Boomercide is happening!

1  2018-11-03 by Kochroach


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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The unintended consequence of achieving a longer lifespan is younger generations start resenting you for overstaying your welcome. We're all Prince Charles now.

Seriously, I'd be a hell of a lot less pissed off at the boomers if they'd get the hell out of the way. But no, all the big politicans are boomers, the CEO's and managers are boomers, everybody who makes any decent money or has any say in anything is a boomer. And they wonder why us later generations are stressed out, depressed, reluctant to buy expensive things, want to have actual home and family time, and why Gen Z and the tail end of the millennials can't afford to move out.

be boomer vote for more work hours vote for less pay vote for no healthcare vote for no pregnancy leave vote for less school funding dude what's up with family foundation lmao

How stupid can an individual be, desu.

Be genXer, wonder if you fucks are turn on us next after our parents have been eliminated


*Vote for every generation for pay for your retirement and healthcare

Is boomercide a wrong thing? I see nothing wrong with it tbh.

If only.