Incels over at r/The_Donald complain that women get tattoos.

1  2018-11-04 by Ghdust2


The only point you'll ever have is that you represent the sad, fedora-wearing, bloated face of capitalism in the 21st century.

Unfairly made famous and rich through copied ideas and appealing to kids. And yet is driven by some bizarre need for attention to spout insane, teenage edge lord style views. You are clearly not all that up on politics (or anything, maybe you can code?) yet your wealth has given you an oversized platform of confused 12 to 16 year olds to yell "sjwjjwjwj" at over and over again.

Honestly, I don't give a shit if you've been driven mad by fame or some bullshit. When I see amazing creative people dying depressed in poverty every day and you get to sit on twitter and make half assed 'now yur the nazi' comments, it's fucking sickening.


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Retards like you hurt our movement

Like they needed help

Yeah, when I think about "reasons the Donald is literally retarded" the first thing I jump to is their opinions on foid tattoos.

Tho that is a reason TD is literally retarded.

One of a million.

Rentfree everyday in ur mind

implying pizzaschill has a mind

Thank god laughing at retards is free

T_D criticizing the foid menace wouldn't probably be a point in their favor for you I would guess.

What a sad bunch...

The average TD’er would sprain their shoulder patting themselves on the back if they managed to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich unaided.

Imagine loving trump so much you post in that sub constantly and needing to go further: trying to out white knight (or whatever opposite is five star incel) other TDers

Who the fuck gilds stuff in /drama of all places

Boomerism smdh

Literally just old ppl reeee-ing about young-ins doing nasty stuff to their bodies

Stupid fucking boomers.

"m-m-muh d-d-degeneracy!!!!"

No, it's loli-lovers upset that chicks having tattoos means they can't fantasize about them being underage/virgin/"pure".

the chicks who get tattoos are usually not the loli type anyway

Is there anything gayer and more beta than the phrase 'You're objectifying women?'

Let's unpack this toxic and problematic dogwhistle tbh.

Yikes. Oof. Owie.


Y'all folks

Why is it gay to care about women? I thought gays were the one preaching bussy supremacy.

Don't worry its not like women with or without tattoos would have came near you anyway you dork

fake tits

fake blonde hair

fake tan

masculine faces

Take note, these are 10/10s in Fentland

Boomers got the brains damaged by 80s porn and now they only lust after blond bimbos with botox in their faces and silicon in their tits. If that isn't degenerate I don't know what is.

Bimbos disgust me, they can't compete with cute girls like Kagami Shuna or Mimi Yazawa. The guys who are into bimbos are sick.

Bimbos disgust me, they can't compete with cute girls like Kagami Shuna or Mimi Yazawa. The guys who are into bimbos are sick.

Somehow I get the feeling that by girl you mean female child, not woman

Theyre legal, e.g. Kagami Shuna is 23, she's only a few days younger than me even. You shouldn't call them children just because they're small women, that's not okay :(

Can I call you a retard because your username is inaccurate?

Its not inaccurate, my waifu Kissshot has pretty huge ones, granted she also has a kid-, a a young adult and a young teenage form. So whether you're a pedo-, a hebe-, an ephebophile or into busty MILFs she'll always be the right choice.

weebicide when

Maybe you should be into suicide instead

You may be a hopeless weeb, but at least you're much less creepy than yamateoniisan


I thought he was an alt


are you joking or do you not know that is yamete

I assume anyone with a remotely weebish name is yamete

holy shit, your gimmick is getting old, please shut the fuck about the kind of girl you like to fuck, none of them would fuck you anyway.

i like it

no one cares what you like.

I do

Kagami Shuna is escorting nowadays, that's why she hasn't done anything recently.

I know :(

short girls are cute. deal with it.

Bimbos are hot as fuck dude what arenyountalking about


The one on the left straight up looks like a man with fake tits bolted on

The fuck is the flag on the right anyway? Why is it black and blue?

