Pedophile furry mod destroys an entire discord server over an emote

1  2018-11-02 by NinjaPikachu1330


I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


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it seems that discord drama is a universal constant

It's over for Discordcels.

tragic 😭😪

Did it ever really begin

I only use Discord to try to befriend this hot modder chick I want in my life really badly, I don't think this will impact my uses much

Yo for real. /u/normie_girl won't let me post puppy pictures in the main channel. Nazi mods.

One day you'll be looking for that puppy pic again and you'll thank me that you catalogued it properly.

Not really. I keep them all saved and catalogued on my PC.

dude, all mods are bastards

Oh, they have fathers. They're just the byproduct of fentanyl induced inbreeding, is all.

can you link me his username on reddit?

None of this is even true.

idk. i hope all furries get the duterte treatment either way

For sure and I hope white supremacists kill themselves from being lonely unfuckable incels.

>mfw when no more white supremacist furry gf 😪

trappysaruh evilsibe Sorry for removing these comments but we aren't allowed to tell people to kys or say violence is good anymore.

Just got shadow banned from r/yiff without a reason but mainly I spoke out from it. The mod is a known pedophile and troll. He blames others and never takes blame for himself. His wikifur has compiled all the shit get did.

I got shadow banned too, this makes no fucking sense how he can't handle criticism regarding what he just did.

It's disgusting because I never knew this guy was a pedo and I thought Jamma owned the server.

Most people did, mostly 'cause Sibe spent like a year just avoiding the place entirely. I have to say, though it's unfortunate that it did happen as setting up the new server was a bit of a pain, it was pretty funny to watch him utterly crash and burn as the old server fell apart around him.



What a tool...

Excuse me can someone explain how there are furries shamelessly posting in my r/drama and no one is reminding them to hate themselves?

I'm surprised too, but I'm not knocking it for the moment.

The gulags kennels can't open soon enough

We’re collectively hating, as the owner is more mentally unstable than the others

There's /r/FurryPornSubreddit if you want to enjoy your cartoon animal porn in a place that isn't run by a pedophile lunatic.


I prefer /r/yiffinhell tbh

It's a good sub!

cartoon animal porn in a place that isn't run by a pedophile lunatic Is that even possible?

This is self loathing on a level the gays only wish they could reach.

Fucking garbage human being you are.


You know your life is on track when you have an article in a furry wiki that features your mugshot from jail


I support bullying now.

his illegal distribution of the copyrighted works of furry artists

Fucking based.

so he doesnt get banned for fucking a 13 year old

he gets banned for making a torrent for furry porn

once again furries prove they should be culled

Because I never fucked a 13 year old.

Welcome to r/drama :)

niggas can just go on u18chan or

Remove the link and I'll reapprove. Sorry but it contains his mugshot and that could get us banned by the admins.

Ok done.

Remove the mention of the wikifur too tbh.

Ok, done


That's not true.


To get unbanned put discord Id here -

Haha, no, answer the question.

Ban lists just have names, not reasons. So the answer is I don't know.

Oh that's cool, but why are you even mad about being banned from posting to /r/yiff? You never have posted to r/yiff before that and you still have access to all the porn so, whats the problem?

Still not answering my question. Still just deflecting.

You're such a MAGA loser, it shows in everything you do.

Well if you mean i Might Appreciate Gay Anal then yes, but I am a winner of that.

You're actually a fucking moron

You're waving your dick around to the point where even if the pedo thing isn't true, you're still a literal retard in the discord. Not to mention the rest of your actions in the subreddit where you lock your own posts when you don't receive the responses you expect and then repost it, or Ban people simply for asking things like what happened in the discord or what other yiff subreddits exist.

It's just abuse of whatever little power you have while literally every other moderator does all the work for you. Not to mention the pepe thing. Which is a retarded meme in the first place but the bit about it being associated with politics was a completely retarded misunderstanding by media outlets who don't understand memes. So you're obviously dumb enough to fall for that shit too, so obviously people are going to talk shit about how fucking dumb you are, because you factually demonstrated that you're retarded.

I was banned for posting a Pepe meme, he claims that Pepe is racist, all-rightist and bigotry.

Just say your fursona is a frog and hit him with a OC Pepe

Howdy, I'm one of the staff members that was there before he went bonkers bananas. AMA.

What even caused this? I keep hearing about how it was a Pepe emote that started this but why did he flip his shit over the Pepe emote?

That's pretty much all there is to it honestly. He just came in late last night, decided Pepe was racist, and started on the ban train.

