The WSJ just caused 27K going to St. Judes to be refunded because of “distasteful jokes”, the WSJ is a joke! #WSJkillskids

1  2018-11-02 by wazzupnerds


And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


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Isn't $27k almost enough for half a syringe of saline in the US?

Americans took fallout quotes to seriously

death is a preferable alternative to communism

Imagine thinking "better dead than red" cam from Fallout

The exact quote did

Weeb begone!

t. anime reviewer

You made me and it's not a spergy anime it's actually good

Animes about bunny girls aren't spergy?

Wtf is that comic?

And bunny girl anime is straight as fuck. Anyway by less spergy i mean it's not extremely tropey

Imagine thinking Fallout kids heard "better dead than red" in the first place to even connect it to their shitty Oblivion mod.

Imagine there’s no heaven

Easy if you try

No hell below us

Above us only sky

Imagine all the people

Living life in peace

death is a preferable alternative to communism

This but unironically

Seconded and similarly unironically

Communism is a preferable alternative to fascism.

Chapotards out

I've been to Eastern Europe and met people who risked their lives to be free of communism. People who had friends and family die because they wouldn't tow the party line. I think that every one of these upper middle class white college students should ask there parents to fly them to a post Soviet state. Let them see why the phrase better dead than red is true for millions.

My dad grew up in the Soviet Union, and he never stops reeing about how awful communism is. Unfortunately the Soviet Union is still highly approved by older Russians. Probably cause the 90's were so awful.

Manufacturers can write off giving them medication and equipment as charity for the dollar value. In some cases.

Yeah, but the syringe isn't coated with MRSA so still better than the NHS.

Buh buh at least we're not as bad as britbongistan

I bet you went to prom with your sister.

We don't have proms here you yankee faggot.

Sorry. Promenade*

The hilarious thing is that throughout the stream, the participants were joking nonstop that if it every came out about what the different conversations were about, St Jude would have to return the money

And then it happens because the idiots kept a copy of the stream up...and now they are outraged.

The lack of self awareness is hilarious to me.

What were the jokes?

Basically /pol/ based on my not watching the stream.

So they had a Holocaust denier on for about 30 minutes arguing that the stories of survivors were all fake. He tried to claim that many of the stories implied the victims rode roller coasters.

The whole point is they let this guy ramble and then at the end, Ralph or someone else says something along the lines of "Well St Jude's gonna return the money" and the all laugh.

Like no shit. That is exactly what happened only now they are freaking out about it like kids are going to die.

They also seem to think this is a massive conspiracy by the media to affect the mid terms by silencing alternative voices.

Like what?

They knew they would eventually get kicked, but they did not expect the charity donations to be refunded

Yeah...I'm not how they think a charity is going to risk it's overall ability to collect funds for a little over $26k.

Wow that is a lot of self righteous right wing garbage

Metokur fags can fuck right off