Just got banned on r/conservative
1 2018-11-04 by StalkedFuturist
Started saying the immigration was a good thing on the economy. Someone got mad because I didn't participate in the group think and set the thread to Conservatives Only and banned me.
1 hematomatoed 2018-11-04
Ten years ago, many conservatives put free-market ideology above all else, and believed that cheap market-value labor was an inherently good thing.
Kinda amazing how quickly conservatices became Socialists, slapping down heavy tarriffs and price-fixing the labor market, because they were worried the free market didn't favor white American citizens enough.
1 StalkedFuturist 2018-11-04
If Trump raped a woman on tv, Conservatives would cheer and praise him for his actions.
1 hematomatoed 2018-11-04
More likely they'd just remind us that Bill Clinton raped a woman first so you can't put this on Donald.
1 ry8919 2018-11-04
Never thought conservatives would support seizing the means of reproduction
1 Lehk 2018-11-04
and now it's a rape thread
1 CompetitiveLoiterer 2018-11-04
It's like they would be willing to support socialism in to continue nationalism...
1 BumwineBaudelaire 2018-11-04
lol Republicans have never ever, ever been in favour of open borders to third world shitholes like Mexico
on the other hand what’s actually amazing is how Democrats, the party of blue collar labour wary of big business, have become advocates for open borders to lowest-cost labour markets and worshipping the billionaire class, all in less than a single generation
1 BumwineBaudelaire 2018-11-04
“remember when Republicans were advocates for open borders with third world shitholes full of smelly brown people?”
is this the sort of history lessons they teach on Chapo
1 MiniDisc_enthusiast 2018-11-04
How young are you? lol
1 high_chew32 2018-11-04
You’re so brave 😲
1 Oof134 2018-11-04
1 FmW-41 2018-11-04
Is this post for real?
'I got banned from a retarded sub'
Who fucking cares.
1 cletus_foo 2018-11-04
So much this.
1 shallowm 2018-11-04
1 shallowm 2018-11-04
1 Crusader_1096_2 2018-11-04
So what? Stop being a crybaby and go find an echochamber that suits you.
1 trappysaruh 2018-11-04
1 LightUmbra 2018-11-04
1 eeso99 2018-11-04
Cool story bro
1 MaddMarkk 2018-11-04
You seem big mad
1 MaddMarkk 2018-11-04
Why you big mad
1 Banned4Shitposting 2018-11-04
show bussy
1 Rightquercusalba 2018-11-04
1 Skyright 2018-11-04
If you are a moderate republican, r/tuesday is a much better sub (and it's actually pro immigration). r/neoliberal also has some moderate republicans but it's mostly center lefts.
Regardless, stop whining here. No one cares.
1 horriblenutsslayer 2018-11-04
> literally who cares
based janitors