Can we settle this? Is r/Drama left or right leaning

1  2018-11-07 by PoopShowPass

The mayo left thinks its right wing since the sub reddit holds the principles of freeze peach and there is a fair bit of tranny bashing, but free speech is very much a traditional liberal principle and both sides tranny bash. I'd say its left leaning with a good sense of humor about sjws and other party undesirables..


Bussy leaning

I’m dress right.

Just about everything on this sub is ironic dude don't take it seriously.

This but ironically

It's less ironic every day. Have you seen Ed's posts lately?

It's becoming 'sincerity parading as irony' instead of 'irony pretending to be sincere' even for many of the old guard.

And to make it sadder, their 'sincerity' is being phrased and positioned exactly as retardedly as their previous irony.

eh its the trajectory of a lot of users like Ed. They start out memeing and making jokes and eventually turn more and more serious until they're ether using their meme platform to seriouspost "jokingly" (like he's doing rn) or just straight up abandoning the previous guise to argue with users over politics or whatever.

Some notable exceptions to the rule are Pizzashill and Darq, who both are just off the deep end NEETs, and the_reason_trump_won who has generally kept to his novelty

Fair points. Both insightful and edifying. Thanks, CucksLoveTrump.

In fact, possibly the most reasonable and even-handed comment in the history of reddit and it still remains radically centrist. I'm proud of you.

But this is still sincere posting. WHAT DID WE JUST TALK ABOUT?

(yes I am aware of the irony of the fact that you are sincere-posting as a reply to my sincere-posting and respectfully matching my tone, so don't bother pointing it out)

>/r/drama histiography

^ This exactly. I saw Ed arguing against the patriarchy, and it hardly seemed ironic. RIP drama

But from what I see here are the sub's position on these things:

Women: gussys. irrational. 2d is better.

Trannies: a step up from gussy

mayo: cide

jews: We either want them to take over the world or you eiether think they should be part of the mayocide

the left: soyboys

the right: soyboys without the self awarness.

Women: gussys. irrational. 2d is better.REEEEEEEEEE

the right: soyboys without the self awarness.

this made me lel

We’re enlightened centrists what are u on about

No we're fucking not

Radical 🤙

Exactly. Enlightened centrism is for ironic tankies

don’t overdose on ideology lad

We stand fully erect on the political scale.


I support this as our official motto and slogan for the upcoming dramacoin boom that will be the 2020 elections.

You're not ready.

The moment you settle, that's the moment you get autism.

I think there are good dramas on both sides

/r/Drama leans left or right on different issues.

Plenty of people say its right wing, usually reactionary mayos like Ed. And you have others that reeeee Out out out that think its MDE ver 3.0


r/Drama is most definitely not right wing. Make fun of anything right wing (just like I do) and you'll likely get more upvotes than downvotes.

you have others that reeeee Out out out that think its MDE ver 3.0

I'm not sure about the others, but I ironically REEEE at 'fugees' hoping for them to explode and give drama. There are a lot of them lurking around, as one can observe by the thread vote counts.

But I guess, keep up with the irony long enough, and people will start believing it.

This, exactly.


Careful, the lolcow milkers are on a hair trigger and unironic use of this word is often enough to get you milked.

'lolcow milker' this is the cringe that keeps me coming back!

Different threads too.

Actually radical centrists.

Id say youre retarded and shut the fuck up, no one cares about your burger tribalism

Translation; You got a loicense for that wrong think moit

sweaty, I'm just saying the mdfugees and the sardines are getting the rope

Both are important to a radically centrist environment.

traditional liberal principle Bitch liberals aren't leftists. Free speech isn't necessarily left-associated.

Clearly, its right associated now. Which was part of the point hot rod.

but free speech is very much a traditional liberal principle and both sides tranny bash, not to mention half the people that run this sub are traps.

But you're saying that as a point in favor of the idea that this is a left-leaning sub, friend-o :)

Oh yes right, I misunderstood. Sorry dear

hahaha i sperme in your moufh

It's radical centrist, there.

Says the obvious agenda poster. Out out OUT!

The sub is unironically radical center. Not every fucming sub needs a real political leaning you sperg. Anyone who has real political beliefs on /r/drama and not just the hottest takes they can come up with is the very definition of a lolcow.

Please report to Radical Centrism Centre for orientaion immediately. You have been marked unradicalized.

Neither, you fuck

Its just a question, no need to be a neo nazi





centrist sub. fite me. 😤😤😤

we just had a poll yesterday

There is no distinction between left and right politics on subreddits pertaining to their drama contributions. Each adheres to their political dogma with the devotion and overzealous piety of a Cardinal trying to absolve himself of his sinful predisposition towards choir boys.

r/Drama is the confessions box where repugnant individuals gather to repent under the guise of levity. Irony is our tithe.

Every nuance of human depravity is discernible here and it's the radical centrists solemn duty to milk the cows. Or prostates, depending on your sexual inclinations.

I'd say it's a politically fluid sub who equips persuasions like an attention starved kid does fursonas.

Don't work yourself into a shoot brother

lol wut

Rasslin' The squared circle. The great Hulkster himself.

In short, don't take it so seriously you blur the line between trolling and seriousposting.

Are you just making these "sayings" up?

Isn't that the modus operandi of the subreddit?

Nah this sub is about shit posting and clowning rejects

so if you already know what the sub is about, why post asking what the sub is about?

It seems counter intuitive to me

Radical centrist

Both and neither.

If I'm being serious for a second, this sub makes fun of obvious bullshit. Neither side has a monopoly on that.