our next r/drama mod

1  2018-11-06 by dratamard2


Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


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You shouldn't have done this

That backfired.

Have we entered the age of boy cunny?

Yeah "suddenly"

Username kinda checks out...

Guess r/pics is less progressive than we thought

Lmao the kids dad looks exactly like what I expected

link for the lazy?

He's got a pic in his post history

Yep, that makes sense. Her son will rebel by being joining a frat and voting Republican the rest of his life.

As is tradition.

As Reagan foretold. So it is written.



The internet is not for everyone.

O lord give me strength to not judge this individual based on her appearances

But shit dude, every fucking time it's always the stereotypical one that do this shit

Prolly look better as a burn victim.

Now I'm really sad.

Alexa, play Sandstorm

ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Darude - Sandstorm ─────────⚪───── ◄◄⠀⠀►►⠀ 2:35 / 3:53 ⠀ ───○ 🔊 ᴴᴰ ⚙️

what would you have done if your son wanted this for his birthday? spank him and tell him boys don't wear makeup. Then kill myself because I did something horribly wrong as a man.

Wew, never expected the fucking facebook subreddit of all places to have such a hot take

I mean if my son wanted to be a princess I wouldn't care. But no way in hell I'll let him half ass it Disney style princess:

"You call that a world AIDs day symposium?? I'm ashamed that my own kin can't properly quell a rebellion on the frontiers!!"

There have been a few but they were promptly deleted. Not by me but by someone else I guess?

OP's literally a Facebook user that doesn't understand how Reddit works.

That's most of the people you find on the default subs

Usually more fluid. Most days is pink tops pink shoes. He currently likes girls just feels more feminine. This was his wanting to try out being a girl in a dress.

GC is unironically right. My bright red clothes that I loved as a kid would make me trans to them. Fuck dude let the kid wear pink stuff without telling him that he is a girl when he wears them.

Lol dad was expecting 50k upvotes and 20 gildings for that faggoty bullshit. To be fair he could probably repost it in a couple days and get that response, he just got reddit in an unlucky moment of clarity this time

No for or against any issues or saying you shouldn't have done this for your kid, just feel placing this on the Internet isn't fair to your son and just baits to people's opinions of situations your son has no part or decision of, and something that can cause more emotional harm than necessary

Did r/pic have a sudden moment of clarity and discovered that maybe posting pic of children for internet stranger to see is bad ?

This can't not be bait.

OP probably thought "Today I will post a pic of my son dressed as a girl on reddit and get that sweet sweet karma. Might be a gold or 2. Thousands of comments appreciating my parenting."

In the name of Allah most high, this fat thot mother needs a good stoning

Ho-lee shit I dont think I've ever seen a default sub that openly conservative about something. Jesus they are ripping that guy.

/r/pics getting itself a one way ticket to one of AHS's lists or something.