"The “I'm nothing without Trump jokes” starterpack" by u/kekfugeee resident magacel starts drama with the libtards in r/starterpacks

1  2018-11-02 by Handsome7InchesTruth


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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I tried to watch one of these burger tv shows once, could feel my IQ dropping in real time

Can't go below 0 so don't worry

I don't worry, IQ tests are designed to favour white Western males, it's a tool of the patriarchy

Ahh so we were wrong, it can go below zero

Colbert Report was quite good IMO.

Colbert Report

not sure, but i think that as the one I watched. it felt pretentious and fake as fuck, but maybe the episode was just bad idk

It is satire which is why it might have seemed fake. He portrays a conservative character Sir Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, D.F.A in there.

Oh, that makes sense. I guess I should've watched more to understand the context.

If it felt pretentious, you were probably watching the Late Show, which Colbert is currently on, and is one of the most unfunny things on TV today. The Colbert report was from a few years ago now, where he played a parody of O’Reilly and Hannity. He stopped being funny when he dropped the character, but it was the best late night show by far.

Colbert Report was funny when it was a segment on The Daily Show, and for a little while after it debuted as it's own show.

it was funny through pretty much its entire run

That's just the nostalgia talking. Like how I still think Thundercats was entertaining.


fucking Gen Xers

Fuck yeah baby, the Me Generation, Cash is King, Screw You I Got Mine.

I hope Trevor Noah goes to Sudan do to some standup.

orange has feelings 2

not sure what you're talking about

Toucan-man has some pretty good segments. Can’t say the same for the rest of them though

hold on let me give you some late night TV galaxy brain food right here:

"orange man bad"

Hilarious and original

Lmao at op in the comments crying all over. Its over for magacels

i agree. maga cuckservatives are kike bootlickers

Got any more buzzwords, NPC?

Finally, those four are part of something that smells funny.

Finally, those four are part of something that smells funny.

Literally your just posting a bunch of pictures of people you dislike, how is this even a use of the meme?

They aren't sending their brightest.

It's slightly less blatantly salty than the ones that include several paragraphs of text

I love the starter packs that look like Ben Garrison comics

starterpacks is a dumb meme. Memes are dumb, so in fact the previous sentence was redundant. You care, you suck.

theyre all shit political humour tv hosts and all they do is bitch about trump, because theres a big audience of dumb people that love that right now

Rightoid humor is fucking garbage.

GIT ER DUN hahahahahahahah

"What if instead of Rightoid it was your mom's a slut, now let me mock black people for 10 minutes"

seriously Cumtown and other right wing podcasts are THE WORRRRST!!!! (insert that gif from that great tv show here)

I feel like you are mocking someone here, but i'm not sure who

How dare you insult the president of the DSA like that

Libtard humour is very organic. In the sense that all they have to do is act natural.

Sick burn !!!

Dude NPCs lmao

Lmao fahgots are gay and i wonder who controls the world, hmmm maybe the ((((((jewwwws)? Just asking questions. Facts cant be racism, i dindu nuffin kek shadilay!

this but unironically.

Just type out faggot, dipshit

Or does you leave your account open on your mom's computer?


lol this wasnt even supposed to be funny just anger you

hey that's me 👋. Trump is a kike screw him

r/starterpacks is literally a sub meant to trigger people. Why so many people dont get that concept is awe inspiring to me.

It's strange. Out of all the subs where the user base can be the point of a joke, starterpacks always spergs the hardest. They give CTH a run for their money.

r/Starterpacks today is even more retarded than r/adviceanimals ever was.


Boy do I have some bad news to tell you

We need to bring back the toucan or penguin or whatever.

Yea and everyone who isn’t a Trump supporter is a NPC. Get a new routine pls.

Does the left not realize the NPC meme was in response to Trump supporters being called nazis and Russian bots?

Only because it's not PC to call them regards, which is the apt description.

That doesn't bode well for the party of facts and science. But that happens under tyranny of the majority.

Everything happens in committee, and the people oldest stupidest ideas get tried in the newest ways.

So the left truggered trumpanzees so bad they broke them

Hit a little too close to home did it? You'll be alright, there's only six more years to go.

Dude... That's an even sadder explaination.

Apparently they need to learn the lesson a few more times.

The funny thing is I'm not a republican or Democrat but the dems are obviously living in delusion land where paid advertisements are telling them they're winning and everything is awesome.

Then you filter for the highest concentrations of wealth inequality, feces in escalators and IV drug use and it looks a lot different.

Dude GOPers are competing hard it what should be locked up races. Their internals must look like shit compared to published numbers (which still looks bad). Maybe we're in a post Reconstruction phase where power swings wildly for a few cycles but I'm guessing not.

And I'm a lifelong Republican. I just hate what national has become.

You're kidding right?

Dems have lost the house, senate, presidency and about 1050 state seats since ACA.

And the GOP was on its literal death throes in the 70s, 1992, 06 and 08. Your point?

Now they're the strongest they've been in a century. 538 is pretty bullish on Democrat chances if you look at it.

Dems are expected to keep the house, gain a seat or two and same in the senate.

Holy shit are you merican?

Paul "rage against the machine" Ryan is SotH... So the dems might get the house not keep it. Senate is at coin flip territory for control despite a very advantageous map for GOP (Nv, tn, and az look bad outright and TX and ND aren't so hot). Current Cook reports have almost a 40 seat swing in the house, and 51 seat majority in the Senate if trends hold.

Really I want this tea party shit to dieand whither from my party. They can't compete honestly or nationally tbh.

You must be looking at those Hillary has a 98% chance to win pollsters

Are you dumb? 30k votes amongst 3 states changed the calculus... That's a lot harder in state races dingus...

dude bussy lmao

are you asking why NPCs arent more introspective

Trevor Noah is so unfunny, it's painful. I saw one of his standup clips on YouTube and he literally repeats headlines and calls it a joke.

Trump humor has become too much of a crutch for comedians.

His writers take the jokes from /r/worldnews that don't get deleted I think. I don't understand how one person can say so many words without conveying any meaning while being unfunny at the same time.

It’s gonna be really interesting to watch the late night comedy bubble burst after Trump is gone.

The fact that this title makes sense is a bad thing

I love being reminded of why I love this place. So fucking true. Especially Trevor Noah. His show is literally just shutting on trump in whatever way he can for 30 minutes, but he's "serious". Itd be crazy if these guys actually had to write funny material, they'd be shit out of luck