Mayo gussy revealing its true colors

1  2018-11-03 by CrosbyStillzandSwag


The only thing more pathetic than this post is how you think people actually actually care.


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The only point you'll ever have is that you represent the sad, fedora-wearing, bloated face of capitalism in the 21st century.

Unfairly made famous and rich through copied ideas and appealing to kids. And yet is driven by some bizarre need for attention to spout insane, teenage edge lord style views. You are clearly not all that up on politics (or anything, maybe you can code?) yet your wealth has given you an oversized platform of confused 12 to 16 year olds to yell "sjwjjwjwj" at over and over again.

Honestly, I don't give a shit if you've been driven mad by fame or some bullshit. When I see amazing creative people dying depressed in poverty every day and you get to sit on twitter and make half assed 'now yur the nazi' comments, it's fucking sickening.


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huh? no1 has even heard of this leftfoid 🤔🤔

ping me when its christine bussyford or whatev ✌️

until then i sleep 😴😴😴

told u to ping me when its dr bussy not just make a new title 😡😡😡

The spicy new title was for my sake, I know I can never quench your thirst for bussy lmao

Ed, what happened to your old account?

Whoa, what a totally unexpected revelation.

listen and believe

They forced me in the back seat and took turns raping me several times each.

They dropped me off two blocks from my home "No one will believe if you tell. Be a good girl", he told me.

I have credibility. Just because something happens a long time ago because a rape victim doesn't want to personally come forward, does not mean something can't be true.

Definitely seems like she lied about being raped here

This dude busted off five times in one sesh? Champion status, glad we got him on the bench

Don't count Ginsburg out yet. Has the stare of a rape natural predator, that one

In her prime she could chase down and rape anything she saw, like raptor

rapetor - /u/Cdace, next dinosaur of the month is a shoo-in here

I will consider it

"so he was fucking my mouth and then he like, totally did a Nazi salute and heiled Hitler"

That... is kinda hot tbh

All the stories outside of Ford's were pretty clearly fabricated and made the affair into a circus. If Ford told the truth, these people opportunisticaly tacking on just brought shadows in the legitimacy of her own story. If Kavanaugh told the truth, then she was trying to accuse an innocent man of rape. Like everyone should hate this woman.

This is also the problem with using the amount of accusers as evidence. While I think in early cases like Bill Cosby most were legitimate, one you establish an environment where numbers = proof clearly you're going to have incidents like this where people just tack on.

Assuming the traumatizing teenage frottage did happen. There was no way she was going to get a criminal conviction, so she only had two possible outcomes:

  1. prevent Kavanaugh's nomination.

  2. Drag him through the mud in front of 300 Million people.

The way to get [outcome 1] was to contact the (Republican) committee responsible for selecting Kavanaugh, as early as possible. Despite the lack of evidence, the prospect of the inevitable shit show and the resulting risk for the mid-terms, would have been enough to convince them to replace Kava with another candidate.

The way to get [outcome 2] was to contact the Democrats instead, and let them do whatever they thought would help the Democrat party the most. In this case: wait until the last moment and then turn this thing into a national circus, use the accusations against Kava to paint all Republicans and GOP voters as rapists and rape enablers.

The cost of [outcome 2] was that was being dragged through the mud as well. Not only Kava's family and reputation suffered, Ford's reputation as well.

She comes from a privileged enough background, her family/friends would at least know people who could recommended a lawyer with experience in high politics.

Instead she went to her Democrat representative directly, and asked them to do whatever they want to do with that information. As if they had her best interests at heart.

All they did is drag her into the national spotlight, and as soon as the nomination was completed, they dropped her like a hot potato.

That degree finally paying off

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thanks sweaty!

No, she went to her congressperson and Senator and then someone leaked her name. Why does no one think it was the Republicans? Even here, the person says she was lying that she was the Jane Doe, not that she made the Jane Doe call.

she went to her congressperson and Senator


It was also as soon as the shortlist of nominees came out. She contacted them as soon as she saw his name on the list of people Trump was choosing from.

Why does no one think it was the Republicans?

Because the Republicans didn't know. According to Ford's testimony, the only people that had knowledge of this were her, her attorneys, Diane Feinstein, and some "beach friends".

And yet all of them said they didn’t leak it. That leaves only the Republicans

r u retard

Are you a nazi rape apologist?

