/r/Redacted mods lock another post for going against the holy decree of Allah

1  2018-11-02 by Icyartillary


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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i thought /r/redacted was /r/politics not news

I’ve seen it go both ways but you could be right and I’m an idiot

I’m an idiot

He's right so... I mean, you said it not me.

Redacted is politics. T_D isn't allowed to mention the sub any more so it became /r/Redacted.

admin or mod rule?


“In public speeches, Rizvi has said his only demand is that the mother-of-five be put to death.”

He only wants one little thing, and they won't even give him that

All I wanted was a stoning and she wouldn't give it to me

If Americans could discuss this subject without lengthy posts fantasizing about mass murder and indiscriminate slaughter maybe locking the thread would not be necessary

You do realize that that shit is not in fact legal and reddit has no responsibility to be a publisher of your sick genocidal fantasies

It's amazing you guys seriously consider yourselves to be morally superior

What pasta is this

discuss this subject without lengthy posts fantasizing about mass murder and indiscriminate slaughter

Says the commie.

Pakistanis are not minorities in Pakistan.


Is this a watermark alt?

Generic retard account

Thread praising muslims for donating to synagogue victims: front page for 2 days.

Thread pointing out Islam is still retarded: locked down, comments nuked.


You mean mentally challenged!! You're really in trouble now!!

And nothing of value was lost.

I love people that argue that all Islamic fanaticism is caused by Saudi Arabia. They certainly make it worse but most of these areas would be islamist shitholes anyway.

Doesn't r/news has a legit Islamist moderator?

If youre a christian woman like Asia Bibi dont count on the democrats to save you from being hung in the street by animals.

I love that dems will preach feminist ideals but absolutely defend a religion that’s 73% abusing women

abusing women

To people like you, not bending over for a femoid's every need is abusing them.

Not sure what you mean? I’m not a feminist

"But not all muslims!"

"Entire country riots"