoying having America be everywhere. Esp. for people from countries that have like triple our population, if I was born in India/China I'd be pretty annoyed that this random country across the world (who did invent the internet tbf to how awesome we are) is like 90% of popular internet.

Honestly, im just grateful that all these people ive never met had the effort and patience to teach me. The quality of responses caught me completely off guard tbh

Except for the retards, dramanauts are pretty smart.

Bizarre if you think about it. Its very common to encounter people that act smart and pretend to be "good," yet are assholes with an uninformed view

Here everyone claims to be retarded and a piece of shit, and yet they tend to be far from it

Comes with taking your daily alottment of bussy and receiving the light of Allah's love, pbuh.

Wa alaikum salaam brother, truly His message is prevalent throughout the sub

How could you forget we have a bicameral legislature you dumb bitch

r/drama is one of the least retarded places on Reddit. think about that.

One of the least retarded places on the whole internet. When I realized that, I had a mental breakdown, but I'm learning to be okay with it.

On the other hand, news from India seems to be the weekly gang rape and screeching at Pakistan while in China I’m fairly sure reading something negative about China online will get you blacklisted for life

That’s HALF of one of the three branches. It’s one of the two chambers of Congress. If they pull it off, they’ll be able to lock up legislation pretty hard and force compromises if the Republicans want to get anything done.

There’s a real question afoot about whether the polls are right this time around too. The Democrats have faced a lot of recent scandals and lost a good bit of support over them. It really could go either way.

A majority in the house can confirm the impeachment. Impeaching a politician is analogous to leveling charges or a grand jury indictment. The Senate then votes to remove them from office.

So basically if Dems retake the House bills calling for impeachment are going to be their version of House Republicans endlessly passing bills repealing Obamacare.

Let me clarify, the house could impeach Trump. Impeachment does not mean removed from office, it means the house basically brings charges against a politician. The senate can then remove them from office, after the impeachment.

But yeah, I do wonder if they'll just endlessly impeach him for shits n giggles

Pollsters don't use online sentiment; that would be the stupidest way to predict an election. They call random people. The biggest reasons why the polls were so inaccurate last time was because many Trump voters didn't admit that they were going to vote Trump and democrats were either demoralized by the Bernie loss and didn't vote or voted independent or thought that Hillary was going to win no matter what and stayed home.

i was being facetious, i realize pollsters don't read reddit, but redditors spouting retarded shit about politics is the same demographic that also don't vote.

i realize pollsters don't read reddit

Pretty much everyone who works in an office reads reddit, lol

but redditors spouting retarded shit about politics is the same demographic that also don't vote.

Very true

The guy who sits across from me and I have both claimed to not read Reddit, but we've caught each other reading Reddit at work.

So it is like porn.

I'd be less embarrassed if my boss found porn on my pc tbh

Pollsters don't use online sentiment

Sadly, actually a lot of places are using online polling data. 538's presidential approval tracker heavily favors data from You Gov

No one on the left thought Daddy would win in 2016 either so there's trust issues even though the prognosis looks good

This time the polls will be 99% accurate for sure

60% of the time, it works every time

To add what others have said, the Senate (upper house of Congress) is weird in that only 1/3rd of Senators are actually up for election. In this election, a lot of Democratic senators are up for re-election while only a few Republicans are. So even in a "blue wave", instead of picking off a bunch of Republican seats they'll mainly be keeping seats they already had. They could actually take the Senate, but it's a long shot.

Polls have barely moved all month. The Dems will win the house unless Nancy Pelosi eats a baby on live TV. The Republicans will keep the Senate unless Brett Kavanaugh rapes another woman on live TV.

It’s just that Daddy keeps flicking the button on the remote-control vibrator he’s stuck up the left’s collective bussy. Trans undefining, Troika of Tyranny, migrant parades, and other meaningless pandering nonsense keeps showing up and the media collectively drops to their knees and squeals.

The voters, thank fuck, seem to have caught on to this nonsense. Downticket candidates on both sides have been emphasizing their individuality and distancing themselves from the senile circus freaks.

You might have a point about the senility. Centuries ago, old men were seen as wise because thats what you had to be to not die by the age of 25

Now, pill popping boomers are around to correct that perception

Okay this take got me hard

The Dems will win the house unless Nancy Pelosi eats a baby on live TV.

I don't even think that's going to happen. The democrats are going to pick up seats. I don't think they'll get enough to win the majority. Republicans will lose a few seats in the House and pick up 1-to-3 seats in the Senate.

Red's goin' win because I don't see any lawn signs and it's gon' rain.

