PSA: A very popular Welfareian site is reporting niggas are fucking Instagram hoes only to pull out and see make-up on their dicks-they were BLACKFISHED!

1  2018-11-08 by Signedupforthisshit2

post using the new format, can't see images-switch.


A popular Welfareian site is coming to terms with the fact white Instagram hoes are darkening their complexion so as to trick niggas and wiggas into thinking their biracial/multiracial for fucks, money, and fame. Warning, the images you are about to see may be disturbing, or arousing, but most importantly, a damn mess.




Colored girls are shocked, tell ya, shocked to find out their favorite hoes are white.



It is said to be a growing epidemic. So niggas if you find yourself fucking an Instagram hoe and you find make-up on your've been NiggerFished/BlackFished.


mayo incels on suicide watch, again/still ?

Damn, that's some intense cyberbullying. lol

typical black women fragility. they are always so aggressive when it comes to competing with mayos

this but unironically

I was watching Dr. Phil one day and these black women were yelling over each other complaining about how black men only want to date white women.


Figure 1. Serena Williams

But she's the one dating a mayo stupid

Exactly because black man stay clear of her temper tantrums.

Only an effete nu-male like Ohanian would put up with her shit.

Thinking black men care if their wife is a bitch when she's hella rich, lmao she's a woman they're all bitchy and not all of them have the benefit of being rich

hot take: white/western women are usually the sweetest and most open about their feelings imo

Unless you're a black guy and they call the cops on you for moving too fast

They also have breakdowns from stress

It is not shit, it is roid rage.

Tbh it probably stings to realise that mayos are sexier black women than actual black women.

when it comes to competing with mayos

Sounds needlessly specific

Well because it's usually specifically blacks vs mayos. Not saying that they are inferior, just that there's definitely a fetishism towards white women from a lot of poc males that creates a sort of inferiority complex for them.

I'm totally guilty of that fetishism too so not judging any side here lmao

If you get caught doing something as stupid as this, you deserve it tbh

u can say “it’s ok to be white” til u blue in the face but when u bitchez is colorin they skin brown then it clearly ain’t 2 good to be wyte 😂😂😂

still better than wasting money on sunbeds and skin cancer

English, motherfucker! Do you speak it?


I applaud all self-hating mayos but please don't do this, a trip to the hardware store and blueface NOT blackface.

a trip to the hardware store and blueface

reminded me of this, lololol

Light skinned black people r basically mayos anyway

One step away from Elizabeth Warren

Fun fact: Elizabeth Warren is more black than native.

Not in this Christian household

It's like in 200 years we'll be la goblina realizeada.

it's not that bad. anywhere in the world that the white man has made his mark there's we can see a reversion to whiteness. colorism isn't just for whitey.

One drop rule for mayocide

Light skinned privilege is even more insidious than mayo privilege.

All those huWhiteBucks deposited in the bank and?! ability to play bass and dance.


Unironically though colorism is huge everywhere.

of course there's a donation link right after the first tweet lmao

Also damn shes actually way cuter white. It's also funny to see the black girls screeching about how she's stealing their hair texture as if there aren't millions of black women actively trying to emulate white women's hairstyles 🤔

lol that shit had me rollin. The audacity is thick in this one.

WOC are lacking career opportunities as it is, now white bitches are movin' in on the ethnic IG thot market.

Truly despicable. Stay in your lane, hoes!

the perfect deception! with a name like emma hallberg everyone would naturally assume shes black.

She is Swedish for fucks sake, can’t get much whiter than that.

the youtube video is real. her bio says shes from sweden and if you listen closely you can hear her scandinavian accent pronouncing Rs as Ws. so that at least is probably true.

You are mistaken. She has naturally darker skin complexion and wears make-up to make it shiny, that's really all there is to it.

well thats not very dramatic is it

Scandinavians pronounce Rs as Ws? Are you retarded?

This is a strange mayocide

Lol that mayo girl looked better when she had brown make-up and a pink wig on. The absolute state of mayo women

The absolute state of hwhite hwomen

Gotta say that at least this shows white supremacist beauty standards have been destroyed and replaced with sexy mixed hipster beauty standards

I can't decide which is worse

i can

No surprises here, this is just white women trying to duck the mayocide.



