Daddy Trump takes away lil Jim Acosta’s press pass after Jimbo allegedly karate chops a White House staffer.

1  2018-11-08 by StephenKingIsADrunk


It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


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The end of MeToo hopefully as rarefied Dens are forced to defend an alleged abuser. While Trump tards get to make a big deal out of this non altercation.

You have a real stick up your ass about #metoo? Worried about some past sexual assaults coming to light?

Wow one sentence in and you have already made a rape threat. /u/AlveolarPressure is a rapist. #metoo.

The DDF can't handle this big girldick energy

You're 0% effort trolling isn't funny moron.



Learn to assimilate 😴😴😴

back to politics for you

I'm not leaving the Iberian for a Moor such as yourself.

Honestly why even come up with a weak ass lie when a video clip that can fit in a sound byte disproves it? Just say you don't like the guy and he interrupts and disturbs order.

Pretence has always been important to authoritarians. You’re not lying if you believe your own lie. This is why Idi Amin gave himself all of those benevolent titles while he was having people fed to crocodiles.

Please do not defame Uganda daddy

Go analyse the Fuhrerprinzip principle. That will get your bussy in order.

a weak ass lie

As if he knew any other move. Donnie is the everstone-holding magikarp of politics.

Trump knows his base well and knows they eat up what ever he says.

They like when the cellulite golem earnestly sputters their vindictives

Just an excuse to get rid of Jimbo.

And frankly I'm more than ok with that lol.

no part of american politics has been about "stuff that actually happened" for at least a few years

or like 60 if youre more of a cynic

its just all propaganda and what you can convince people of

But like, there's fucking video!

How do you have the utter lack of shame to lie, blatantly, about something that literally happened yesterday and of which there's literally dozens of videos from multiple sources and angles.

lol welcome to 2018 nigga

Lol Sarah Sanders posted a video but it was literally a speed up doctered version posted by Prison Paul. Trumpers have always preferred feels > reals

But like, there's fucking video!

theres video of nearly everything, doesnt stop official narratives forming that are clearly wrong

How do you have the utter lack of shame to lie, blatantly, about something that literally happened yesterday

exactly the same way people lied about gang rapes by supreme court nominations lol what do you mean

he attacked that poor woman and now hes banned for being a misogynist, good riddance

bigots not welcome

Yes, there is video of him assaulting an innocent woman. It's utterly disgraceful he is lying about it, I agree.

It’s an impeachable offense to destroy the First Amendment like Drumpf is

She must have watched a few too many girl power movies if she thought she could just rip it out of his hands by force.

Nah she never intended to take it from him. She was just ordered to try to take it from him so Acosta would resist and they could get an excuse to cancel his credentials.

Glad to see r/conspiracy getting taken over by the retard left.

Ever consider self-immolation you brain dead neanderthal?

You can’t say that

thats censorship! why do mods love censorship so much? i suggest you look at the 1st ammendment when you have a free min from lapping up soros cum

It pays so well, /u/xNotch works here

thats hella sweet hes a mod though

All r/Drama mods have signed a non disclosure agreement so they legally are not allowed to say how much we are paid.

Ah yes, the "Better not shame Notch" clause.

Is there a better explanation than that?

No, but upvote anyways because lolcow.

Effort post more, only you can stop DNC martial arts assassins.

Her attempt to grab the mic was pathetic. If she actually wanted to take it she wouldn't have given up after two half-assed attempts. Nor would she have calmly sat back down like nothing happened.

I think she sensed that Daddy was sperging out and was trying to deescalate the situation before he had a stroke. Remember that everyone working for Trump is basically a nursing home employee at this point.

As we learned from AzizGate, if she were really trying to deescalate the situation properly, she would have started blowing Acosta.

how can you doubt an assault victim

jim acostas fans on twitter sent her death and rape threats too, prove it isnt true

also shes been driven from her home because of jim acosta, twitter ban him please its a private company

jim acostas fans on twitter sent her death and rape threats too, prove it isnt true

no u

omg victim blaming imagine how much youre stressing her about the threats she received now that youre denying her lived experience

femoids BTFO

Lmfao. Sometimes I wonder if you're just a guy LARPing as a complete mongoloid.