I read there was going to be a "blue wave" this election season, so why are the lefties stressing over it so much?

Because the idea of a "Blue Wave" was feel-good pablum for the sort of people who still wear their "I'm with her" t-shirt. If you ask your typical Reddit lefty from /r/politics or any of the more extreme lefty-pol subs they generally won't be able to tell you why they think there's going to be a "Blue Wave." They just believed the hype.

One guy suggested to me that because democrats had won 48 seats at the state level that the democrats had momentum. Never mind that none of the elections flipped any of the state legislature, that was a big deal to them. Meanwhile, democrats barely managed to win 2 of the dozen or so special elections for federal office since the presidential election. The special election in AL was practically handed to them when everyone found out Cotton Hill Roy Moore liked 'em young and they still barely squeaked that one out. The democrat that won the PA-18 race basically ran as a republican: pro-2nd Amendment, said he didn't like abortion, and promised not to support Pelosi for leadership. That race almost came down to a recount.

Now the reality that the "Blue Wave" story was a fairy tale is starting to set in. Even republicans in tight races are within the margin of error, which in most cases actually means they're ahead because pollsters suck at their jobs. Democrats have all but admitted they're going to lose senate seats. Now they're starting to hedge their bets about the House.

I've been predicting that republicans will lose seats in the House but maintain the majority and pick up seats in the senate. If that happens the salt is going to flow in ways we haven't seen since November 2016. Lefty-Reddit is going to lose its shit. It will be a golden era for dramacoin.

Your pulitzer's in the mail

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imagine blaming blumpf because you have no self-control lol

Okay. But how does Hillary add into the equation?

Tfw rightoids and leftoids are within the margin of error of each other.



imagine blaming Daddy instead of your dad for your alcoholism

the absolute state of burgerland

it's just a bulk phase ok

all americans are eternally bulking 💪💪 that's where their super male vitality™ comes from

No one has told them that to cultivate mass you actually got to lift

Mass Status: Cultivated.

Metric Levels: 0 Inches.

Freedom Levels: Error NaN

More like

Freedom Levels: -2,147,483,648

Only real CS niggas will get it 🇺🇸🤓😂👌🏼

Here's your golden handcuffs. By the way, we're gonna need you to work Saturdays this month.

I'm a retard explain the joke please

Just like working in CS? I wouldn't even know, still in school

If you leave yoghurt alone for 200 years it develops a culture

As if it’s going to convince anybody to stop eating or watching tv.

We must consume: food, entertainment, oil, nation-states

Well this isn't surprising in the slightest. Just reinforces studies like this one and this one.

That second study is quite interesting in that it is basically what we're all taught when we're young any way, the "hot" girl growing up never has to develop intellect or personality or even really be "nice" in any real way as their looks will carry them through life, the male version of the trope being the high school quarterback that almost always invariably either can't empathize with the nerds he picks on, or he can barely read. Of course the person that never develops intellect or empathy is going to more often end up a rightoid, that's just common sense.

Someone feeling peanut butter and jealous? 💪🏋️‍♂️💪🇺🇸💪

It takes actual effort, a proper diet, self restraint, self discipline and regular excersise to actually be buff.

Nobody is born buff nor do you get muscles without serious effort.

People complaining about the quarterback present it as if the quarterback was automatically blessed with a hyper atheltic build.

Being a fat unleathy wimp is a choice.

It takes actual effort, a proper diet, self restraint, self discipline and regular excersise to actually be buff.

Nobody is born buff nor do you get muscles without serious effort.

People complaining about the quarterback present it as if the quarterback was automatically blessed with a hyper atheltic build.

Being a fat unleathy wimp is a choice, not a curse.

Being fit and buff is a reward, not a blessing.

Literally half the argument is about high school prom queen cheerleader Stacy types and you're arguing about how much effort it takes? Those things you mentioned are required to be a BODYBUILDER sure, but not to just be buff, that can easily come from just working out regularly if you have decent genes.

that can easily come from just working out regularly

Which is 101% more than most people who complain about "jocks" are willing to do.

How many people who complain about meathead quarter do you think have ever set foot in a gym in their life?

maybe its just that fat ugly people are bitter and jealous and always want to take everyone else down a peg to make them as unhappy as they are

That would explain Daddy.

I think you're on to something.

yeah it def applies to a billionaire thats also in the most powerful political position in the world

There is no writing in the entirety of human history that I am aware of that is more spiteful than Donald Trump's Twitter feed 2012-2016.

Male participants (N = 171) aged 18–40 (M = 21.10, SD = 2.83), 98% of whom were students, were recruited via advertisements posted around the campus of a UK university and paid £5 for about 30 min of participation time. Ethnically the sample was 51% White, 25% Asian or Asian British, 11% Black or Black British, 6% mixed, and 6% other.

