I'm in awetism: "After some very extensive data analysis (p < 0.001), I’ve estimated between 10-15 million fraudulent votes will be cast Nov 6, the vast majority going to Democratic candidates."

1  2018-11-04 by Kochroach


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(p < 0.001)


This is what stood out for me most of all of this.

These are the kind of p-values that CERN aims for.

Honestly becoming a statistician was the worst thing for my sanity on this site.

Doubly so at election time

After some very extensive data analysis (pp < 0.001 inch) I’ve estimated between 99-100% of reddit users are retarded

This may be true if TD is still claiming they have 6 billion unique readers.

That was two years ago, with compound interest we can now prove that Reddit is hiding their 18 billion uniques.

Is this Q?

No, this is Patrick

I will post my datasets and analysis shortly

Why wait if this is the "end of democracy as we know it"? Seems important.

I just need to clean it up a bit. Some of the formatting in the report I wrote up could be better in places, and I don’t want something as important as this to come across as amateurish (especially since I plan on sharing it on many places and printing it off on flyers to hand out on the 6th).

This dude's like a hipster of conspiracy theorists.

I wrote them while on a fenty binge and they are mainly just pictures of Hilary Clinton shitting on the constitution

much better translation, tyfys

Damn I wish

Q predicted this.

I wish we were competent enough to do this.

average TD post on the DNC makes them out to be the League of Shadows.

Its amazing how insane some DDF has become because hes basically saying Daddys own commision didnt find any voter fraud because the Democrat league of shadows is somehow able to control the republicans heading it or only reddit posters can detect their evil actions.

This is what happens when we teach every retard in the country how to code.

You know how to determine that good data analysis was done? It's by noticing that neither the methodology nor the source data are made public.

I don’t want something as important as this to come across as amateurish

Too late