Banned by /r/conservative lolcow mod for saying that the Nazis were not socialists

1  2018-11-07 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


Are we starting the “banned from X for saying Y” fad backup? Bc it’s boring as fuck.

I've been anti-leftoid posting too much recently and noticed I had strayed off the path of radical centrism. Had to recalibrate.

No we're not. Just downvote the retards and move on. Eventually the rest of their retarded brothers will figure out they need to find a different sub to cry on.

You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


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You're wasting your time trying to argue this on a rightoid sub. These aren't people that care about what the facts say, they aren't interested in any academic analysis of nazism, what caused it, or what they actually believed.

They repeat this historical illiteracy because it makes them feel good.

Hi Pizzashill. How is your day?

Bud calm down this sub is centrist smdh at your lack of knowledge.

a newfag telling pizzashill what this sub is about


Not knowing what an alt is

This is basic shit especially for a meme user such as yourself

Haha why yes, fellow 12 yr old based BUSSY poster

Emoji poster spazzing at me for insulting pizza our resident lolcow

Nibba wtf

Except I'm exactly right.

This sub is definitely retarded but it's not right wing it's whatever will make the most people sperg.

I'm talking about /r/conservative you moron.

No insults sir. Who did you vote for today?

I don't vote in American elections because of rampant voter suppression and 4-5 hour lines.

Idiot lol. Complain about your leader and then don't vote wtf. I knew you were special but I thought you would at least vote.

So you're gonna ignore the fact that you're retarded enough to not comprehend that he was talking about r/conservative rather than this sub?

Nice deflection, retard.

Rajesh stfu

Someone doesn't like being called out lol. Typical newfag autism.


I'd complain no matter who was elected because the entire thing is a farce. Neither the democratic party nor the republican party represents me.

I'm not going to go spend 4-5 hours in the heat with a bunch of blacks so I can vote for people I strongly dislike.


both side

You really are a stereotype aren't you?

I've voted democrat in every election I've voted in. I believe the republican party to be worse than the democratic party.

I'm just sick of hearing about browns.

Browns? If you mean mexican illegal immigrants no shit they're talked about it's a divisive and important issue.

Browns can be black people too.

Are you a white nationalist and or do these words resonate with your beliefs?

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children"

White nationalists are retarded. For example, I support for equality for everyone no matter what color they are.

I'm just sick of hearing about them.

Mlk junior quote is applicable here I think

I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to 'order' than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice [...]

Don't think it is tbh. I don't care about order or justice, I'm just sick of hearing about them.

He misses the days when he could sit out on the back porch listening to the black folks sing their songs while picking cotton.

Don't you know bro nazis were leftists prageru and infowars told me so

But they instituted socialist policies and put the state ahead of the individual 🤔

Classic socialism: where one guy points the finger at a group of people and convinces them to bake said people at 450° for 20 minutes per pound until crisp and golden charred.

Concentration camps: where workers, especially the kosher ones, owned the means of production.

Political compass you are using today cannot be easily transposed to someone in Germany in 1930's.

The horseshoe theory holds once you point out specific attribute or goal being the same. And that is that the difference between national socialist and just a socialist is the filters. Former has some filter, latter doesn't care. But their ideology revolves around collective taking more from an individual on a spectrum of freedoms.