We’re going to war with the Slant-Eyes! Sexpats are the first to get nanjinged!

1  2018-11-05 by Killer_B_Cell


I ordered a shit dildo using Google+. When it first came out, you had to sign up with G+ in order to get the discount. It was supposed to smell and feel like a shit. Was pretty underhelming when it arrived, because it only looked like a shit. It didn't even feel like a shit when it went in my boipussy.

Needless to say, I don't use it anymore.

The one upside was that the shit dildo was password protected, so no one else could use it.


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This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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What does smart cute Asian guy think of this? Some one ping him, I forgot his username.



not the sexpats :(

Lol I wish, Taiwan is "disputed" and we haven't had a war over that yet, and people actually live there.

Taiwan has the full might of South Korea’s military supporting them. If there is a war, South Korea will deal with Chinese aggression.