Ok, AHS just checked out /r/unpopularopinion. It appears to be a den of snakes, trolls, and alt right Nazis.

1  2018-11-05 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


I've been watching unpopularopion's rise to a hub of white supremacy since late spring. It began showing up in the histories of people who were having comments removed and bans issued for cause. These are the usual suspects--reddit angry white males, trying fitfully to remain civil and failing at that most of the time. They spout the same talking points, they're perpetually offended and their comments proved material for r/FragileWhiteRedditor on a daily basis. If they're not jerking about the imaginary white genocide they fear, they're whining about the way women don't want to be around them. White supremacy and misogyny (the real thing, the kind that kills women) go hand in hand. The crossover with r/braincels was noticabke until brancels was quaratined and became no lobger visible in user histories. They're peculiar, obessed and terrified at the same time. reddit has provided them with a soft nest from which to spread their threats and insults. As usual.


I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


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I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

I swear this thing is fucking sentient.

Hey, you are that mod guy from r/ahs. I have a quick question: if you see anything you find offensive, have you tried shutting off reddit, walking away from the screen and closing your eyes?

I tried that but it's really bright outside and there's bugs and shit.

No thank you.

Honest question -- why do you care? I just filter out any sub that is about politics on this site and it's much better. I guarantee the crazies that post on places like /r/politics, /r/the_donald, /r/ChapoTrapHouse, or /r/LateStageCapitalism aren't exactly leaving their parents' basements and aren't exactly capable of hurting anyone. You should just laugh at these idiots on the meta subs and enjoy not being as crazy as these people. They aren't hurting anyone.

I disagree. They seem to be leaving their basements and killing people.




These three attacks, all from just last week, resulted in 15 deaths and were all directly inspired by the kind of violent rhetoric found in places like TD, etc

Giving white nationalists forums to coordinate and recruit is a terrible fucking idea, IMO.

By that logic, shouldn't we ban AHS then? All these circlejerk, extremist subs are bad for people, I agree. AHS has a lot of unironic communists and people that are likely to join groups like Antifa. You think the guy that shot up the Republican baseball game wasn't part of some of the subs you associate with?

By that logic, shouldn't we ban AHS then? All these circlejerk, extremist subs are bad for people, I agree.

I generally agree with this but I think AHS is a terrible example. We autoban for violent rhetoric.

AHS has a lot of unironic communists and people that are likely to join groups like Antifa.

AHS celebrated when fullcommunism was quarantined. Both Br00ce and I are hated by the LSC crowd and we've both posted violent rhetoric from tankies to AHS to generally favorable receptions.

You think the guy that shot up the Republican baseball game wasn't part of some of the subs you associate with?

Perhaps, but I'd say the problem is much much worse on far-right subs. All three of the attacks last week used the same rhetoric that can be found daily on places like TD.

This isn't even necessarily a partisan issue, either. Libertarian and Tuesday are both great right wing subs that don't tolerate violent rhetoric.


I've tried submitting stuff against the left-wing violence that's constantly parroted on this site and you can see what always happens.

Personally I disagreed with that removal. Your criticism is valid. It's definitely partisan to a decent extent.

Everything's become so partisan and I really don't have a solution. I wish I did.

can i be an approved ahs poster

i promise to only post real hate speech !!

checks history

Yeah, that's gonna be a no from me dawg.

whats bad about the history of my country?

are you stereotyping my countries historic actions as what i do currently?

Sorry but we have to secure our subreddit's existence against the mayo hordes.

im not a mayo

I dunno. You seem pretty vanilla to me.

you should look further through my post history

In all seriousness you seem like you have a sense of humor and this little exchange has been entertaining, so there's that.

thanks but im not a mayo so please take that back

Okay sorry. You're not a mayo. I still can't let you in though.

whys that

Cause it's srs bsns.

good point i hate shitredditsays

Lol well I'm glad you understand.

AHS is the most soyfilled sub on reddit. changed my mind.

That being said /runpopularopinion is just cringy 14 year old white boys who just discovered youtube anti feminism and larp online about their brave opinions.

AHS is the most soyfilled sub on reddit. changed my mind.

Men's lib? Ghazi?

That being said /runpopularopinion is just cringy 14 year old white boys who just discovered youtube anti feminism and larp online about their brave opinions.


Men's lib

Lol. A 'man' at r/MensLib wanted to castrate himself because of atrocities against women. You can't get more soy than that.

Who let TiTs out of us s cage again?


Truly the radical centrist position

hell, they even made a survey for demographics and more than 70% of that sub is white people, with a major portion of them below 18 and 18-24.

Author: /u/userleansbot

Analysis of /u/Handsome7InchesTruth's activity in political subreddits over the past 1000 comments and submissions.

Account Created: 5 months, 2 days ago

Summary: This user does not have enough activty in political subs for analysis or has no clear leanings, they might be one of those weirdo moderate types. I don't trust them.

Subreddit Lean No. of comments Total comment karma No. of posts Total post karma

Bleep, bloop, I'm a bot trying to help inform political discussions on Reddit. | About

so what sub brigaded AHS? It isnt us and it's not /r/conservative, because their thread didn't get that many replies.

I know it made to it /r/all, but I'm not sure where the bulk of it is coming from. Definitely brigaded quite hard though hours ago.

serves them right tbh


Is terrible though example posts are like "imo black people criminals"

It's definitely a shit sub, but it being on AHS' shit list makes me like it a little more

True centricism, both subs are bad.

Well dang if they’d quit taking away all the established hate subreddits, new ones would quit popping up. Do they not see the trend?

This but unironically.

Unpopcels aren't worth our time anyways.

I don't like a particular subreddit, should I:

A: stay off of /r/all

B: edit my filter settings so it doesn't show up when I read reddit

C: investigate the user history of every user there who posts something I don't like

If you chose C, then welcome to the /r/againsthatesubreddits community!

I was going to use C on you to make some sarcastic joke, but when I went to check your history I saw you were CK2 to fan. Your history made me like you more.

Imagine going through the post histories of everyone to prove a point.

Glad they “checked it out” and gave it their super-official stamp of approval. I hate self important redditors.