Blizzard Entertainment successfully trolls a huge chunk of their fanbase by taking their flagship IP Diablo to cell phones

1  2018-11-02 by no___justno




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Poor Wyatt :(

he looked absolutely crushed. It was so quiet and there were obviously built in applause breaks. Such a shitshow.

It's going over well on youtube.

45k dislikes


A well loved game gets ratioed harder than bad mysic videos ala its everyday bro


Teh internetz hath no fury like a gamer scorned.

LOL at the people for saying Blizzard goes FULL EA but been playing Hearthstone for years.

blizzard going full ea

diablo 3 has real money auction some point

More like ea going full blizzard

RMAH was great for boofing middle schoolers out of valuable items and selling them for real cash.

That auction thing was great, too bad whiny nerds got it removed. You could run a bot, and make $50-100 a day.

Apparently he was crying backstage afterwards, makes me sad :(. He definitely took one for the team.

It was especially bad because the announcements up until that point were pretty hype (WC3 remaster, classic WoW release date, overwatch crap) and went over big with the live crowd, then they close the show with.. a reskinned chinese mobile app with "Diablo" slapped on it.

hehe F le epix lol XD

i'll only play a diablo game that lets me reskin all the enemy mobs as black plantation workers anyway

Oh cool, I can play this when I get bored with that Elder Scrolls mobile game.

i don speak gaymer some1 expln? ๐Ÿ˜ท๐Ÿ˜ท

This is one of those how you know you're getting old situations like when 'new music' stops being cool.

I have no idea why this vidya post is good/bad/whatever.

Here's some context and some definitions to help.

Blizzard has a popular franchice called "Diablo." The last one was mishandled pretty badly, fixed later on and people were excited for the announcement of a new one this year.

Mobile games, especially "free to play" (games with no entry fee) ones have a reputation of being thinly veiled Skinner Boxes to slowly convince players to normalize spending exorbitant amounts of money on the game.

When you combine the hype for a new high quality PC game, the general reputation of mobile games, and the relatively scummy reputation of the mobile dev Blizzard is working with you get a recipe for disaster.

If you have any weeb knowledge, imagine if Jojo's Bizarre Adventures part 5 was announced to be a Disney channel live action adaptation instead of what it was.

original game created in 1996

"Wtf these young kids and their new games"

PC games good.

Mobile games garbage.

Blizzard told us diablo 2018 good.

Diablo 2018 garbage :'(

Nerds really hate mobile games, so by making a mobile game they think Blizzard is betraying them to cater to normies.

I mean mobile games are shit in general.

Clearly you haven't played Desert Golfing

Or Grindr.

Or Headsup at a drunk halloween party

I like heads up seven up, but that's just me.

Weird flex, but ok.

How dare you assume I've never played that

True. Now do you:

  1. Choose to not play them.


Itโ€™s more catering to the Asian market to reap that sweet sweet Chinese micro transaction moolah, but pretty much

Even better, this is the opening announcement for a yearly convention dedicated entirely to Blizzard.

They targeted gaymers. Gaymers.

Hearthstone is flatlining and not nearly the cash cow it once was, makes sense that theyd be desparate for another grab at the smartphone crowd

Eternal is better in every aspect except for graphics anyways.

Eternal is so fucking good.

Doom Eternal isn't out, did you get to play it at a convention or something?

No.... Eternal CCG

Why would you expect anyone to know what that is, retarded gaymers GET OUT!!! OUT!!!

We were talking about Hearthstone, which is a CCG. And I said Eternal was better in almost every way. You don't compare apples to oranges, do you? Cause the other guy got it.

If you could take time from sucking your mother's dick and licking your father's cunt and see what is happening around the world, you wouldn't be in this predicament and sperg out like this.

This but applied to you and unironically, you serious posting faggot.

How is eternal better than hearthstone? I played hearthstone when it first came out and got down to the single digit ranks for a few seasons but lost interest soon after.

More cards in your deck (min 75), more abilities like War cry and Double strike, you get 20 cards per pack, you get gold or a card every time you win, the single player events are more interesting and difficult, it has drafts that let you keep the cards, so you get your money's worth even if you lose, there's more tactics possible, and unlike MTG Arena, it's also on mobile, though like Hearthstone, the desktop interface is easier to use.


i think the current strategy of Blizzard is to piss of their shareholders and go bankrupt, because I have no fucking idea why all of their ideas are so retarded

They're a subsidiary of Activision. In the past month the share has crashed from $83.02 to $68.99.

