Chocolate Milk Gate. Democrat Thot arrested for throwing chocolate milk at Republicans.

1  2018-11-03 by StephenKingIsADrunk


I actually get so blackpilled when I realize most of you fags are depressed losers who most likely gravitated here because no one likes them and not because they actually have intellectual backing for their beliefs.


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Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


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jfc those eyebrows.

No wonder she breaks social norms, she's a fucking Romulan.

//////////. \\\\\\

Those eyebrows are doing something to me man...

Your fetish is awakening?

the power of communist eyebrows! don't look at it!

Bro like for real, what the fuck is with this video.

That's the official haircut if mental illness.


You mean mental justice

Xe has been diagnosed with severe type II wokeness

severe type II wokeness


ikr, its an universal phenomenon

She'd be really pretty if she didn't have that haircut, nose ring or crippling leftism.

she'd be attractive if she weren't all the things she is and does

She’d be really pretty

bitch what

Are you not seeing her eyebrows?

I kind of dig the whole "Sharpies>natural hair immediately above my peepers" kind of look. Girls like that are often likely to consume a significant amount of heavy metal.

That explains why all my relationships have ended badly I guess

just change your hairstyle and stop poisoning your partners.

your love life will improve 100%

No I'm the man who dates girls like this

oh, keep yourself safe then.


As they as energetic in bed as i picture them to be?

no. They lie there motionless with shut eyes because even though they signed the consent form they still imagine they are being raped

It's objectively adorable so sign me up

it's like the Bowl Cut (a.k.a. school shooter haircut) for femoids

The tolerance begins where the bangs end bb

Short bangs trigger you?

Grandpa, who showed you how to get on reddit?

Spend thousands of dollars and get in debt to pay for a degree to get a decent job...only to get charged and limit your job opportunities for the future.

Battery is probably a misdemeanor.

Most places don’t even ask if you have misdemeanors on your record.

They don't have to ask. The background check lets them know.

It likely may not come up and if it did they won't care, its not a felony on her record.

If they get one applicant with a clean record it's all over

She's female, it won't matter.

Lol no

You obviously don’t hire where you work. Honestly I’d call it an interesting fact she got a misdemeanor for throwing chocolate milk.

It likely may not come up and if it did they won't care, its not a felony on her record.

The incident was covered by Fox News. It will show up in a fucking google search of her name.

So? Its a misdemeanor and she's a woman.

she's a woman

That's enough for her not to worry tbh

She has her picture in the national news for being a cunt, with video evidence to boot. That's far worse than any arrest or misdemeanor conviction.

Literally every job application I've ever filled-out has asked if I've ever been convicted of a crime (including a misdemeanor).

How boring are you that you've never been arrested? This guy just lets Chad smack his girl on the ass.

Virgin = don't do anything, never get caught

Incel = break the law, get caught

Chad = break the law, never get caught

Virgin = don't do anything, never get caught

Incel = break the law, take a few civies out with you

Chad = break the law, never get caught

How relevant

Topical even...

in some places they would hire her after seeing the video.

This is progress. Now arrest Antifa please.

Never gonna happen be mad about it and confront them in real life, hopefully they give you a concussion with le locks in socks

You’re in a sad state if you look better in your mug shot than you do in everyday life.

It's over for mugcels.

Why.....why am i kind of turned on by that way. I kind of want her to scream at me and be super condescending.

I feel you bruh

Bitch, don't waste chocolate milk on those retards. Spit on them next time.

Period blood for the most dramatic effect

i would be mad too if my parents named me shelby shoup.

Shoup shoup da boop, shoup de boop de boop

Where’s her nudes

using the googly

Fishnets | Shelby Shoup on Patreon
May 14, 2018 - Join Shelby Shoup on Patreon to get access to this post and more benefits.

lol of course she had a patreon. 404'd now tho :(

I bet she has a huge bush

I doubt she's into gardening and landscaping.

Idk, is gardening still part of hipster 101?

Sounds too much like work for it to be a hipster thing.

Being a hipster takes a lot of work though. It might even be the defining characteristic of them. They put hour after hour into doing stuff like researching seasonal craft beers in a desperate attempt to hide what boring people they are.

Yes. Raising your own chickens is in Hipster 102.

Can't believe there are retards out there still using the word hipster unironically

Why am I so attracted to crazy liberal women? Fuck

hammer and sickle pin

Crazy *leftist women, retard

So Andrew Gillum is a leftist, not a liberal. Thanks for the clarification.

She’s an intern for his gubernatorial campaign.

Bruh I don't know anything about Andrew Gifildefishe

He may have hired the wrong intern lmao

Bruh he’s a batshit chapotard and he’s about to be the governor of Florida

How is he a chapotard..I've read his platform and there's nothing that really stands out to me as "chapotard."

You are, and he sounds just like your crazy ass

When did I ever post on chapo? Give me an example of a "chapo" policy he or I push.