> swede

Isn’t breeding with colored people encouraging the mayocide?

If she banged a mayo and had kids, it would be anti mayocide.

Isn’t breeding with colored people encouraging the mayocide?

Depends on what kind of mayocide you want. Your dream mayocide might be passive and a product of demographic shifts over time. Mine might be a little more enthusiastic in its execution.

a peaceful mayocide, mixing the mayo genes with other races to produce hapa, half negro children, etc. is the optimal long term solution to the mayo question.

No more hapas please. We have enough incels as it is.

I just hope my hapa kids will be female

Then I guess they won't be incels.

no they won't be, a cute hapa girl will always find a loyal, high-quality partner.

Lol yeah, also higher chance of getting human trafficked

egg, my daughters will have a higher chance of being kidnapped and trafficked just because they're hapa and not white? It's probably more correlated with where you live, right?

Forget trafficking, their own degenerate predator of a father would be the far larger risk.

that's gross. you're gross for saying something like that, I'd never do anything to my daughters. And I'm not a degenerate predator either, I just like small women.

find a loyal, high-quality partner.

That's how you call keeping them in your basement now ?

real funny, as if I'd ever do anything to my beloved daughters

Huh, we actually have white women trying to "pass" as black. I guess this is kind of uplifting in that we have come full circle as a society, but mainly it's just weird. I cannot even image what shenanigans are coming in 2019.

So wait, one white girl paints her face and blacks everywhere insist white people are trying to emulate them? Those comments from the ugly ones are especially good. Nobody's tryna look like u sista.

That last one got me sweatin and then I realized that she fucks dogs and went dry 😤

srs.. there was an interrracial porn that turned out to be a white woman painted black with makeup foundation. they looked nordic so I will assume since there wasnt a lot of black women there they created their own. I watched a bit and she had me fooled.

on another note this catfishing blackface is a problem. these white women spam black women spaces which isnt fair because its more of them.

Your gonna talk about it but not link it? Bruh...😐

i would have to remember how i came upon it. I dont know if it was in a black lady sub or if I if found it. if i ever run across it again I will reply to you and if its years later I will pm you. the only clues that it was a white woman was the coloring was funny and some of it got on his leg. lol.


Counter point. White chick's are better black chick's than black chick's.

No they look like fuckin dolls. It's scary not hot

Who said they were hot?

Well actual black girls look like this, no wonder people would rather follow a white bitch in blackface.

This is not what they meant by get Blacked

Why do women insist on drawing on giant fucking cartoon eyebrows?

Fucking white women 🤢

These people need Jesus

WOC are lacking career opportunities as it is, now white bitches are movin' in on the ethnic IG thot market.

Truly despicable. Stay in your lane, hoes!

Mayos are also better niggers lmao

Look at all those ethots shilling their shitty instagrams in the mentions. Just a bunch of catty bitches using woque pretenses to dogpile a bigger ethot and gain a few extra follows from the exposure.

Well I guess its time to blast some bussys again but I will repeat: Make-up is not effort, it is not hard work, it is not making you look better, it is not 'for you'. It is to deceive and trick both yourself and others into thinking you are more attractive than you really are. Its lies. Youre still ugly underneath all that slop and once the guys have filled your guts up they will throw you away and find an actually naturally good looking woman. Not one who wont ever go near water, has pores wider than their mouth and has anxiety attacks if someone sees her without her 'face on'.

Redpillers out out out!


Prove me wrong

What fuck.

LOL why does this cunt have me blocked on Twitter? I have no idea who this is

No incels allowed!

The woke part of Twitrer uses massive block bots.

Your ‘retarded post flair is accurate with this.

Welcome to 2018.

Why's that black girl using the hard r like that.. that's our word.

“I, a white woman, will make myself look black to attract black men”

Twitter would have you believe this is some sort of epidemic instead of a thing that has never happened once in human history

What does this have to do with black men, racist

Sounds like some sort of chan hoax. That said, there are thousands that have probably fallen for it already. Bravo.

Is there anything more retarded than America's obsession with race?

White women will try anything to seem oppressed



Now this is real /r/blackpeopletwitter not the minstrel show that is constantly effort posting on behalf of the woke we see on /r/all everyday.