Are y’all motherfuckers ready for 2 years of straight gridlock?

1  2018-11-07 by Ghdust2

I know I am.


Erect as a MF'er

Not like congress has been passing anything anyway.

Well, they did get that shitty Tax Cut that fucks american and then tosses her into an even deeper debt hole.

Other than that, the Reps have been a shit show. Unable to get much accomplished other than crying about Holldawg and Obama.

I like less tax tho, if only we could cut spending too. Sad we can’t have a small government party but at least i can vote for half of what i want.

This is bad for dramacoin 😢😭😭😭😭😭😱😱😣😣

No it's not in the short term.

The Q reactions are golden.

Constant cockblocking should be interesting to watch.

Something something cucks

So stoked. Every rabid polititard on this site just got blueballed. They're gonna spend the next two years being frustrated and shrieking about 2020.

I dunno, the "blue"balled ones seem to have redefined their expectations in an attempt to describe this as victory.

They got the house, that’s something.

See what I mean?

Let's all collective pretend the only word we seemed to know the last 24 months wasn't "Blue Wave".

You are attempting to manufacture a triumph where none exists. This is a typical liberal reaction based on emotionalism and illogic.

To manufactured triumph!

Do you not know how American politics works? Winning the House is not some symbolic victory, if Republicans they’ll need some Democrats voting for it in the House

Winning the House is not some symbolic victory

No. It's not.

It's just way, way, way less than the other, bigger not-symbolic victory that's been used as the standard for hopes/expectations/demands/irrational screaming among the left the last two years.

But all of a sudden, it's all you ever dreamed for. Like it will sting less or your public pride won't suffer as much if you just pretend that you totally never cared about a blue wave in the first place.

PS I have complete confidence that I am better informed on burger politics than even most burgers. We don't have a race-to-the-bottom public education system where I am.

So what you’re saying is “You didn’t get everything you wanted so you can’t be happy with what you did get.”

I’m not seeing a single Democrat pretending they didn’t also want the Senate.

So what you’re saying is “You didn’t get everything you wanted so you can’t be happy with what you did get.”

No, that's plainly not what I'm saying. But you used all those quotation marks.

There's that burger public school system we talked about.

I’m not seeing a single Democrat pretending they didn’t also want the Senate.

Serious-posting liar(the worst kind) or just blind? At least one example from a democrat more reasonable and honest than you:

Seeing as the Republican can no longer pass anything and this has made Trump a lame duck president who can't finish and blow his legislative load -- wouldn't the Reps be the one that are goig to be blueballed?

China’s nipples are as hard as dramas right now.

I can't wait for when Republicans cry about Democrats shutting down the government, pretending like they would never do such a thing, lol.