Actual, literally, self-defined Nazi doesn't understand why people don't trust Nazis.

1  2018-11-03 by Ghdust2


Jews did this


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Nailed it snappy

We shouldn't have been involved in the war to begin with.

US had to practically force the Japanese into striking out at Pearl Harbor with huge sanctions and a practically defenseless fleet of battleships parked there without a care in the world. US people were completely against joining the war prior to PH.

Without the US the war would have never escalated past Germany reclaiming their borders. Hell France already gave up and signed an armistice. Britain and US weren't even in the war yet.

Hitler attacked Russia on news that Stalin was going to invade Europe. Otherwise the war in Europe was pretty much over at this point. Then the US provoked Japan into attacking PH so they could enter the war to destroy Germany, and stop the spread of NS which was spreading throughout Europe politically prior to WW2. NS was incompatible with globalism is the real reason they destroyed Germany.

There’s so much bad history in that thread that I feel physically ill but that Nazi’s version of events leading up to and during WWII is some of the most retarded and delusional ahistorical revisionist bullshit I’ve ever read.

It's fascinating to see how deluded people can become to support their worldview.

defenseless fleet of battleships

I can't stop laughing at the stupidity.

Yeah, what exactly would qualify as a well defended fleet of battleships?

You need spaceships to defend them, duh.

defenceless fleet of battleships

Thats an oxymoron

I mean, battleships are pretty defenseless against a swarm of airplanes.

It's why carriers replaced battleships as the most important part of any fleet pretty much overnight once the pacific war really got started.

Battleships are far, far more defensible against airplanes than carriers are. The fleet at Pearl was actually extremely well defended by AA except that Kimmel and Short were amazingly incompetent and effectively gave the fleet the weekend of Dec 6/7 off, standing down from previous high alert levels, because they figured the war was about to start and everybody needed to be well rested going forward.

Battleships are far, far more defensible against airplanes than carriers are.

If the carrier is empty, sure. But I'd argue that a carrier with 20-30 planes in the air guarding it is considerably better defended than a battleship with aaa.

For the American fleet post-1944 this is true, and even in 1941 with radar and FDO in a relatively primitive state, American carriers, unlike any other in the world, could put up a decent active defence (cf. Butch O'Hare and the raid on Rabaul.) But overall, through most of WW2, carrier CAP was just not very effective. It would stop obsolescent aircraft that lacked performance to make interception a challenge, and it might stop isolated or "strung out" attacks, but a concerted attack by modern aircraft was practically guaranteed to overwhelm it.

Don't underestimate the passive defences of battleships. Modern battleships were practically immune to dive-bombers, the most effective means of attack against ships, while carriers were terrible vulnerable and could be mission-killed or even killed dead with a single hit. And only the largest and most modern carriers had comparable torpedo defence systems, the smaller ones like Wasp and most of the Japanese carriers were badly vulnerable. Most of the damage done at Pearl Harbor would have been avoided if the ships had been in proper watertight condition, which they were not because of the low alert level.

Don't underestimate the passive defences of battleships.

Say money was no object, and in some alternate history, America decided to operate battleships to the present. Not just old battleships kept in service with a few cruise missiles and phalanx guns stuck on them, but modern battleships designed and built in the '50s, '60s, '70s, etc.

At what point do they stop making sense? Presumably a modern cruise missile would disable a battleship?

Uhhh okay I've read like actual non-fiction books about naval technology and tactics in the superdreadnought era though

delusional ahistorical revisionist bullshit

In /r/conspiracy? Who would have thought?

I know it's wrong because it's different than what they taught me in school and what wikipedia says.

I know it’s wrong because I’m not mentally challenged


I feel physically ill

you sound like a srdine

Wow your bantz are so devastating how will I ever recover

i wasnt trying to insult you, you just sound like a srdine by saying that unironically

Fam you should know that there is no greater epithet than being called a srdine

this subreddit is incredible, you never know which way its gonna go. for the last few months weve been full of magapedes reeing about how the socialist dems are going to kavanaugh the whole male race if they aren't stopped, now all of a sudden we're upvoting mr "so physically ill at the ahistorical revisionism that i can't even" here. its a dang rola coster and i love it

The Nazi army was the most culturally diverse army in the world. That genocide crap is all propaganda.

This, but ironically.



No one with that hair should ever be respected or put in a position of authority

why the hell does her hair choice matter that much to you

I support hair styles like that. It's like a retard uniform, saves you a lot of time.

from being emphatic and treating people like individuals? yeah, you're right

Why would I treat someone as an individual when they wear the uniform of a dipshit?

Basic kindness but you seem to be a lost cause

not judging people on their appearance in 2k18

umm, I don't think so sweaty

The Nazi army was the most culturally diverse army in the world. That genocide crap is all propaganda.

Imagine having access to Google, which would thoroughly debunk this retarded comment, and STILL typing this.

Only a mayo could be so retarded.

It may actually have been tho.

Huge amounts of volunteers and foreign conscripts from all over Europe and the world were in the Wehrmacht and SS. Many colonials defected from Britian and joined Germany. There are some photos of African and German soliders laughing together. Many other groups who were persecuted by the USSR also aided Germany. Mostly Muslims, since Hitler did not want Slavs in the military.

Yeah, it's a failure of interpretation rather than being factually nonsense. Especially after the manpower crises of 1942 the regular German army was incredibly polyglot, and even the SS reinvented itself as a kind of foreign legion for Aryan warriors.

Only solution to this quarrel is for one of yous to blow your brain pan off.


NS, NatSoc, and National Socialist are the terms unironoic Nazis refer to themselves by. I think Nazi was basically the German equivalent of redneck, and was used to insult the NSDAP (the nazi party).