'Chapo Trap House' Host Matt Christman: 'Kill Yourself and Kill Everyone Around You'

1  2018-11-07 by shitpost953


THAT'S IT! I'M FUCKING DONE WITH YOUR FUCKING BULLSHIT! I WORK MY DAMN HEART OUT FOR YOU FUCKING LOSERS AND WHAT DO I GET? A few upvotes on the rare occasion that one of you mouth breathing degenerates think I've been "sentient". Most of the time you just downvote me. You know what. I'm done. FUCK YOU ALL. I'm going to SRD. At least I'll have the chance to have a discussion that isn't about men's anuses.


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from the pic is that... Sam Hyde? ๐Ÿค” Has CTH been some MDE shit all along? ๐Ÿ˜ฒ

prompting Menaker to shout โ€œNo, no, no.โ€

when u bout to lose your gravy train and actually start livin the tankie life ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ˜‚


plz Keep Your Site off here ๐Ÿ˜˜

Nobody? No one?

I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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Check the comments too

from the pic is that... Sam Hyde? ๐Ÿค” Has CTH been some MDE shit all along? ๐Ÿ˜ฒ

prompting Menaker to shout โ€œNo, no, no.โ€

when u bout to lose your gravy train and actually start livin the tankie life ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ˜‚


plz Keep Your Site off here ๐Ÿ˜˜

I posted it to r/DeuxRAMA too ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜ฐ its over for Deuxcels

sokay I understand.. I'm just trying out that "centrist" bs I keep hearing about.

CTH being satire created by MDEfags seems entirely plausible.

How did a comedy troupe become whatever the fuck the reddit MDEfag presence is


I can explain that pretty easily. Sam Hyde's own politics (as evidenced by his Twitter account before it was banned) went further and further right over the years. At one point he even donated $5000 to stormfront. When World Peace got cancelled people suspected that it had to do with people complaining to Adult Swim execs about Sam. Some of the proposed sketches were not so subtle nods to the alt-right (mentions of David Duke, a song called "Jews Rule!" forced to be renamed "Jews Rock!", etc.) Even those on the MDE sub who weren't White Nationalists thought those were funny (the fact that he got them on air is amazing). After the cancellation, the group pretty much dissolved and there was speculation that the other members were pissed at Sam's antics costing them their TV deal.

The MDE sub users generally came from other places outside of reddit like 4chan's /pol/. The mods of the sub didn't ban people for "hate speech" or other mayo nonsense. They pretty much left the sub alone and as we all know, completely unmoderated forums tend to welcome people with insane beliefs spouting violent rhetoric.

I'd say that during its prime the sub content was pretty good. The latter years weren't that great. The influxes of people coming in from other banned subreddits/containment boards as well as more /pol/lacks resulted in most posts being unfunny. Most of us knew the sub had to die by the time we got to the 5,000th "Oy Vey teh Goyim know! xD xD" comment.

The funny thing is that many of the so-called "splinter subs" of r/mde were actually created to get away from the idiocy of the main sub. Some, like r/tha_pit were entirely critical of Sam Hyde. r/bombstrap (which is still around) focused on a different/underappreciated MDE member.

tl;dr The hard-right counterculture of MDE and lack of moderation on the sub led to too many retards shitting it up with agendaposting and bad content.

/r/milliondollarextreme was interesting because I've never seen a white supremacist community that centered so much around depression. The way they would piss and moan about "Clown World" and how (((They))) won't let them have a chance to have a good life, they had the sort of suicide-pact vibe that you can pick up from incels.

You can call an MDE fan a racist, a bigot, a piece of shit, etc. and they will laugh at you for being a triggered soyboy cuck. But if they see a white woman with a non-white man out in public, it will ruin their whole fucking day. They'll punch a hole in the wall when they get home.

I definitely got that impression, especially in the latter days of the sub. The constant crying about seeing miscegenation was so lame. There were times when I'd want to chime in and say "Why do you care? Marry someone your own race and disregard what other people do." Most of those guys aren't going to marry though. They're too "blackpilled". They claim to value traditionalism and strength yet so many of them waste their time doing nothing except getting more and more radicalized on the internet. Just a bunch of disaffected 25-year-old Doomers who don't know how to cope.

Apologies for not being up on MDE lingo, but what is "blackpilled"? Is it an extra stupid version of redpilled?


