UK Labour Party hid a threat against one of their Jewish politicians for the lulz.

1  2018-11-03 by StephenKingIsADrunk


That whole post is essentially everyone taking it seriously are admitting to being worthless little weeby shits. It is so glorious when they put themselves like that!


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I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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wtf I love Labour now

Jeremy Corbyn, who ignored a road sign to turn left yesterday, was at a ceremony for the murdered MP Jo Cox while the party knew of abusive behaviour by members

Britbongs smdh

He can't keep getting away with it!

Oi Corbyn mate, you got a left turn loicense for that boike?

At the intersection, he turns right, instead of turning left like everyone else.

Jeremy Corbyn, who ignored a road sign to turn left yesterday, was at a ceremony for the murdered MP Jo Cox while the party knew of abusive behaviour by members

Mad lad.

Why the fuck is the U.K so obsessed with zionism? It's not there colony and they aren't a player in the middle east anymore. How hard is it for labor to just not comment on the subject?

Most Muslims in the UK support Labour and Muslims hate Jews.

It's odd to me because dems in the U.S get the Muslim vote while supporting Israel. Is it just because Muslims are a bigger minority in the U.K?

No matter who you vote for in the US you're supporting Israel.

I think it's because there are so few Jews in the UK, so many Muslims and the fact that anti-semitism is fine with leftists if you call it "anti-Zionism" that's led to the situation in the UK.

Believe it or not the majority of anti semitism is from crusty old tankies that joined when Corbyn was elected who think the Jews control America

You triple posted this.

you should post this few more times.

I think it's because there are so few Jews in the UK,

unlike in US where they are in high numbers - up to 2%

that's still about 5 million, more than any other country except Israel. And considering there are only 14 million Jews on Earth it's quite a big slice of the pie

that's still about 5 million, more than any other country except Israel. And considering there are only 14 million Jews on Earth it's quite a big slice of the pie

a slice of Jew pie?



2% is about 6 million, I would never forget the 6 million.

oh my, I guess I need to publicly apologize, for my insensitive statements.

US is fully pegged by Israel. All parties (all two) are pro Israel, so its not like Muslims have a choice in that regard.

Which is why we saw the Labour Muslim vote plummet following the election of their prior leader, a Jew? Right?

90% of anti-zionists are just anti-semites in disguise, it's hilariously easy to spot.

Honestly? I think we're copying off the Americans again. Retards in this country protested against trump and for black lives matter (wtf?) so it wouldn't surprise me if this neo-nazi shit is just copying off American skinheads.

fuck EU, its boring, lets get out so we can go fully tarded like Yanks.

Why did they hide it?

I don't think it was "hidden" as much as just not investigated. I this is a big deal in the U.K since that MP was murdered in 2016. Perhaps a local britbong can provide more context.

its big deal because Corbyn is not spreading his cheeks for Bibi, so obviously he is antisemite.

They didn't have a loicense to report one of their own party members

I'm beginning to WISH the jewish conspiracy is real, because it means left-winger parties will electorally bit their own tongues until there's blood all over the floor for being anti-semitic.

This is your daily reminder to remember the 6 trillion

Inshalloy vey

ngl, that is some fine looking aged hebrew gussy

Remember, daily stormer unironically endorsed Jeremy Corbyn.

holy shit that's fucking hilarious

I believe it easily. But not all the leftist retards are old, unfortunately a lot of the youth here is leftist as well.