Mfw someone makes a stickied post about Dune right after the start of my five-day ban

1  2018-11-04 by Imperial_Sardaukar


You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


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Who tf banned u?

Who tf banned u?

Dune is on my to read list.

Also I wish Jodorowsky wasn't too fucking high to make the movie. His other movies were fun.

I was pretty crushed when I first found out about Jodorowsky’s aborted project, but when I found out that he hadn’t read the book, had some weird ideas for the movie (Paul in an incestuous relationship with his mom), and saw this—I don’t lose much sleep over it.

Lol yeah he's fucking nuts.

I do like the Lynch version, even though it's a bit cheesy. Was that one pretty close to the book?

Not really. It doesn’t get any of the basic themes right and skips over a lot of events. I still like the Lynch movie, though. It has a great cast and some oddball characters and locations and special effects. I personally can’t stand the miniseries adaptation of Dune, but the Children of Dune miniseries, which adapts the next two books, is probably the greatest adaptation of the books put to screen. Speaking of which, I’m pretty optimistic for the Villeneuve version.

The depiction of The Baron Harkonnen, Feyd, and Piter De Vries was brilliant in Lynch's adaption.

Trust me when I say do not read past the second book. It turns to absolute rambling shit after then. Dune is one of the best sci-fi novels but the direction it takes is absolutely retarded.

nah fuck you up till chapterhouse is pretty ok

His son wrote like 17 sequels and prequels some of which are pretty good.

I want to read Dune. I read lots of series, I heard it's just like Hunger Games

It is but it's better because instead of the main character being a girl it's a boy. Also replace all those wierd gussy-led commies from District whatever with HOT cannibal Muslims who love to "ride the worm."

What do you think about Dune?

It's book Kino. If you're ever looking for a book that touches on every genre, it's a good choice.