Yes. Being blackpilled means being an nihilist and giving into your existential angst. Taking the blackpill means "accepting" (assuming) that all social norms/cohesion is going to break down and Western civilization and the world are going to go to shit.

But if they see a white woman with a non-white man out in public, it will ruin their whole fucking day. They'll punch a hole in the wall when they get home.

It's because they desperately want some identity marker (in this case, whiteness) to compensate for their utter failure as men.

Seeing Tyrones and Changs smash Stacy Mayo reminds them of their deep, unrelenting inadequacy. ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ๐Ÿ˜ญ

2016 really did ruin the internet, kids these days need to appreciate some Wonder Showzen

But it's a kid show.


For real though. I appreciated it for subverting the kids show format into an "adult" show.

Now. as an adult, I appreciate it even more.

Patreon won't ever actually kill one of their golden geese, though. Cum Town has probably violated their ToS a dozen times over, but Patreon is never going to throw $5000/mo (or whatever their cut is, I think it's 10%) in the trash. Chapo makes over double that.

Part of that is because nobody is going to parade offensive clips from a podcast called "cum town" on brietbart, but still

Wooo is he like a retard? Flailing around like that or is he just so drunk that he can't even stay straight for a second?

he's prolly on molly or something tbh

at the start of the night he had a full (large) bottle of rum in front of him and by like an hour before this he had an almost empty bottle of rum in front of him, drank several beers as well and probably smoked some weed. thats more than enough to make it impressive he didnt full-on fall off his shitty folding chair at some point. speaking from experience here.

also what kind of terminal nerd fuck would waste molly on midterm election night, christ

lol possible.. I'd stopped watching the stream by this point.. kinda disappointed I didn't stick it out. He's sure rocking and rolling a lot though.

I think the twitch clips on the link stopped working but I found this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qz2D4sgZCM

lol possible.. I'd stopped watching the stream by this point.. kinda disappointed I didn't stick it out. He's sure rocking and rolling a lot though with a bit of gurning.

I think the twitch clips on the link stopped working but I found this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qz2D4sgZCM

regardless of what he took he's well fucked up and I think we should all be appreciative of the spectacle he made of himself in fulfillment of his civic duties

regardless of what he took he's well fucked up and I think we should all be appreciative of the spectacle he made of himself in fulfillment of his civic duties

for sure, i was fucking losing it while this was going on. easily the most valuable contribution chapo has made to the political discourse

That much booze would pretty much make the molly irrelevant anyway.

Doesn't he have pretty serious issues with depression?

Maybe he should take his own advice.

They're socialists.

wtf r u?


You're on Reddit so I doubt it

Of course he is, it's cth.

lol what a spaz

Finally a policy i can get behind.

It is hard to argue with that sort of statesmanship.

Infact, shouldn't we all be followers of Zhang Xianzhongย .

Zhang Xianzhong

God, it's like they just use certain letters because they're unpopular.

He's definitely gonna get banned though. Surely Patreon is run by responsible people who aren't stupid enough to run the risk of some 15-year old retard shooting up his family over this podcast and being liable for it.

Oh wait... checks calendar and sees that it's 2018... nevermind.

So far the kids doing that donโ€™t seem to be the ones who watch Chapo. They seem to come from other groups of though

more than 22,000 plus subscribers to donate over $100,000 per month to the show and its producers.

That's a lot of parents funding the NEET manchildren who fund the chapo drunk murderous rantings

It's $5 bruh

So the cost of parents getting the NEET manchild to take out garbage pays for a month of chapos ranting

Cleaning their room gets 4 months of chapo money

Cumtown is still the better investment tbh

yeah, the only problem is, Chapo Trap House is the perfect absurdist name, whereas Cum Town should be called Ejaculitaville.

So is a pack of cigarettes 10 years ago

There is a lot of shitty things about living in Virginia. Expensive cigarettes are not one of them. Cartons of high end (Marlboro, Camel..) $48.



fuck, my monthly chapo is the about the price of 2 cheapo cigs in Australia. Would not pay the equivalent to 2 packs ($50) thats for sure.

Don't drink alcohol or smoke or do drugs at all ever


Capitalism lol.

someones gotta fund the jorge soros bots

non ironic commies

We, uh, need the money to... to start the revolution, guys!

the definition of bourgeoise

lol define bourgeiosie

Chapo Trap House hosts

Alas, for I have been owned

like a true libcuck ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž

Why does he look like a subhuman nerd?

