I've just artificially castrated myself, AMA.

1  2018-11-04 by Killer_B_Cell


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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It's been a crazy past few days, all culminating in the purchase of a few hormonal agonists to aid me in the rejection of the female counterpart. To clarify, I'm not one of these trans-fags who want to recreate the likeness of the femgussy (there was a misunderstanding of that when I initially bought the pills). My purpose is to completely reject the female in all of their disgusting, vile, baseless forms. It wasn't until No Nut November –and a recent rereading of Dune– that I have realized my essential maleness is in itself a form of the femgussy. I am merely a key that is needed in order to gain the control they have –the lock of their mystique. By the rejection of this key, by the unmolding of my psyche, I can serve to detatch myself from their disgusting clutches.

I've always had a beautiful and strange attraction to the Eunuch. The Eunuchs of the Arabian Nights, Alexander's Bagoas, and Wei Zhongxian have all allured me with their power and clear frame of thought. The post like this one this is what aided me in my rejection of the species. Previously, I had jerked off at least once a day since puberty, sometimes eight, and the habit brought me to some truly enlightening things in their own right. The rejection of women as anything but sex objects and free-use serving trusses, candid amateur videos of teenagers vying for control of a girl in a room, where the dichotomy between the weak and strong is apparent, and even the far-eastern videos of Asia where the collectivist culture influences women to be– I digress. Anyway, I would love to answer any questions regarding the benefits of this lifestyle, and am very supportive of sending methods of transition and pills to people if need be.

still unemployed then?

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That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

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