When did I ever post on chapo? Give me an example of a "chapo" policy he or I push.


lmao andrew gillum is milquetoast as fuck, he just didnt play the shitlib civility game which is enough to meme plenty of campus leftists into volunteering for him


SRDine our out out!

literally what




literal communist (if she didn't just put on the pin for shits)


As far as I understand it commies would be offended to be called libtards.

commies would be offended

Which is good for drama, is it not?

Very true 👏

When it comes down to it, there's no difference.

the only problem with being into the goth/emo/these type chicks is that a bunch of them are full on lefties. Gussy's gussy tho.

My gf is right wing and dresses goth for me sometimes which is nice tbqh

Marry her.

Most of the girls into heavy metal are generally of low self esteem and will gravitate towards your political views. The downside is that they are liable to hold a knife to your throat. That's life, I suppose.

The downside is that they are liable to hold a knife to your throat.

... This is seen as a bad thing??

At least those types take beatings better

Manic pixie dream grills

because your hide of depression, cynicism, and desensitization from porn addiction are so thick that only sheer insanity can penetrate

Aye brother, I know the pain. Those short haircuts are so charming, yet they lure us to perdition, like the Sirens these dames are!

Because they drop their panties in about 1 to 2 hours of attention.

I unironically want her to throw chocolate milk at me

Is this code for squirting her diarrhea on you?

Ikr 😍

but she's not a tranny

Try but she's dominating and aggressive which is hot too!

please change your flair. she is no longer our kween

Uh akshually ur being really rude by saying that!, tay is our eternal qween 💗💗💗💗

she came out as a libtard 😡😡😡

That makes me love her more!!!


The biggest crime is wasting chocolate milk

Lol was thinking man what a waste of that chocco milko

Imagine being hurt by chocolate milk. Lmao

Conservatives are the true snowflakes. Change my mind.

Really make you rethink "lactose intolerant".

People who complain about lactose intolerance are doing it for shits and giggles.

I think if she found out Nazis went extinct 75 years ago it would be a crushing blow to her, like a toddler finding out there's no Santa Claus.

so those jews shot themselves last week huh

Maybe if mayos stopped larping

It's like the boy (girl) that called wolf too many times. She's right. They are going to start shooting people in Brazil again. But the problem is people have been called Fascist too long and for too little so it matters nothing now.

If this was an alternative reality then throwing some milk at someone who says he doesn't care about fascists would be more than justifiable. But it is our reality sadly.

I don't really get where you're coming from. If it was a buddy or even a classmate who threw chocolate milk at me, then yeah sure whatever. But this is a complete stranger who she dumped chocolate milk on. That should totally be an offense that someone gets charged with. Otherwise what even is the point of laws? I mean then suspend her right to not be punched in the face by me. That way there will be a check on her throwing milk at me.

Dem eyebrows doe.

Meanwhile, same city, an alt right incel shoots 7 people in a yoga studio and turns the gun on himself.

Pinned post, retard. Not to mention the two follow up threads that are on the front page right now.

SRDines have no place here.

How are you enjoying reddit so far?





What a waste of chocolate milk.

It was probably chocolate soy milk.

children in Africa could have eat those eyebrows

Fuck me, but I have a weakness for girls with dark hair and pale skin. And this bowl haircut


I move away from the milk to breathe in.

And Republicans will be milking her for years to come.

I'm gonna give her a pass on this one just because of her name. Her parents obviously hate her even more than the rest of us do.

Shelby Shoup

Fucking hiliarious.

Shelby Shoup: Shkin one freshly shlaughtered shelby and plashe in a shaushepan of cold vegetable shtock. Bring shlowly to the boil and shimmer for shickshty minutesh or until shelby ish on the point of dishintegration. Sheason to tashte, shtrain and sherve with croutonsh or crishp rollsh.

commies getting arrested? oh hell yes

Lol these are the people you morons are afraid of

What a young Groucho Marx would look like as a female. Marxist in more ways than one.

Holy shit.

You weren't kidding.

Those eyebrows look like 57 chevy peeled out on her forehead.

im gonna shamelessly steal this for future use lmao


Inbreds shootings / bombs - GUNS DONT KILL PEOPLE INSIDE YAB MURIKA#1

damn white people and their shuffles deck letting me spill my chocolate milk on them. fucking babies!

sharpies, not even once.

Fox reaching for anything and everything to make Gillum look bad.

Don’t pour your coffee on me,” he said.

But Shoup replied, "F*** you. I will," before she opened her chocolate milk and threw it on him.

This is the best timeline

the confederacy and the kkk are/were groups that espoused racist ideologies. nazism, on the other hand, is a specific racist ideology in and of itself, adherents to which are, naturally enough, called "nazis." if i had said, "so a member of the nsdap (active 1920 to 1945) didnt shoot a bunch of jews last week?" your argument would make sense, but i didnt, so yeah. wanna try another argument for why the anti-communist white supremacist nationalist who murdered eleven jews over their complicity, as a race, in bringing nonwhite "invaders" to america ackshually totes isnt a nazi?