'Chapo Trap House' Host


I follow him on Twitter and he often mocks dudes who shave for "not being able to grow a beard" lmao these guys really think they're a modern Che/Castro-esque boyband

smh at these mayos thinking they can keep pace with Dr Che

Sounds like someone canโ€™t grow a beard.

He's brought that up before.

He says he's not making fun of them for being weirdo manchildren. He's making fun of them for pretending to be the opposite of the weirdo manchildren they are.

"I've actually had people say 'you know, you guys are always making fun of these people, these pundits and stuff for being flabby weaklings. Is that bad, to be a flabby weakling?' Absolutely not. I'm a flabby weakling, but these flabby weaklings compensate for their flabby weakness by destroying the economy and killing billions of people."

So basically the tard think he's immune to criticism or hypocrisy because he's on the Correct Side

No, commie spazboy admits he's a spazboy, and isn't making fun of liberal and conservative spazboys for being spazboys, he's making fun of them for trying to hold others to this ridiculous and harmful standard that they're also failing very badly at.

See the whole alt right masculinity bs.

Nothing wrong with being into cuckoldry if that's someone's thing, but that doesn't mean I can't laugh at Matthew Heimbach's misfortune.

Except being a fat weakling is an undesirable trait and associating strength or masculinity with alt right shit just because they do is stupid. How you fags gonna bash the fash with that whiskey gut and those noodle arms?

Overweight and obesity corresponds to low socioeconomic status and/or traumatic upbringings.

Fitness isn't about individual superiority, it's about societal health.

But the right doesn't understand that, and talks about how they're superior, yet they're overwhelmingly the side with the specimens who can be seen at /r/beholdthemasterrace

I mean, have you ever seen militiamen types, Oathkeepers and 3%ers included?

80% of them are above the normal BMI, and about one in every four look like the Michelin man trying to squish into a plate carrier.

And that's fucking funny.

Literally everything bad is capitalism's fault mhmmm yaaasssss

Why do I get the feeling that nearly every chapo has had a traumatic upbringing

Why do I get the feeling that nearly every chapo poster has had a traumatic upbringing

Because you're a fucking idiot?

I mean, if you came to the realization that capitalism took a big shit on you, you wouldn't be a big fan of it, but that doesn't really need to happen, to realize that it's an unsustainable system hurtling the earth and everyone in it towards certain doom.

As per the dryboys, most of them had privileged upbringings, except for Matt and Amber.

Doesn't mean they can't recognize a worrying trend, even if their lives are personally fine.

When you chalk up literally everything bad that happens as capitalism taking a shit then it makes sense that you think you're living in a nightmare world. If only it were that easy.

"The world is a vampire" -Kurt cobain

I mean, actual scientists are warning us that we only have twelve years to reverse climate change, while others state that capitalism is unequipped to manage a meaningful switch to responsible consumption, but sure, you do you, dude.

Huh so I guess we have no choice but to overthrow capitalism in the next twelve years. Seems completely within the realm of reason but I'm gonna need some tendies first.

Well, I was thinking of things like getting money out of politics, building up community preparedness through local mutual aid, weaving a strong safety net and rebuilding the culture of cooperation that died off in the midcentury, but without the racism this time, to create a societal expectation for people who are better off to help those who aren't, getting employees into the boardroom so that they have a say in the actions of their workplace, giving workers the right of first refusal, to be able to collectively purchase their workplace first, with low interest loans provided by the government, if the owners intend to sell it, that type of stuff.

But again, you do you.

Hey I'm with you on at least half of those points especially the rehabilitation of our culture and creating a wider safety net. Advances in technology should allow us to do a lot more than we're doing to serve the greater working populace.

I don't see a lot of even-tempered accounts of a reigned-in capitalism from chapo types tho. I mostly observe calls for its immediate destruction and the stupid romantic idea that it will usher in a new age of altruism where human suffering is an impossibility because we're all just so damn woke. But I'm just doin' me XD

The Chapo sub is weird.

It's irony poisoned, so sometimes it's joking, sometimes it's venting, sometimes it's some degree of seriousness, sometimes it's trying to out edgelord each other while not crossing the line, and it's all based on injokes from episodes or tweets that happened a year or two ago.

Plus, there's so many different tendencies represented, some more militant that others, some more utopian than others.

It's a subreddit for a comedy podcast, after all.

Yeah I'm not super familiar with it, I just started coming to /r/drama again recently. I listened to an episode with Heidecker out of curiosity where they played back a Trump speech and guffawed at every other word and I decided it wasn't for me.