Didnt new Blackops shatter records? Too bad Destiny sucks, and Hearthstone/wow/overwatch/diablo also suck.

Is that why blizzard randomly gave me Destiny 2 today?

Destiny2 is unironically good now

*With a $60 DLC

$40* but ye

No, black ops reached its market maximum which is why the stock dropped. It still sells well (making $500 million in three days) but its selling a little less year by year

$83.02 to $68.99

But that's just following the general stock market dip though. I have no doubt this POS game would make a shit ton of money.

This time last year the stock was $63. The company is doing fine.

Absolutely. They've got a bunch of reliable long term revenue streams but don't seem to have anything in the horizon which is going to be the next cash cow. Investors expect unrealistic growth continually so punish stocks Rhys don't deliver that.

Heroes of the Storm also shit the bed with their new changes (not that anyone cares)

What changes? Havenโ€™t played In awhile

In 2019 forts aren't gonna be worth xp and mercs are gonna be worth 100% xp if you're defending against them in lane. So basically team deathmatch and lanes don't matter


I would unironically kill for a a deathmatch mode in a moba that was balancedish and fun

The issue is there is a whole class of heroes based around pushing in lanes that get sorta deleted from the game. I agree that it would be cool to have it but we sort of have that already in the weekly brawl mode.

Dota has that.

Try Battlerite (haven't played in a while, it might be dead already).

That still sounds like normal heroes of the storm to me

I mean sorta but split pushing is a viable option depending on the map. It'll get you a few levels ahead if they don't pay attention to it and you can steamroll after that

forts aren't gonna be worth xp

What the fuck are they thinking LMAO

Yeah, structures give no XP now.

Also the new hero's controversial because she's Nexus original (and her lore isn't even well written or interesting imo) and she's the only one to be revealed at Blizzcon.

gay shet

Abilities look cooler than average at least.

League is dota for retards, and Hots is league for retards, so I'm not sure they'll be able to tell the difference.

League is just a much better game than dota tbh. I don't know if I'd call it a game for "retards" considering the absurdly high skill cap as well.

It's nothing like HOTs. They made HOTs for the stay at home home/casual base.

implying league has a higher skill cap than dota in either pub or pro play

Oh no pizza by why

I mean, I didn't say it has a higher skill cap, I said it has a high skill cap and in general is just a better game.

U right I was gonna delete but i thought let's see where this goes. I just viscerally dislike league basically

I don't think anyone is gonna argue dota has a lower skill cap than league.

Creep denial alone makes the skill cap higher in DOTA. I just think dota is less fun than league on average and that's the best way to judge a video game.

have u considered getting gud

I think league has tons of problems that are almost all entirely riots fault, like the team/season system, the absolute dominance of East Asia in the sport, still having a completely archaic client without in game spectating or replay, poor performance and sluggish feel, RMT for heroes, and no icefrog.

Didn't they overhaul the client not even 2 years ago. I'm also pretty sure there are replays/spectating..

No idea tbh, You're probably right, but it took 5 years of making money hand over fist to include a basic feature like that? I bet they probably still released a shit client after that time anyway.

There's nothing more compelling in esports than the dota2 International, where even unknown randos can open qual and beat the best established teams and become millionaires just by having the best strategy and skills.

Who doesn't? You can't deny Dota is just LoL for elitists, and if you still play any of that shit competitively to this day you should seriously reconsider your priorities. But casually played LoL is much better imo.

It's all a part of their diablolical plans.

You underestimate the pockets and overestimate the standards of the mobile crowd. The game will be schlock with non-existent gameplay depth, the average Joe will actually flock to it for that reason since what he wants is a time-waster with a cool IP attached that he can play with one finger during his commute or on the toilet, it will earn more revenue than any other Diablo game before it, and the tears of anguish will flow.

this is exactly what will happen. nerds will get mad.

it will be hilarious.

Yea but those aren't the type of people that stick around for the long term.

It doesn't matter; there's an endless number of them.

Question is, do they care at all about the Diablo IP? It's a very different demographic. For most of them, it might just be yet another generic mobile game.

They don't have to and it doesn't matter. Do you think the majority of people who play Nintendo's mobile games are going to buy a Switch and play BOTW? Of course not, it's a different market.

Diablo Mobile will have swords and magic and shit on its front cover and because it's a well-known company mobile gamers will eat it up. If they actually play other Diablo games it's a nice bonus but not really necessary.

