Orange fans mad at Daddy Dawkins

1  2018-11-06 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


Gazelles should be shot and used for biltong.

They're too salty for biltong.

You have my rifle.

What the fuck, these people make CA look like the Nobel Conference.
The pinging ban will be the end of reddit, these people need to be actively bullied.

The hyperbole is just exquisite. "These people hate e everyone who isn't exactly like them." The irony is off the charts.

We can submit quotes?


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/ourguy/? Very centrist take

As someone who hates both SJWs as well as Trumpists, I wholeheartedly agree.

Too many pussies in the world today, on both sides of the aisle

As someone who goes outside and realizes SJW's are basically an internet boogeyman people who unironically complain about them need to be put into camps.

Luh fucking mao

Which college campuses have you been on in the last 5 years

A bunch but guess what? there is only a few thousand people on a college campus and only a hundred at most are "SJW's" its a minority in a minority so completely meaningless apart from triggering the shit out of reactionary mayos.

there is only a few thousand people on a college campus

University of Central Florida had 66,183 people this year.

A&M had 66k.


Lmao @ you thinking your backwoods rebuttlican schools are anything close to actual colleges, which if you ever go anywhere in Cali you will find out are 90% SJWs.

Half my sociology class was about gender and racism (understandably), and you would not believe the type of people that take that for more than a GE req. My english class about myths and legends had a pronoun sheet and someone complained that a partner wasn't following it so the prof bitched at us for half an hour about it.

They aren't imaginary just because you haven't personally met them.

I've never met a Jamaican, but that doesn't mean I think Cool Runnings was a deep state psyop.

Im not saying they dont exist you dunce im saying outside of the internet eternal flame wars they dont have any real affect, the fact you think that you saw them in a fucking sociology and English class means they are widespread how delusional you are its like meeting vegans at an organic foods store and claiming thats an accurate representation of how many vegans there are everywhere.

"Why are you freaking out, they haven't passed any laws in the majority Republican government?"

Dumbass, no majority lasts forever.

Ah yes i remember the Obama planned laws that required mandatory SJW education camps for all boomers.

A. a lot has changed within the last two years, Antifa wasn't a thing afair, and

B. weren't republicans still blocking supreme court picks and etc. from Obummer? The excuse for anything Obama wasn't able to do always seems to be that republicans blocked him so someone's lying here

A. >unironically complaining about ANTIFA & BLM oh lord

B. >only reason we dont have SJW concentration camps and mandatory trans olympics is the brave republicans

Whats it like to be even more delusional than the worst of the SJW's?

> unironically supporting Antifa or BLM

You can think Daddy is a retard and not do the above

I dont support ANTIFA or BLM but pretending the ANTIFA is anything more than a scourge of bins and has real political power to actually change anything is disingenuous and as far as BLM goes having vestcams on all police isnt a bad thing for anyone.

having vestcams on all police


as far as BLM goes

that's not all they want

SJW's are basically an internet boogeyman

Bullshit famalam. I've met many IRL SJWs who want to "steal back the land".

OP, the politically correct term is magacels

I mean, he's not wrong about Daddy, but "Don't blame Dems for all the stuff Dems (with a few exceptions) abided by and encouraged" is a 0°K take.

The vast majority of democrats have literally no relation to SJWs. All of my friends are democrats and every single one of them hates SJWs.

"SJW" first showed up in leftist circles. The "warrior" part was the only pejorative bit and it was because they kept tarding up discussion and made their own side look bad.

The bulk of the "anti-SJW" movement online was made up of liberals for the longest time.

Only after years of attrition did a bunch of them start radicalizing and becoming rightoids.

The vast majority of democrats have literally no relation to SJWs. All of my friends are democrats and every single one of them hates SJWs.

I agree and I believe you. But I'm talking about non-irrelevant people, all the SJW stuff gets traction (like Title IX) because of Dem politicians who support it.

It's a shitty system, because regular people don't have a way to credibly punish politicians for this, because there's only one other alternative, and it's terrible.

I think most have realized that the Obama admin went too far with Title IX and aren't willing to go down that road again. You've definitely got to shuffle them every once in a while or they'll get stuck on all their masturbatory bad ideas.

Lmao that’s not true at all. People were freaking out when DeVos edited the Title IX guidelines (to allow for additional evidence from the accused and to cross examine the accuser) and were saying shit like she condones rape.

Problem is that Dems cater to the hardcore IDPol types just like GOP caters to the hardcore rightwing nationalist folks.

So they also cater to IDPol types?

Be honest, your online "friends" don't count.

lol at this effort to just pretend they dont exist and theres no link

dems are inextricably linked to sjws it is what it is

The vast majority of democrats have literally no relation to SJWs.

