Great fanfic or Morbid Reality. Hubby prefers bussy over a stable family life.

1  2018-11-06 by Killer_B_Cell


Please don’t comment in that thread. It’s gonna come back to me.

This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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LMAOOOO great find! That's fucking hilarious. We need to invite the husband here he'll fit right in.

Onces the chads and tyrons realize the superiority of my bussy over gussy, roasties will be genocided

was gonna title it “your wife found your phone” but descriptiveness is always better than shock value

There is no way he didnt plan that. My money is on him being too much of a pussy to come out properly, and instead going for this to avoid the initial confrontation

There is no way a cheater would be a)leaving their phone lying around the house with b)the volume on and c)not disabling the notifications for grindr