The Republicans literally didn't have it to leak it lmao


only the democrats could benefit from forcing her into the spotlight. if she had stayed anonymous, there would have been no hearings, nothing.

No, she went to her congressperson and Senator and then someone leaked her name.

she went to her congressperson and senator, and they did nothing for months. they did not act in her best interest.

if she had instead contacted the committee directly, she would have prevented Kavanaugh from getting on the SC.

I think something happened to Ford but her story seems like those alien abduction stories where the details get jumbled because the reality of an uncle kiddy diddler hurts too much.

It did bring out the funniest crazies to talk about 80s high school rape parties.

For the uninformed (not me, obviously): Is she going to jail for false accusations and lying during testimony?

outside of Ford's

lol yeah the baby voiced 60 year old was real convincing

It went from sexual assault to drugging and gang rape cartel too quickly.

Huh a random accuser nobody ever heard about admitted to lying. Is this the appropriate time to claim a false flag by the other side, DDF?

Huh a random accuser nobody ever heard about admitted to lying. Is this the appropriate time to claim a false flag by the other side, DDF?

Normally, you'd chalk this one up to the random retardation that comes up in a country with 330 million people, but I can't tell you how many people on the left wanted to elevate "Brett Kavanaugh is accused of sexual assault" to "Kavanaugh is a rapist!" using these random 3rd party accusations not from Ford. So it's fair game for drama.

That’s because we had two credible eyewitnesses confirm that he organized gang rape parties

"Credible" "eyewitnesses".

The same eyewitnesses that went to the gang rape parties willingly multiple times?

That sure makes sense.

lmao you sound like pizzagaters

lmao you sound like pizzagaters


i read the post before the username and I knew it was you

You knew what was me?

"One side does something retarded" "U MUST BE DDF MEMEMBER LOL HAHA"

Your centrism is lacking

No no u was addressing the resident DDF members since they are the resident experts on the issue. OP is not DDF.

After all the recent "muh false flag" whines, it is a valid question.

All rape accusations are a government psyop

The woman who accused Kavanaugh of organizing gang rape parties also recanted. He more than likely did assault Ford, but the Dems should never have let Avenatti touch this media circus. He discredited it and did more harm than good.

Creepy porn lawyer was a terrible person for the Dems to hitch their wagon to. All his cases have fallen through and it is clear he is just a scammer who is all talk.

whoa! What a surprise!


Widely described as a conservative newspaper, The Washington Times was praised by Republican president Ronald Reagan and promoted conspiracy theories about Democratic president Barack Obama. It has published numerous columns that reject the scientific consensus on climate change. Under Wes Pruden's editorship (1992-2008), The Washington Times was noted for its association with white supremacism, as it regularly printed excerpts from white supremacist publications, published laudatory pieces about white supremacists and the Confederacy, and published racially incendiary commentary about President Obama. In 2018 it promoted conspiracy theories about the murder of Seth Rich.

Rightoid agenda-post

Nah I'm RC bro, I'm posting it more for documentation, since it will undoubtedly be a point of contention in cuckboy/trumptard slapfights moving forward.

This is so fake-newsy that not even the genetic mishaps over at TD are biting.

Has it been submitted there? I have a hard time believing they wouldn't lap this up.

lol has this been submitted there? I have a hard time believing they wouldn't lap it up.

Wait, are you really so fucking stupid you're calling this fake news because the linked thread is from the Washington Times? Here's the actual criminal referral from the senate judiciary committee. Here's Trump's response. Is USA Today better?

Wait, are you really so fucking stupid

... that you think this unknown broad's "recanting" isn't being pushed by brainlet rightoids to discredit Ford's consistent account, the one that was supposed to be the locus of a thorough investigation?

Wait, what am I asking, of course you are. I would list the reasons, but you've been such a tried-and-true imbecile here that there are just way too many to do so.

consistent account

An account corroborated by literally no one.


That rose flair means something else to you, doesn't it?

Who could have expected this

Holy FUCK a white woman lied?

“In a way we were all raped by the GOP because we didn’t get Obama’s pick.”

The mayo race is raping itself

Speaking of Kavanagh, does anyone know his opinion vis-à-vis beer?

Democrats seem to choose the dumbest hills to die on, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory is basically their M.O. at this point.