First problem, using a culture as the basis for a global stereotype is retarded. Its like saying everyone likes tacos because mexicans like tacos.

Second problem, they didn't add any actual standardized measure of swoleness, as far as I can tell. To be fair, I only know BMI but eh.

Also, it's been a while since I've read an actual chart with p values, but I'm pretty sure the test results put a bigger emphasis on age since 20 year olds are probably more swole overall than 40 year olds. Added with the fact that age is not considered a variable and this whole study is pretty suspect.

Given the small proportion of muscular people in the US, that wouldn't even begin to account for the effect in the OP. The abstract of the other study is incredibly vague so drawing it back towards the OP is stupid. The simplest explanation is that things are going much more poorly for the left at the moment, and when things are going poorly for people and well for others, the people who are having a bad time are more likely to use coping mechanisms, some of which are unhealthy. If you want to play the 'throw out research and hope it sticks' game, somebody could easily just link to maps of opiate addiction, obesity, etc. and maps of voting patterns side-by-side.

Those are a lot of words to defend being a tubby uggo 😂😂

Insults don't work if they're not true though

Is that why you get upset when someone calls you a furry

wow rude!

Only when all the leftoids have gone the way of Jim Fix and the rightoids have gone the way of my 600lb life can we remain to live the rest of our days out in the most absolute boring hell that is total world peace.

He absolutely won because of fat amerilards.

I prefer the term 'Warfarin American' tyvm

No... Amerilards. Amerimutts. 63%ers. Los monstruos. Amerifats. Rascalrats. Ameriburgers. Burgers. Etc. These are accepted by the most scholarly of spergs. I wouldn't call a Lolbertarian a capitalism connoisseur. I'd call him an ephebfeheebeegeebyphile.

The fatties who voted for Trump are fat from fried meat.

The fatties who voted against Trump are fat from baked goods.

Doesn't matter, fatso.

You're fat from both.

The centrist path is being skinny because eating is gay.

Guess again. I'm a skinny twink. I am too hairy tho😭😭😭

That makes you an otter you dumb idiot

Sorry daddy

Democrats are 50 percent more likely than Republicans to say they’re “eating their feelings” as a result of the current political climate. They’re also drinking more (a 2-to-1 ratio over their GOP counterparts). The ostensibly good news is that these stressed out Democrats are also working out more, by as much as 40 percent; but even exercise can be overdone.

So lefties are just doing a dirty bulk. I'm looking forward to the Freak Beast / Meat Goliath ticket in 2020.

Hit your macros, then double that. GET HUGE

Live big, die big, leave a big coffin.

Get yourself buried in your impact crater

No u

take that carbon footprint, and double it

is this where i post all the shops of the little girl actress from Kickass


They’re also drinking more (a 2-to-1 ratio over their GOP counterparts).

Everyone knows that conservatives lie about their drinking habits. Cue joke about baptists at the liquor store, party, bar, etc.


Democrats are on that sweet winter bulk. They'll easily outmuscle the average Republican in a few months

If they don't pass out from early onset diabetes

Independents (21%) are less likely than either Democrats (29%) or Republicans (28%) to say the political climate has specifically led to them exercising less.

Radical centrism wins again

I mean, saying that you don't exercise less than you did before isn't saying much actually.

Lol I posted this first in another subreddit. When /R/Drama steals your links you know you have made it.

Bragging about what you posted in T_D

Imagine being this autistic

No one here read the article.

It's just about how to relieve stress other than eating. Even rightoids do it.

Totally not true.

Its the booze thats makin me fat.

50% more democrats say they’re “eating their feelings”

That’s because republicans can just say they’re fat without blaming it on Krinkle Krumpf.

lmao the first tip is to stop watching the news. yes, the best way to destress is to pretend your views are actually represented in current events

Imagine eating when you're not actually hungry

I blame the news and social media for this. When people actually believe that Trump is Hitler and that he's going to kick all Mexicans out of the country, they get legitimately stressed out. And the news sites thrive off clicks and enjoy spreading panic.

The easier it is to access a vice, the more you’re likely to access it. Keep the sweets and liquor outside of the house if you’re trying to ease up on indulging.

BRB, just building a bar in my garden.

“If they’re not at home, then you’re less likely to eat them,” says Alpert. “Instead, keep healthy alternatives nearby such as fruit slices and vegetable sticks. You might also freeze grapes to provide a frozen treat, or eat Greek yogurt to simulate the texture of ice cream.”

I might not actually.