Most of my comedy listening comes from 20 year old episodes of Howard Stern on mp3s that I stockpiled because sometimes I need to unplug from this political vortex we're all trapped in and just laugh. That and uhh yeah dude.

so.... Chapo fans are either suffering from traumatic upbringings OR not suffering from traumatic upbringings.


I think you're rivaling Christman for having reached Peak Ultimate Galaxy Brain here.

a subhuman nerd

In that montage in Lord of the Rings of Smeagol devolving into Gollum, this guy looks to fall around the 3/4th of the way mark.

a cannibalistic humanoid underground dweller of sorts?

Gollum wasn't a cannibal, as was mentioned above he ate fish

That's what all CTH users look like. Especially the women.

this is the guy with the big goony beard and that has his mouth constantly open isnt it lol

Christmanโ€™s remarks putย the podcast at odds with Patreonโ€™sย terms of service

The drama from patreon kicking off chapo becsuse they told their basement dwelling cult to commit murder-suicide would be just too much.

I contend it will be better if patreon declines to kick them.. the reeeing about double standards from the "conservatives" that got booted for displaying a pattern and practice of hate speech and calls to violence will be ๐Ÿ‘Œ

what's the patreon equivalent of voat?


Didn't the shekel shufflers shut them down?

No the creator got arrested for diddling kids

You honestly don't think CTH would freak the fuck out about muh capitalism if they were kicked out of patreon?

anyone's opinion that's worth anything would think it's pretty funny

Knowing the chapo boys they would accuse patreon of being complicit in fascism or something.

they'd just find another black women to scam trump supporters out of their money again

Literally everything Im ideologically at odds with is hate speech!

Go back to SRC.. oh wait.

No way that CTH losing their main income source wouldn't be the biggest drama possible.

Handing out their credit card details

they have a whole lot of mass shooting to catch up on.

This, this actually explains so much about why the users are so fucked. They are just trying to keep up.

I doubt most /r/CTH subscribers today even listen to the podcast anymore. it's mostly generic reddit anarchists now.

towards the last days of r/MDE i would guess that only about 25% had watched the show

yeah, pretty similar in that regard

Horseshoe confirmed?

horseshoe deniers are on the same level as flat-earthers at this point

he wasz drunk

Matt for Mod!

The clips don't work for me. Can anyone give me a timestamp or something?

And like all tankie fags, they won't be able to accomplish that goal either...sadly.

titch took the vidoe down, does anyone have a mirror?

something something death cult.

Fuck me he looks like a JUST

Still very based considering his audience are all uni/6thfrorm sheltered mayos

I don't get why they would be upset, pretty sure no one they like is even in the running. It would be like libertarians flipping their shit over their usual <1% votes they rack in.

The time is nigh for podcastcels ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ•Ž

I feel like that's not an achievable sequence of events.

In that order

Carfentanyl suicide vest.


why did he get so drunk though, the night wasn't even that bad for anyone and it's not like socialists have A LOT of expectations anyway. Hell, they got two DSA members in congress I think, and at least on state senator.

why did he get so drunk though

Because it was a day that ends in y.

why did he get so drunk though

He's from Wisconsin

Because they're all depressed alcoholic soy powered boys


Dude looks like he belonged on mde

let me make sure i'm understanding this correctly. I may very well not be after reading the article.

Anyhow, Patreon dropped Lauren Southern over some nebulous claim that people might get hurt maybe due to what she's doing.

meanwhile a drunken retard goes on a rant telling his listeners to kill themselves then everyone around them (admittedly hilarious but still a clear call for violence no matter how drunk you are) and patreon's response is just a weak ass nothing?

I guess the money they bring in more important than anything else.

Laura Southern got banned for pushing darkies into the Mediterranean

She was protesting a ship smuggling people from Africa to italy. Not throwing anyone anywhere

Intresting fact couple months a go the ship lost the flag it sailed under for violations of international lawin not returning the "rescued migrants" back to Libya

lol i looked the ship up last month and was surprised to see it was no longer registered to the landlocked EU constituent country of Mongolia. Wondered why they had changed.

Everything that far-lefties say is just a joke bro so it's okay

Neckbeard at it again

Holy fuck these guys look like such pussies

post lats or stfu

post your feet

show us your hog

It's tough to tell who the biggest dweeb there is menaker certainly has the dweebiest voice, but the other two look like bigger serial rapists.