It's the "blue lives matter" flag

It's the thin blue line flag. It means they suck off cops to thank them for their service.

It is also a desecration of the American flag by the same group of people who screech y black football man no stand?

Why the fuck are you thanking people that's supposed to be earning your tax money.

...and that’s a good thing

I agree with you but masculine faces are attractive

Yeah if its a hot guy with a tight bussy

nah, babyfaces all the way


its just more attractive. cute adult women with babyfaces aren't kids btw.

cute adult women with babyfaces aren't kids

Right, they just look like kids

I'm also pretty sure I'm not a pedo

Sounds like something a pedo would say

Right, they just look like kids

When there are adult women who look like this how do they objectively look like kids? They look like a subset of adult women, a cute, pretty subset, which they are.

Sounds like something a pedo would say

I don't look at 8 yos and think they're hot so I'm pretty sure I'm not a pedo.

Explains Tay quite a bit. Nothing is hotter than a man with a vagina.

Tay does have some mascusline features, but they only make her more perfect!


Which is why buck angel is not only peak attractiveness but peak hetero

Kyla Cole has the most beautiful female face of all time (google her, results will probably be slightly NSFW).

You don’t even notice someone’s tattoos after you look at them long enough.

> You don’t put a bumper sticker on a Mercedes Benz


- An overweight combine harvester that shares needles


"pick up that can!"

Imagine being such a poorfag that you think that Mercedes-Benz is peak automotive luxury

The only problem with this argument is that you're the dude in the beat-up old Saturn from the 90's complaining about someone else's Mercedes Benz.

I love it.

Most 'Mercedes Benz' cars actually on the road are the A200, C250 and CLA250.

In other words, pieces of shit with a star on them.

I can't believe people on /r/the_donald are outraged and surprised that their subscribers look trashy.

What did they expect lol

looks down.

Nope still have by elephant trunk.

Grow up. Vote red.

Literally the most insecure people on earth

Not liking mayonnaise is white genocide

The mayos are becoming aware.

Imagine getting a tattoo or marrying someone with a tattoo lol.

Shut up!

I mean, 9 in 10 people with tattoos are gross.

But sometimes, that 1 in 10 is amazing.

We all knew everyone on that sub are a bunch of faggots


Tats on women are gross.

Fuck off. I am entitled to my opinion. You don’t put a bumper sticker on a Mercedes Benz.

Imagine putting gussy on such a pedestal in 2018.

it's her choice

Obv. a DEEP STATE shill slipped through the nets there.

You can't get into Jew heaven if you're tattooed.

67% upvoted

Imagine my shock

Tats are for bums and retards.


One guy gets pretty beaten up. My DDF powers don't need to be activated.

Conservatives complaining about women getting tattoos is like tourists complaining about vibrant and visible warning colouration on toxic frog.

If you lick them you'll have a good time?

A guy with a wife is sperginng out about a couple chicks with look pretty faked out and one with some tats. Boomers are weird.

Old man yelling at cloud

I'm on mobile but I'm gonna guess the vote ratio of this thread is at something like 65%. How close am I?

misuing and overusing the word incel to describe anything you disagree with

when will normaloids learn?

MAGAcels aside, tattoos are objectively trash, alongside facial piercings, chin straps and cigs.

Anyone that is downvoting this, please comment below me.

I didnt downvote this. I just want attention.

How are you today?


I am not a mod on discord and never have been.

Then ping someone who is i dont know anyone 😭 maybe you mean this one? I have barely anything to do with discord stuff.

Didn't downvote, tats on anyone are gross.

user reports:

1: mfw you aren't reportposting like you did on the democrat one

I can't. The only report was sex negativity. Unfortunately with DDF people just get mad and downvote. Anytime anything remotely left gets posted the sperg in reports is much higher.

I don't like tats either.

Free pub for me!

They're unironically calling them "tats" Jesus Christ.