Anti western cosplayers movement fundrising now on secure link, don't let racist western cosplayers to keep doing racism against us Asians and to keep ruining the Anime characters you love

1  2018-11-02 by SCAsian3


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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Join the anti western cosplayers movement if :

  1. You don't want racist western cosplayers to keep doing racism against us Asians. When racist western cosplayers cosplaying our Anime characters are the same as they imitate us Asians because we Asians make our Anime characters based on us Asians which Japanese also agreed with , imitating other race is racism.

  2. You don't want racist western cosplayers to keep ruining Anime including the Anime characters you love. When racist western cosplayers cosplaying Anime characters they only end up ruining the characters because they look nothing like Anime characters because they are not Asian while Anime characters are based on us Asians , millions of Anime fans especially in Japan are hurt by racist western cosplayers.

  3. Don't want more racist trash such as trump to emerge.

The minimum is 500 yen, 100 yen is around 1 usd and only Asians can participate in the fundrising, if you are not Asian you can still participate by joining the circles, add more likes, etc.




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What your favorite anime you're currently watching?

Who knows.

Its the bunny girl one, right?


you had me at anti-western. I am half japanese...half african american sadly but I have always supported my motherland in gaming, anime, food, protecting us from western censorship and I even produce kawaii bass.

But I stand with you against these colonizers!

Only pure Asian can participate.

based fuck hafus

you're an idiot. Hafus stand above as the true supreme race humanity has searched for for centuries. Purebloods could never understand the height and power combined with intelligence and talent with none of the drawbacks. It's like being Bruce Banner in Hulk's body.

Either side you can't compete and should be happy we allow you purebloods to live. But also realize the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are. If you want to disagree I'd say we put a tournament together, you're strongest purebloods vs my team of hafus so we can watch you cry and chimp out like Serena. Charity of your choice.

You're conflating white people cosplaying anime characters with the rise of Trump? Holy fuck lol. Do you have no greater aspirations in life? You're mad that white people don't look like anime characters? That's it? Are you fucking kidding? So Asians aren't allowed to dress as comic book characters? Is a black kid allowed to be Superman for Halloween? What the fuck is the matter with you, you idiot?

You said you were gonna post a picture of your massive hog!

Post it and we’ll donate!

Only Asians who agree with the movement who can participate.

Not racist sick western males who want to see other males penis.

Hi, I subbed to the r/awcmovement per your request under the impression that I was going to see some Asian dick. Unfortunately, upon learning this information I will have to regrettably retract my subscription. There's just no incentive anymore.

Great, I don't want sickos who want to see penis join the anti western cosplayers movement, only those who agree with the movement are worthy to join.

If you know any other sickos like you who join the movement then be sure to inform them to get out.

I agree with the movement, but you promised your hog!

You do realize no one on this sub agrees with your movement in any way at all? Your entire movement is just guys fucking with you


Shut up, chinky

Post your baby dick or get the fuck from round here

Half these characters have blue eyes and blond hair.


imagine being so cucked that you waste your time on shit like this

Lol but why the fuck are you posting here where everyone treats you like a joke?

Because there are many racist westerners here including who hate them such as you who try hard to convince yourself tthat anyone here see me as a joke.

Dude, every comment on this post is mocking you.

That is what happen when you just see me in here just now and not since many years ago and many other places on reddit.

Is your crusade flopping this badly that you have to go to places that openly mock you and deny they're mocking you to suck some of dat patreon dick?

The lack of fucks I give to your cause is so little that Im too damn lazy to even check your website.

And before you do your retarded NPC routine, no I'm not western.

In the end you reply to me trying hard to prove me wrong which turn you into disgusting hypocrite.

No one cares huh? Then prove it by ignoring me and what I did.

Why would I try to prove you wrong? I don't give a shit either way.

If anything it's more hilarious to egg on your denial, especially after being explicitly told so.

Keep going m8.

You said "no one cares", "you are denial", etc is evidence you try to prove me wrong.

Well just like other racist westerners you are also an idiot, no wonder westerners can't make any Anime since you are not as smart as us Asians.

Being said you're in denial and magically making criteria that no one gives a shit about kinda proves my point.

As for you being smart because youre asian? lol.

If we're going to go with retarded streotypes.

He promised to post his hog and never did, that’s why he is being mocked.

The problem here was not making it a fundraiser to try to get rid of all cosplaying. They're just furries with better PR.