Lesbian gets triggered by a man bashing article in GC

1  2018-11-05 by Osterion


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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I just really want to know who's property we are, for tax purposes.

Proposal! Herero couples can buy and own lesbian couples, for tax purposes. Lesbian couples shall work for free around the homestead and be grateful when permitted to scissor one another. For tax purposes.

Daily reminder that lesbians are rly frickin stoopid!

The social norms of wifedom are bullshit. Husbands are depicted as bumbling oafs who can’t even dress themselves properly without their wives. Wives are expected to treat their husbands like incompetent children in domestic matters — to behave like their mothers, ensuring they are fed, washed, well-dressed, and that their things are organized.

Men are portrayed in media as bumbling morons because they are REEEE

A lesbian is angry and hates men? Quick, someone call powerofjerkoffmagic, their patron saint

What did I write this comment

can't get married in the first place