A Pakistani Islamic lobbyist posts an article in TIL about the bravery of muslims in WW2. It turns he himself has written the article in a website he moderates and in true paki fashion filled it with exaggerations and delusions.

1  2018-11-05 by Dimesgalore


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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Is there anything worse than a self-righteous apologist?

I blame your books tbh. Look at his article on the same site about pakistan military history(India lost all wars against pakistan except 1971 and even that was Bangladeshi victory not an Indian one). Gives off pakistan propaganda vibes.

I like the unintentional pun at the end there.

Ah LinuxNoob. MateriaIslamica is his own website which he uses to peddle Islamic bullshit. This guy has been called out at least a hundred times on Reddit and each time he just finds a new subreddit to peddle his bullshit on.

Oh it's own his own website, I thought he was just a janny and a writer there.

Nah, he claims that and always links to a reddit account with no post as the true creator of the website but it's just his alt.

Most hilarious thing is that he is a massive racist himself but will throw tantrums when anyone says anything against Muslims.

Just go through his profile and you'll see how deluded he is.

Oh I've known him for quite a while. He can be seen in other Muslim related subreddits shilling for pakistan hoping for some grand Islamic alliance. He seeks validation from Malaysians to Turks.

I remember him shilling for a car developed in Malaysia to Malaysians and the Malaysians trying to explain to him that he is over hyping it.

Lol yeah. He was doing a similar shit in r/Turkey when he was praising Erdogan and dissing Ataturk. Even the resident Turks were pissed at him for bootlicking Erdogan.

Modern Turks are mostly descendants of slaves raped by the Turks, and so hate the Turks with a burning passion.

their sultans constantly had heirs through white slaves to the point where the ruling family was pretty much 100% mayo "turks".

Sounds like he should mod /r/news then.

Could you give me all the accounts of his you know so I can add to the TIL banlist? I added linuxnoob already

I'll PM you. But like I said, he doesn't post from that account. Just made it so that he can still make the excuse that the website isn't his and he is just promoting it.

He has another alt called /u/blueskyrave

This is one of the best lolcow we've had in a while. One of the mods should invite him for a lecture here.

Yep this guy is hilarious.

Is there any reason that the text is all bunched up? Normally Wikipedia-style wespites don't do that.

They've customised the software to use different font/line spacing settings.

From the numbers researched within this article, at least 5,008,810 Muslim soldiers participated on the allied side during World War II, with 1,929,767 soldiers killed in action.

>40% dead

>Being proud of that

the absolute state of pakis.

Their army have a weird fetish of getting into unwinnable wars and then saying "lmao bro, it was just a prank" after losing.

Says the Idnian lmao.

India never started any war that it couldn't win though.

They win wars because they have more people, we must defend ourselves.

Well, you wouldn't lose if you didn't start a war.

Pakistan never starts wars, it is Indian aggression which does that. We just preemptively fire the first shots.

Still trying to cause famine and drought by damming up our rivers?

Okay. We can agree to disagree on who started those wars.

Both Indians and Pakis used these stats to advocate for independence.

like 1/4 or 1/5th of the German army was Muslim. wtf is this guy huffing about their bravery

Some of the commenters are trying to top him by saying "well ackshually, 5 million Muslims fought for the Nazis".

Sigh... Why are pings just dreams, now?

I agree that Islamic values are not compatible with Western values - in fact Islamic values are much better than Western values. Western values led to the holocaust, racism, slavery and genocide of many people. Islamic values didnt lead to anything of the sort. Islam values freedom whilst Western culture values racism.

Tell me that this guy is joking.

Unfortunately no. He is being absolutely serious.

Oh man, that guy hates India so much, it's hilarious. Why can't we ping?

He has a racist condescending attitude towards all non-muslims but hates India in particular because why wouldn't he, he's a paki after all.