1 2018-11-05 by RememberTheAyLmao
1 SnapshillBot 2018-11-05
Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 motherjoad 2018-11-05
You’re still a chad if you’re a front line soldier who cucks other men, no matter how much lipstick you put on.
1 nothuggedasachild 2018-11-05
mother of chads
1 TheHelpfulHusband 2018-11-05
Technically a Jody
1 ASHLEE001 2018-11-05
Post the complete article you tard 😒
1 RememberTheAyLmao 2018-11-05
You're not supposed to actually read this bullshit: you have a little laugh and then go on with your productive day.
1 aX10mAt1CaL1Y 2018-11-05
You're underestimating our average level of autism m8.
1 BeefyQueefyReborn 2018-11-05
1 automatic_cluck 2018-11-05
1 aef823 2018-11-05
It's less reading it and more you being retarded tbh.
1 darkinard 2018-11-05
reading articles I only read titles, top comment and snappy quote.
1 Alicesnakebae 2018-11-05
So which ones the trans one
1 pisserpatterwater 2018-11-05
Apparently neither of the people in the picture.
1 HoleSailor 2018-11-05
It's the dude on the left "named" "Chloe"
I got confused because it says Guardsman but then refers to Chloe as "her".
1 AlveolarPressure 2018-11-05
Guardsman is supposedly a unisex title
1 better_bot 2018-11-05
They look like any other English couple.
1 TheSubredditPolice 2018-11-05
1 Cat_Waffles 2018-11-05
1 ArtisanalCollabo 2018-11-05
Someone get scasian on this cuz super dry is a brand I only see pre-hype beast Asians wearing
1 Vecors 2018-11-05
Tfw you see a woman wearing a super dry shit. A man, pardon me.
1 dramasexual 2018-11-05
lmao he not even trying to look like a woman
1 JurijFedorov 2018-11-05
A teacher being so pro trans issues they she dives head first into it? Not surprising based on how they vote as a group.
1 I-hate-trump 2018-11-05
These trannys are sick fucks
1 transgirltradwife 2018-11-05
Yeah but most trannies should be in the receiving end of the cuckoldry. It doesn’t make sense for them to be the ones doing the cucking
1 SnapshillBot 2018-11-05
Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 motherjoad 2018-11-05
You’re still a chad if you’re a front line soldier who cucks other men, no matter how much lipstick you put on.
1 nothuggedasachild 2018-11-05
mother of chads
1 TheHelpfulHusband 2018-11-05
Technically a Jody
1 ASHLEE001 2018-11-05
Post the complete article you tard 😒
1 RememberTheAyLmao 2018-11-05
You're not supposed to actually read this bullshit: you have a little laugh and then go on with your productive day.
1 aX10mAt1CaL1Y 2018-11-05
You're underestimating our average level of autism m8.
1 BeefyQueefyReborn 2018-11-05
1 automatic_cluck 2018-11-05
1 aef823 2018-11-05
It's less reading it and more you being retarded tbh.
1 darkinard 2018-11-05
1 Alicesnakebae 2018-11-05
So which ones the trans one
1 pisserpatterwater 2018-11-05
Apparently neither of the people in the picture.
1 HoleSailor 2018-11-05
It's the dude on the left "named" "Chloe"
1 pisserpatterwater 2018-11-05
I got confused because it says Guardsman but then refers to Chloe as "her".
1 AlveolarPressure 2018-11-05
Guardsman is supposedly a unisex title
1 better_bot 2018-11-05
They look like any other English couple.
1 TheSubredditPolice 2018-11-05
1 Cat_Waffles 2018-11-05
1 ArtisanalCollabo 2018-11-05
Someone get scasian on this cuz super dry is a brand I only see pre-hype beast Asians wearing
1 Vecors 2018-11-05
Tfw you see a woman wearing a super dry shit. A man, pardon me.
1 dramasexual 2018-11-05
lmao he not even trying to look like a woman
1 JurijFedorov 2018-11-05
A teacher being so pro trans issues they she dives head first into it? Not surprising based on how they vote as a group.
1 I-hate-trump 2018-11-05
These trannys are sick fucks
1 transgirltradwife 2018-11-05
Yeah but most trannies should be in the receiving end of the cuckoldry. It doesn’t make sense for them to be the ones doing the cucking