A “”””””lawyer””””””” on r/legaladviceuk is revealed to be a LARP.

1  2018-11-03 by Ghdust2


I'm not used to such hate being directed at me and that made me cry


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  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is

  2. https://www.reddit.com/r/LegalAdvic... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is

  3. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

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ni🅱🅱a should be studying for his LSAT, not wasting his time on this internet troll shit

Someone on /r/legaladviceUK isn't qualified to give out advice that a barrister is paid a professional wage to? Shocked

Almost anyone giving advice on English law on Reddit won't have finished their LLB.

In other jurisdictions legal professionals can do crazy shit, like Elizabeth Lee of the DNC LOLsuit going to INFOWARS.COM to cry crocodile tears about her fear of Clinton assassins. In the UK a Tweet that vaguely suggested something of the sort and not in relation to a case you were involved in, would see you banned from practising / disbarred.

It's just ingrained. But with the study of some law starting much younger in the UK there are a lot of young idiots who don't face any consequences and think they're clever.

I often find people on the internet that claim to be experts in whatever they happening to be talking about.


You can say that for about every seriousposter and """contributor""" there

Seriousposters here are just larping as intelligent people.

Sub of fake lawyer throwing one of their own under the bus.

It's a part of the charade, kind of like corruption prosecutions in mainland China.

aside from that I lol'd at this

Anyone with any shred of knowledge of the Sexual Offences Act 2003 could tell you that this is not correct - the definition of rape (contrary to s.1 of the Act) requires that the penis belong to the offender, which means that people who are biologically female are legally incapable of committing rape.

if legit that's incredibly retarded. but it's also the UK

It is true; its also a massive bone(r) of contention for MRAs in the UK.

Wait, so fingerbanging a chick also isn't rape in the UK? JFC

It's considered rape as long as the fingers originally belonged to the offender. This means that double amputees are legally incapable of committing fingerbang rape in the UK.

i think its just called something different, like sex assault by penetration or something

idk how the punishments for those two compare tho

Imagine writing articles about reddit.

Imagine a legaladvice sub caring that its contributors are retarded liars.

This is my surprised face

Fact that surprises absolutely nobody