Neither were most people playing Pokemon Go but for a few months that was printing money for Nintendo and Niantic

it will earn more revenue than any other Diablo game before it, and the tears of anguish will flow.

Mobile gaming is seldom profitable, and even when it is most of your income comes from less than 1% of your users. The mentally disabled individuals willing to drop hundreds of dollars on virtual money are in limited supply too, so you're competing with all other succesful games in the market instead of mostly existing next to them.

Mobile gaming earns around as much as PC and console gaming combined, and Fire Emblem Heroes, another F2P adaptation of a premium game franchise, is already at $400 million and counting. Just because the masses aren't willing to spend 99 cents on poorly marketed pixel art shovelware anymore doesn't mean there aren't truckloads of money waiting to be bilked out of bored rich people and idiots with poor impulse control.

NetEase is one of the largest mobile gaming companies in China and have already proven that their ARPG gaming formula is profitable without relying on an existing IP, just as Niantic did with Ingress, so Diablo: Immortal is basically guaranteed to print money for Blizzard.

My mom will just sit and waste time on a slots game, it's no wonder she thinks videogames have absolutely no value.

I don't really know what they're doing tbh. It's like they just stopped caring, BFA was so riddled with bugs on launch it was like a fucking indie game.

For people that don't know, there's something called "m+" in wow that basically scales small group content up, the higher you go, the harder it is, the better loot you get at the end of the week.

Well, the last week of legion people had done m+. For some reason, it rolled over into BFA and every retard in the game got max item level loot they shouldn't have had.

They've also had to readjust every azerite trait in the game like 4x. It's very clear they didn't test their own game.

From what I gather, beta bfa players pointed out many of these issues but blizzard was like 'lol I whatever, nerds' and never made any effort to address them prior to release.

Every issue that went live was talked about during the beta. They literally refuse to listen to people.

A friend of mine was casting arena for blizzard and let me use his forum account to see the "secret feedback" sub they have.

I looked at the entire thing and every issue people complained about for years was on that sub, meaning blizzard knew about all of it.

The only people they let on there were pro players.

Glorious classic servers when, it will make azeroth great again

Summer 2019 officially, and lawls if you think that throwback will have any staying power.

Imagine imagining that any pre-cata version of wow could somehow be worse than BFA

Imagine imagining that any pre-cata version of wow could somehow be worse than BFA

All of that is true, I quit playing BFA little ways into launch because well yeah, anyhow I've heard all of this from a friend who still raids.

Thing is at least wow players have something to play getting regular updates. Diablo fans? uhhh yeah. I think they are right to be upset.

blizzard unironically has not made a good game since WC3, you could argue vanilla wow, but i didnt play it so i cant speak to it

I can't even find the reveal on the blizzcon app

BlizzCon in general has been a real treat this year tbh.

Watching the Diablo devs crush the hopes and dreams of the fans was great, but the Hearthstone stream failing so badly they had to cut over to the Overwatch panel was also wonderful.

And tumblr is triggered that Overwatch added another white straight girl to the game, while at the same time essentially confirming the ever-so-dreamy McCree is in fact straight and does not want to bang Hanzo. It's a sad day for the PoC ace crack shippers over on that side of the internet.

And there's the usual autism that comes from getting a bunch of obsessed no-life nerds together in a room to orgasm over video game announcements and ogle gamergrrrlz wearing "cosplays" while ignoring the actual gamer girls wearing legit cosplays.

Plus there was transgender drama, because when and where isn't there transgender drama in 2018, I ask you?

Oh man I was too busy having my soul crushed by Diablo. Now that I'm deep in denial and feeling better I'll have to check out that other drama.

holy fuck are the tumblr fanatics ever going to stop forcing LGBT on every fictional character ever?


not braindead


The females are so lucky. If a guy starts shipping female characters with female characters because they just want to see hot lesbian action, they get called perverts. If a girl does the same with male characters, she gets to pretend to be woke.

They're like 5% of the population so if one person in 20 is in the LGBT bracket it's fair representation.

If they REALLY wanted to start a salty drama war their only LGBT representitives would be trans.

You mind giving me some links or general locations to keep an eye on? I'm lazy, out of touch with vidya and don't feel like looking very hard.

Just as very general directions towards good drama...

Has a number of people raging about yet another conventionally attractive white foid and REEEEE MY GAY SHIPPP!!! ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

4chan video game nerds whining about other nerds and SJWs as usual. The catalogue is full of fallout from blizzcon right now. Also check the archive, they usually do a good play-by-play thread of funny and dramatic stuff with a relatively good bootleg stream.

