/r/subredditcancer has been locked

1  2018-11-06 by CrystalVulpine

Official Mod Announcement

It is with a great deal of reluctance and disappointment that we have decided to close r/SubredditCancer from this point forward. The moderators here have discussed this at great length and come to the inescapable conclusion that reddit is no longer a place for free discussion or the open exchange of ideas. The writing has been on the wall for a while now and it's time to face it.

As a consequence we are locking and archiving the subreddit. You will still be able to view the content, but we will not be taking new submissions from this point forward. All threads other than this one will be locked and this thread too will be locked in around three days

We've never been enthusiastic about heavily moderated platforms, but the precedent set by the reddit administration has made it abundantly clear that if we wish to stay out of quarantine (or worse) we have had to compromise those principles and to our great distaste give certain "celebrity" redditors preferential treatment.

We see no further point relinquishing our guiding vision and turning this subreddit into another "safe space" for "acceptable" opinions only.

For a while we had some hopes that things like the administration's healthy communities policy would signal an attitude change in the right direction, but it's obvious now that it was little more than hot air that would only be enforced very selectively.

This subreddit has had little effect and has just become an exhausting list of the abuses of moderators and the outright indifference (at best) shown by the administration to this pattern of behaviour. Rather than being a place that might turn things around or shake reddit out of its apathetic decline into another Facebook substitute, we've been little more than a palliative care unit for people to congregate and watch it happen.

There have been other problems our contributors have brought with them. This subreddit was never intended to favour one side of politics over another, yet posters and commenters seem to think this is the place for pushing their personal agendas.

There are other subreddits and websites for that sort of thing.

One mod says their bad reputation is "undeserved but unsalvagable."

This sub has a terrible reputation in general we believe it is undeserved; but we don't believe it is salvageable.

This isn't the best place to fight; and you're better of making your objections and opinions known outside of this echo chamber in places where admins and moderators might actually pay attention without attempting to dismiss your concerns through association with the image they have built up of this place.

The title I originally proposed for this post was:

SubredditCancer is discontinuing treatment: We will no longer be a containment board for criticism of reddit's culture of pervasive censorship and nepotistic moderation

Then calls reddit's head of policy "she who must not be named".

We've had multiple users get suspended recently for mere mention of Reddit's head of policy [she who must not be named] despite regularly representing herself in public as a representative of reddit for public policy affairs (mostly lobbying for net neutrality)

Trust and Safety (now Anti-Evil) has also removed stories highlighting bits of her past that indicate potential for political bias.

Anti-Evil is removing things we don't think should be censored, and historically this has been a precursor to subreddit bans or quarantines.

That's just recently, Before that we've had interactions where the admins have intervened on behalf of reddit celebrities to censor moderator criticism in ways we don't want to tacitly support.

reddit is no longer a safe platform for criticizing Reddit and we don't think it's particularly beneficial to anyone but Reddit to assist in fostering the illusion that it is.

Causing the users to go full conspiracy.

And posts interactions the mods have had with with admins, in which the admin called them a "bad bot".

You all think I'm crazy, but I don't think there's some conspiracy going on and target admins. If you have any more reports about cancer modding, go to /r/The_Cabal or /r/CancerModding instead from now on.


"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is

  2. Official Mod Announcement - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is

  3. r/SubredditCancer - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is*

  4. One mod says their bad reputation i... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is

  5. Then calls reddit's head of policy ... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is

  6. And posts interactions the mods hav... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is

  7. /r/The_Cabal - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is*

  8. /r/CancerModding - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is*

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

wtf is r/the_cabal? 🧐

o hey I did the CSS for that sub before CV demodded me.

he's an amazing specimen.

Yeah holy some of the earlier posts on the sub like this one are pure distilled autism 🤣

Like SRC, but only about the clique of "powermods" that control every subreddit in existence.

It wishes it was r/tmor_conclave.

I was there from the beginning when they had metaredditcancer and src was eventually taken over by the old admins of /r/niggers. I assume they knew they'd be banned and couldn't stand the idea of the subreddit actually going back to its actual purpose.