Britain's first front-line transgender soldier cucks another soldier. Jody is a unisex name, after all...

1  2018-11-05 by RememberTheAyLmao


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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You’re still a chad if you’re a front line soldier who cucks other men, no matter how much lipstick you put on.

mother of chads

Technically a Jody

Post the complete article you tard 😒

You're not supposed to actually read this bullshit: you have a little laugh and then go on with your productive day.

You're underestimating our average level of autism m8.




It's less reading it and more you being retarded tbh.

reading articles I only read titles, top comment and snappy quote.

So which ones the trans one

Apparently neither of the people in the picture.

It's the dude on the left "named" "Chloe"

I got confused because it says Guardsman but then refers to Chloe as "her".

Guardsman is supposedly a unisex title

They look like any other English couple.



Someone get scasian on this cuz super dry is a brand I only see pre-hype beast Asians wearing

Tfw you see a woman wearing a super dry shit. A man, pardon me.

lmao he not even trying to look like a woman

A teacher being so pro trans issues they she dives head first into it? Not surprising based on how they vote as a group.

These trannys are sick fucks

Yeah but most trannies should be in the receiving end of the cuckoldry. It doesn’t make sense for them to be the ones doing the cucking