"Cricket is not an American sport. Playing cricket is culturally forbidden in this country. My people, the white people, came over here and took it by force from the natives so, we are for damn sure not going to let you and your native minions come and take it for your own deviant purposes."

1  2018-11-03 by HWTLN


Yeap, now whenever i look at a woman in armour or even in stylized clothes, i look first at their feet to check for heels, their chest to see if there is boobplate or something more substiantial than a few strings of cloth that wont come off if the character stands still and than their waist, again to see of there are any pointy bits that will stab them if they so much twist their bodies.


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I was browsing through my pasta collection earlier today and was reminded of this FFUG argument.

The title is paraphrased from this amazing comment:

Um, what...because you own a home here you think you belong to this community? What...because you own businesses, send your kids to public schools and pay taxes you think you belong to this community? No. You do not belong to this community.

In order to belong to this community, you must be white. If you are unable to present yourself as white, then you must take every step to assimilate into our society. Cricket is not an American sport. Playing cricket is culturally forbidden in this country. You people like starting sentences with, "In my country..." or "In my culture..." as a means of excusing whatever non-American behavior you deem appropriate.

You came here seeking a better life for you and your family, yes? You chose to live in the United States because you heard how wonderful life is here. Well, life is wonderful here. You should have been here 40 years ago but, it's still pretty wonderful here. And it's wonderful here because those like you that came before you submitted themselves willfully to America...our customs, our ways, our attitudes and our laws.

That increase in your quality of life is not free. That increase to your quality of life is paid for with your social compliance. Am I able to go to YOUR country and order a cheeseburger on every corner? No, I must eat the foods that are native to your country. Am I able to go to YOUR country and turn your cricket pitch into an ice hockey rink? No, I must learn to play cricket because cricket is your national game. Am I able to wear my jeans, t-shirts and cargo shorts wherever I want? No. Those are American or western-style clothes, I must willingly release myself to your culture because after all, I wasn't born there...I'm not native. I could live my whole life in YOUR country and I would always be treated as a guest.

It's the same here. This is our country. My people, the white people, came over here and took it by force from the natives so, we are for damn sure not going to let you and your native minions come and take it for your own deviant purposes. This is America. This is our country. Conform to our ways or you are free to leave whenever you wish. If you want to live as your people live, then please return from whence you came. If however you want to live here America and take advantage of what we have to offer, then learn what it means to be an American.

There is a ridiculous amount of drama on FFUG, the highlight being a $1.4 million cyberbullying case centred around resident troll "eesh". If anybody is interested in making their own effortpost about FFUG, the key names to google are "eesh", "Moreno", and "Megan". "Megan" is only tangentially related to the court case, but she is absolutely mental so I figured that I would include her too.

Ma'am we've been over this before. You need to stop.

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I cant seem to open the site, its stuck at the captcha for some reason. Is he responding to an Indian? Coz I am Indian I heard this exact same drivel once when I was in rural Missouri

Try the archive.

According to some of the comments they are all white, but both the OP and replies could be trolls for all I know.

I was browsing through my pasta collection earlier today and was reminded of this FFUG argument.

The title is paraphrased from this amazing comment:

Um, what...because you own a home here you think you belong to this community? What...because you own businesses, send your kids to public schools and pay taxes you think you belong to this community? No. You do not belong to this community.

In order to belong to this community, you must be white. If you are unable to present yourself as white, then you must take every step to assimilate into our society. Cricket is not an American sport. Playing cricket is culturally forbidden in this country. You people like starting sentences with, "In my country..." or "In my culture..." as a means of excusing whatever non-American behavior you deem appropriate.

You came here seeking a better life for you and your family, yes? You chose to live in the United States because you heard how wonderful life is here. Well, life is wonderful here. You should have been here 40 years ago but, it's still pretty wonderful here. And it's wonderful here because those like you that came before you submitted themselves willfully to America...our customs, our ways, our attitudes and our laws.

That increase in your quality of life is not free. That increase to your quality of life is paid for with your social compliance. Am I able to go to YOUR country and order a cheeseburger on every corner? No, I must eat the foods that are native to your country. Am I able to go to YOUR country and turn your cricket pitch into an ice hockey rink? No, I must learn to play cricket because cricket is your national game. Am I able to wear my jeans, t-shirts and cargo shorts wherever I want? No. Those are American or western-style clothes, I must willingly release myself to your culture because after all, I wasn't born there...I'm not native. I could live my whole life in YOUR country and I would always be treated as a guest.

It's the same here. This is our country. My people, the white people, came over here and took it by force from the natives so, we are for damn sure not going to let you and your native minions come and take it for your own deviant purposes. This is America. This is our country. Conform to our ways or you are free to leave whenever you wish. If you want to live as your people live, then please return from whence you came. If however you want to live here America and take advantage of what we have to offer, then learn what it means to be an American.

There is a ridiculous amount of drama on FFUG, the highlight being a $1.4 million cyberbullying case centred around resident troll "eesh". If anybody is interested in making their own effortpost about FFUG, the key names to google are "eesh", "Moreno", and "Megan". "Megan" is only tangentially related to the court case, but she is absolutely mental so I figured that I would include her too.

That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

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Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


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Suburban soccer moms are psychotic