Just one of the massive fuck-ups leading to the event.

This is a super basic list btw. I didn't think to save links to good drama threads unfortunately, so I'll have to find them again as I go. Will try to keep you posted! ๐Ÿ˜

Got a run down for the trans drama?

A trans person had the nerve to speak on the Hearthstone dev team.

Nerds are not happy. /vg/ and /v/ are sperging out, and r/Hearthstone has a few people who also are not OK with that.

It does not help that the person in question did not pass well at all and was super cringey on the panel.

What did it ask?

Forgot to mention the new loli character in heroes lul

Imao and the nerds payed 200$ for that.

I think it was when people started caring about the sexual orientation of Overwatch characters that I became fully committed to the extinction of the human race.

And tumblr is triggered that Overwatch added another white straight girl to the game

But they are supposed to be happy that a white male has not been added to the game since launch.

For non-gaymers (pbut) - imagine if Disney fans were asking for a new The Little Mermaid for 15 years, finally thought it was happening and then had Disney announce that they were making a Sebastian the lobster claymation spin-off instead.

diablo hasnt really been their flagship IP for 20 years but lol it was still pretty funny

The gamers need to rise up and storm the Blizzard offices to punish them for this indiscretion.





and gamers did rise up and made an elderly asian man cry backstage because his new game has more credit card slots than something with an unreasonable amount of slots.

Oh no how will Blizzard fans be able to find a phone to play the new game?

What the fuck is it about gaming and gamers that turns people into such perma-triggered rage fountains? I've played video games more than anyone ever fucking should. I wonder what I'm missing since I never completely lose my shit over shattered exceptions when games I myself imagined are going to happen turn out..not happening.

What is it about gaming and gamers that turns people into such perma-triggered rage fountains?

Because when you spend 50 hours playing a video game what do you have to show for it? You invest so much time into playing just to see some numbers go up? Other media doesn't take nearly as long to consume and other hobbies actually make something or at least give you an experience to talk about.

Gamers rage because they know they are wasting their time. Sisyphus was happy because that's all he could do. Gamers look at the outside world and to their "peers" and see them making their life worthwhile, all while they accelerate towards death due to self-inflicted obesity and diabetes

I think you're on to something there. When I got to the end of Mass Effect 3 and realized that I had put 200 hours of my life into something with no payoff in the end I... oh God... I can't even talk about it. Need to go back into therapy over this.

"Look at me everybody I read camus!" --everybody who reads camus

What is it about gaming and gamers that turns people into such perma-triggered rage fountains?

It's a hobby that requires you to spend hundreds of hours alone in your bedroom, so it attracts children and socially handicapped adults. They're also the only ones you ever hear from. Normal people aren't going to look up the trailer for something that doesn't interest them so they can write about how they don't like it.

Imagine playing diablo over POE.

Because bland generic fantasy is so great as long as you call them illk'v'nth'vranthi instead of just dwarves.

What if by some miracle it's really good and it works tho?

It's developed by some Chinese company so it won't be. They'd still be mad if it were good though.

I remember there was this iphone game called infinity blade made by a dev owned by Epic Games and it was actually really good. They planned to make a spinoff dungeon crawler but it got cancelled when the studio shut down, it looked pretty good. I think people assume phone games are shitty cash grabs and honestly while I can't blame them, there is a 1% chance it'll be at least decent.

I think the stigma against mobile games is creating like a feedback loop of shit. All of these big developers could make a great mobile game, but if they dare put their resources into that rather than a console or PC game, they get dragged through the fuckin' mud. Even Blizzard, who never puts their name on anything that isn't at least polished and pretty solid. Bethesda at E3 as well. You could feel the tension of the crowd through the screen when Todd tried to sell Elder Scrolls mobile, and that game even looked kinda neat, and the crowd wasn't even all hardcore nerds. It seems like a lot of big publishers see the platform as too risky to do anything other than port old games to, or license a franchise to some cheap small developer. I hope the trend changes but I'm not counting on it.

I think that problem is mostly just exclusive to the English speaking world though. Over in Japan they put out a dozen anime tiddy mobile games every month, some of which are alright. Even Nintendo is on the tiddy game train.

Gamercide when? Every breath a gamer take is an insult to Allah.

Should'a known from blizzard being fat ugly 80 iq burgers.

I gave up on blizzard when Diablo 3 turned into a shitty no skill tree game with wow graphics (or Torchlight 2).

> Flagship IP

> Diablo

Are you retarded?