But the vast majority of the people running the Democratic party think that purple-haired fat chicks on Twitter do represent the vast majority. So they tailor their political messages to that crowd. The vast majority is always the silent majority. They have real person problems to deal with in life, so they just trudge along.

The "SJW" message/mission statement absolutely has been tacitly accepted by the vast majority of the party.

What policy on the democratic platform is something from tumblr SJWs?

I did not say "platform," you deliberately obtuse cunt. Their messaging is straight from the gospel of Cultural Marxism. Shaming, ideological conformity w/threat of shunning, privilege, "believe all women" - these ideological turds were first shat out in the SJW social media sphere.

Define cultural marxism using your own words. I'll know if you google it.

You know literally nobody with a above room temp IQ is going to take you seriously when you're throwing around terms like "cultural marxism" right?

Literally a giant red flag for "I'm poorly educated and have no idea what I'm talking about because my primary source of information is facebook memes."

You know literally nobody with a above room temp IQ is going to take you seriously when you're throwing around terms like "cultural marxism" right?

This is another way you people piss most of the rest of us off. Stop with the high school "the cool kids are gonna laugh at you" bullshit. Cultural Marxism, whether you care to admit or not, is a real academic phenomenon that has infected more areas of the public sphere than not. Would anyone, like, totes not think I'm cool if I mention Critical Theory as well? Or is "Critical Theory" a Russian hacker?

Cultural marxism is a real thing, you just have literally no comprehension of what that term means and are using it incorrectly, which is why I knew right away you're just a poorly educated person repeating things you've seen via facebook memes.

"cultural marxism" in the correct sense:

refers to an obscure critique of popular culture by the Frankfurt School, framing culture as being imposed by a capitalist culture industry and consumed passively by the masses.

The form you used it in is the conspiracy form, basically an extension of:

you people

Define "you people."

Would anyone, like, totes not think I'm cool if I mention Critical Theory as well? Or is "Critical Theory" a Russian hacker?

I don't really care what word you use tbh, it's just funny watching you incorrectly use a term you picked up from facebook memes.

Their messaging is straight from the gospel of Cultural Marxism.

I will buy you a prostitute if it will keep you from shooting up a church or classroom.

Married w/a kid and two pugs. I like venting at you kids online instead of where it matters. Swing and a miss.

• ⁠ending "systemic racism" (stop shooting each other and cops. They'll be nicer to you.)

Systemic racism still exists. Last year SCOTUS said that North Carolina was rewriting their election laws to keep black from voting with “surgical precision” (their words not mine) and under Obama the DOJ investigated some police departments and found they were racist.

⁠any and all tranny bullshit.

So anti discrimination is now SJW bullshit?

• ⁠"honoring indigenous peoples." WTF does that even mean?

It is vague but on the other hand North Dakota just rewrote their voting laws so native Americans couldn’t vote.

• ⁠"ending violence against women." A noble goal, but it has existed since the dawn of our species. See my above point. Women aren't special; nor are men. We're just Homo sapien. Stop fetishizing womanhood as some divine mystique.

It’s obvious filler pandering but it’s really no different than vanilla political pandering (I.e. won’t someone please think of the children) . It’s not exactly in tumblr super feminist territory. Hell it’s in the same ballpark as the GOP’s “they’re coming for the women” fear mongering.

But the vast majority of the people running the Democratic party think that purple-haired fat chicks on Twitter do represent the vast majority. So they tailor their political messages to that crowd.

I have never seen a Dem politician talk about how they’re going to tear the patriarchy or end male privilege or whatever. Actual Democrat politicians not from deep blue states never talk about shit like that (and most of the ones from deep blue states don’t bring it up anyway)

kelvins don't use degrees, you dum-dum

It was before the mid sixties

When have the Dems abided or encouraged that stuff?

The combined autism and retarded mental gymnastics by idiots like Pauline Josephone Watshername makes for some good drama.

are just silly


Hitchens achieving terminal velocity rolling in his grave.

Remember when Richard Dawkins wasn't an idiot who regurgitated glib, moronic partisan talking points


Literally every tweet ever is a glib moronic talking point.


I can’t believe Paul Joseph whatshisname actually posted that without a hint of irony.

Dawkins has always been a leftard so I don't see what the surprise is. The only reason he seemed right to some lefttards is he thinks the religion of pieces is shit.



He and Sam Harris were always lefties, but under the modern left has gone so extreme that he's now considered a centrist. Positions like free speech and criticizing religion were core lefty opinion as late as 2006.

It's funny how fast that's turned. Makes me long for the day when the free speech debate was over extreme porn.

What makes you think they aren’t part of lefty beliefs.

Did someone drop poor Dr. Dawkins on his head? He's been on the receiving end of these deplatforming efforts. Trying to separate democrats from "the overzealous left" is like trying to separate republicans from MAGA hats.