Chapo once again proves that it's the wokest place on the internet

1  2018-11-05 by tsetnocamrak


This, but unironically.


  1. This Post -,,

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What bus?

If you're retarded to put yourself beneath the wheels of a moving vehicle, that's on you

What is with this uptick in retards posting screenshots instead of linking directly to the comments section?

I have noticed this as well. I am speculating but think it could have to do with an increase in agendaposting - people only want to share specific snapshot takeaways from threads.

Alternatively it might be because the need to interact with threads has gone down due to the Pinging Prohibition Act of 2018.

KiA had very strict no-direct-linking rules for a long time, could be that too.

Or he made a total idiot of himself in comments below the screenshot.

They copied it from /r/cumtown or /r/stupidpol

did you really just call me a retard???? FATAL MISTAKE FRIENDO

/u/Tsetnocamrak shut up you retarded boomer faggot

You saw the upvotes, ofcourse he is.

"reactionary" i fucking hate that term, its lost all its meaning.

i still think it means just reacting to things and hyping it up as a big deal. which is pretty cool and fun so im a reactionary. thats prob not the definition though and i dont look things up because thats not cool

That's the orignal definition but now its associated with politics, more precisely, conservatives

I mean reactionary pretty much always has the political definition

I've heard it used in the work place when referring to people who didnt like the changes that were being made. It's used mostly in politics but it's attributed to values.

It has always been political, and used to describe people you'd generally call extreme conservatives these days.

It originates from describing those counterrevolutionaries who seeked not only to reverse the French revolution and restore the feudalist system, but to implement even more drastic feudalism.

Since the 1930s it has been used by Marxists as a slur against non-socialists, and by the Nazis against monarchists, aristocrats, and the religious.

counterrevolutionaries who seeked not only to reverse the French revolution and restore the feudalist system, but to implement even more drastic feudalism

based and redpilled

same tbh

Because like everyone is a reactionary now

When I see people use reactionary unironically these days, I just assume they're fucking retarded.

What a bunch of retarded niggers (being retarded nigger a quite redudant thing), they should chill out sucking each others cock

I posted about this 12 hours ago only I linked to some actual fucking drama you screenshot-posting SRC inbred.

I thought this was /r/drama, not autism show-and-tell

OP consider hard drugs as you fail at life. Postinf a screenshot smh.

Being a retard or a faggot is a choice. Being a colored fellow is not. Also most retards/faggots are white anyways

B-but it's not a choice reeee

How is taking dicks up in your ass not a choice lmao 😂😂😂


Link there or check yourself into a mental institution you absolute faggot retard

Lol at all the tryhards in this thread trying to trigger OP so they can finally get the very first PM of their miserable life. Sad. Imagine OP ignoring you too.

This is Drama, keep screenshots out of here. What is next, blacking out usernames?

we've transcended from horseshoe to mobius strip theory

Ooh spank me with your harsh PMs about your karma tarddaddy.