Of course, he's not going to tell you that. Any discussion of any previous staff member was banned before the server was shut down entirely, now they're apparently jumping ship to a new one.

What´s your stance on the Fur Question?

N/A, as I am unfamiliar with what that is.

I would like to know if this article is accurate.

I can confirm that it is indeed accurate. You can find similar articles in places such as the encyclopedia dramatica. He has a long and well documented history of being a complete and utter jackass.

Howdy, Jamaa was planning on moving all the userbase to another server for a few months prior to me disliking racist memes being constantly posted.

Lol, shut up, whiner

A blatant lie. I had absolutely no reason to move to another server when I had already built up yours from some ~2,000 members to over 8,000. I hired someone who can program and we got our own custom bot that made the backend so much easier to deal with, and overall increased what staff was capable was doing. I increased staff accountability with a staff rules channel, which had never existed before I was in the position. Under my watch, that server had the most stable staff team it has ever seen. Staff members who were power abusive or drama magnets were removed from their post, new staff didn't fight. And that's without going into all the extra stuff we managed to do as a team for our user base.

Why would I want to throw away all my hard work?

No dude, you have been planning on moving the mod team and the user base for a while. I got tipped off to it and didn't believe it so I didn't even investigate further. You cannot be trusted and that's too bad.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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He banned all the mods, muted anyone that disagreed with him and muted everyone else. It pretty much got to the point where the mods had to make a separate server away from Sibe.

For the lazy

What kind of sad combination of autism, NEETism, and vidya leads people to actually spend time in and use discords?

After a while you start mistaking internet strangers as irl friends. Then the disconnected interaction with said strangers stunts your ability to socialize irl.

It's not that sad though. It's a pretty psychologically sustainable existence for a lot of people. There are also people who have been in and out of that mental state before so they're not really trapped in it, they just might choose to stay in it when they're financially stable and tired of dealing with the real world. It's only really bad when it's all you've ever known and you actually CAN'T escape from it. Once you have been out of it and developed a functioning social version of yourself, you can go right back to being a shut-in pizza&dew gamer and it shouldn't really hurt or be psychologically damaging anymore. I don't really get how this meme of calling it "sad" is still going strong like 15 years after becoming relevant, everyone should have had time by now to meet a few actual shut-in gamers and notice half of them are fine.


Didn't this guy molest his neighbor's dog too?

That was Kero. But since we're talking about furries here, it's a fair chance this dude has too.

Can we get furries added to the community notification offenses list?

It's over for Discordcels.

Here's a juicy recap from their new and improved discord.

I love how furries are linking to /r/yiffinhell as a way to attack each other now.

Here's a juicy recap from their new and improved discord. (Links to Reddit-unfriendly sites censored for obvious reasons)

I love how furries are linking to /r/yiffinhell as a way call each other out now.

Hey! You some kinda furry dog fucker or something? Or do you know about these things from your time undercover with the cyber police?

A certain aeromorph enthusiast provided me with this screenshot 😏

And here I am thinking anthro was deviant. Little did I know there are people who want to get down with titty airplanes.

Pedophile furry mod

I feel like a venn diagram of people those adjectives describe has an alarming overlap.

RIP u/PoorLilMarco

He wants to fuck puppies 🤔

Are you guys gonna make up that I'm a furry next? That seems like it'd be harder to fake convincingly than me being a pedophile

you guys

It's okay, you can just come out and say (((it)))

Lul, the fucking idiot needs to be relieved of his moderation position from all his subreddits for being a literal pedophile.

Lul, no.


Meh, everyone's destroyed a discord server once on their lives, it just sorta happens

Well, I don't know about that, but I can get only taking an isolated incident so seriously. That said, this isn't an isolated incident; this guy has a history of control issues - he frequently refuses to listen to and often even bans other moderators who disagree with him (this thread regards a similar incident). Additionally, he doesn't seem to think rules apply to him - he's been banned from multiple websites and conventions, refuses to disclose his HIV status to partners despite the law mandating it, and publicly brags about having had sex with a 13 year old girl at the age of 30 (there's even a record of the charges to be found with a little digging if you're feeling "impressed").

To top it all off, despite being the owner, he was minimally involved in the server (thankfully - when he was, he did more harm than good) and admitted that he doesn't even understand Discord.

Meh, everyone's destroyed a discord server once on their lives, it just sorta happens

yall newfags never heard of evilsibe? he's a military grade lolcow, goes back at least 10 years. check his encyclopedia dramatica page

Why are there so many furries in this thread?

Well, for starters, this is about something that happened on a furry Discord server...