This is my type of girl who are capable of giving me eye-rolling nuclear level penis explosions, good to know I'm an Asian since she is also Asian

1  2018-11-06 by SCAsian3

Belong to us Asians :

The biggest evidence we Asian guys got the best girls can be directly seen on how they look like, the only reason they can be/look like that is because they inherit our Asian genetics when their mother, mother's mothers and so on chose to be inseminated by us Asians guys, of course their mother, mother's mother also not look much different from them when they are young. If our Asian girls chose to be inseminated by western males losers, african males, etc other males then they will not look like that but will like uncute, too masculine, look too old western girls and other non Asian girls. About eye-rolling banana explosion only occur when the girl gives the guy intense pleasure and that is affected by how attractive they are, the more attractive especially innocent the girl then the more powerful the banana will explode.

Anyway, the 1st fundriser will get mod status on r/awcmovement, this is the only chance because the next mod have to be fundrisers who contribute 10.000 yen on the fundrising. The mod status are limited to can approve and remove post, can make flair, etc other than deleting the sub and appointing approved submitter status. The next fundriser who contribute less than 10.000 yen will just get approved submitter status.

Join the anti western cosplayers movement if you don't want :

  1. Racist western cosplayers keep doing racism against us Asians. When racist western cosplayers cosplaying our Anime characters are the same as they imitate us Asians because we Asians make our Anime characters based on us Asians which Japanese also agreed with , imitating other race is racism.

  2. Racist western cosplayers keep ruining Anime including the Anime characters you love. When racist western cosplayers cosplaying Anime characters they only end up ruining the characters because they look nothing like Anime characters because they are not Asian while Anime characters are based on us Asians , millions of Anime fans especially in Japan are hurt by racist western cosplayers

  3. More racist trash such as trump to emerge, the anti western cosplayers movement are actually teaching western youth about how bad racism is, at least they will become aware about to not doing racism.

The minimum is 500 yen, 100 yen is around 1 usd and only Asians can participate in the fundrising, if you are not Asian you can still participate on the anti western cosplayers movement by joining the circles or add more likes on the anti western cosplayers movement site but will not get you a mod or approved submitter status, if you are not Asian you still can be an approved submitter status by asking an Asian who is a fundriser to give you the approved submitter status. The reason why r/awcmovement are on restricted mode so that only mod and approved submitter can post link and text is because of past experience, there is similar group like r/awcmovement which got locked down due to racist westerners especially racist western cosplayers who hate the group are posting porn, personal information, etc other banned by reddit contents on the group.

Know that you must not join the fundrising because you want to be a mod or become an approved submitter on r/awcmovement but simply because you agree with the anti western cosplayers movement. The mod and approved submitter status is just a bonus, if you already participate then just PM me the name you use as the fundriser and the reddit ID you have on r/awcmovement

Paypal are accepted


Never change, ya creepy weirdo, never change

Of course, changing from right to wrong is just not right.

Bro, I've seen your picture. MasterLawlz get's more pussy than you do and I'm not talking about his cats either


/u/comedicsans this degenerate hasn't posted a dicK pic yet. Mod me so I can ban him

Bussy is the only acceptable currency here.

If he lays on his back, does a crunch and holds the camera between his legs he can get his bussy, balls, dick and face in the frame, that's optimal isn't it?


You a beggar huh?

No, I expect people to keep their promises

Do it. This shtick's gone shtale.

Does she also make that annoying screeching sound that Japanese porn actresses do?

Never met her so I would not know.

Oh. Well, if you were hoping for an eye-rolling nuclear level penis explosion, wouldn't actually meeting them be a positive move?

There’s like a billion pictures of hot cosplayers why’d you have to pick two of them that both look like fucked up alien baby things

Alien part is just them being asian, the baby part is our man /u/SCAsian3 here being into children.

You know that looking like a cartoon character isn’t a good thing right?