Anti-Censorship / moderator subreddit SubredditCancer is asked by the admins to remove harassment or be sent to the ghetto. SRC mods have a rage stroke, abuse mod powers to lock every single thread and close down the sub for good

1  2018-11-05 by AlecOzzyHillPitas


Seriously. If pornhub is suggesting cuck porn for you, it's because their algorithm has determined, scientifically, that you're a cuck. That's all.


  1. This Post -,,,

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This subreddit has had little effect and has just become an exhausting list of the abuses of moderators and the outright indifference (at best) shown by the administration to this pattern of behaviour. Rather than being a place that might turn things around or shake reddit out of its apathetic decline into another Facebook substitute, we've been little more than a palliative care unit for people to congregate and watch it happen.

Imagine thinking that your subreddit for crying about how you've been banned from other subreddits for being a retard would "inspire change"

palliative care unit

I thought that involved the veggies actually kicking the bucket instead of just sitting around and whining about a website going to shit because an internet janitor was mean to him

Reddit is beyond saving and that the efforts here have been at best Quixotic under the current environment at Reddit and social media in general.


So unlike drama the commited sepuku rather than bend the knee.

Little did they know that the cancer was inside them all along.