Slightly smarter than he acts, but far dumber than he thinks

says the jew lol



shes being threatened and shes crying because of you leftist misogynists, you all need to be banned from social media for hate speech

Lmao. There it is.

What's happened in here?

When did r/drama become /pol? It was humorous banter before, now it's just crawling with trumpettes.

He's our token retarded Trumpet. Mainly because he's a fucking drongo from Australia who nevertheless wants to suck Daddy's dick 😂 😂 😂

could you imagine though

Sell it to who?

That's female empowerment for ya.


Sweet Allah, is her arm okay? I hope the STAT x-rays didn't show a vicious fracture. Sending thots and prayers for her speedy recovery.

She was rude to grab it out if his hands .

Straight to the victim blaming. Lefties always project.

It's beyond obvious she grabbed him. Super rude . He barely flinched like any one would do and said excuse me. She doesn't need to be fired but it's a teaching moment.

She looks like Janet from The Good Place.

not a robot

oh the poor thing. that looks absolutely brutal, I hope they can save her arm.

Do whitehouse interns still give dome or is that verbotten now?


Acosta gets chucked at a White House security checkpoint

He wins all the "I was banned from x" pissing contests

he can celebrate somewhere else other than the press area in the white house

Of the two political seriousposters, you're much less fun than pizzashill.

At least pizza had opinions he could argue. Your entire debate style is lazy trolling.

nigga im not trying to make it fun for everyone else just me

At least pizza had opinions he could argue.

lol is "repeat the news verbatim" an opinion now

Certainly more of an opinion than "orange man good"

i like how people think im a supporter just because i call communists fags and make fun of women and black people

Implying that's unusual

The so-called secret service officer says, "It's been here awhile" talking about the hard pass that he's trying to take out of the holder. Apparently it's been at the White House a helluva lot longer than he has.

Even the Secret Service is rife with crisis actors these days, smdh. 😔

This should be fun. A man in a position of power swatting at and putting his hands on a female intern. Surely the left will disavow? #hertoo?

Somehow I doubt it.

This is what DDF is running with?


Ikr?! Who believes this shitty video is real?? 🤣🤣🤣


Lmao, karate chop though. I bet you guys make David Hogg look buff if any seems violent to you.

Everybody knows any physical contact with a femoid is assault, good to see conservatives confirming horseshoe with SJW's.

It's an odd day when Ben Shapiro is the reasonable person in a discussion.

Ben is always the most reasonable person. He's the best. And it isn't because I want to suck on his sister's huge milkers.

faking abuse against women is the new trend didnt you watch the whole kavanaugh thing

cant have it all to yourself

Get better at it because have a video from various angles of the actual event makes the DDF look retarded.

so what lol everyone knew the kavanaugh gang rape stuff didnt happen either but we still had to entertain the idea for like 3 weeks

I didn't have to entertain anything and this guy did not karate chop the mic gussy. If you want to play that game, she touched him first without his consent so anything that happened after was him defending his bussy's purity. Like I said, get better.

Yeah no shit, that's obvious. They're clearly taking the piss. There's no way anyone could watch that video and see assault. They're just rubbing "me too" shit in people's face to get back at the left for all the times it's been done to them (like the Kavanaugh thing) and also kicking out Jim Acosta.

Is this not extremely obvious?

Yes, it's obvious. I'm just saying they suck at it. If you pull something like this, you're supposed to get the 'other side' caught up in following their own virtues and rules. Even if it causes them to do ridiculous things to keep from being called hypocrites. Like if CNN had been pushed to revoke Acosta's press pass themselves.

Instead, we have Trump and his followers acting the way they always do. They trapped themselves into acting ridiculous. The trick is not to spend any time refuting their claims about the video and Acosta. It's an accusation not made in any seriousness and doesn't require a serious rebuttal from the press. The issue is that Trump is thin-skinned and reactive and doesn't have the temperament to handle the press.

If you pull something like this, you're supposed to get the 'other side' caught up in following their own virtues and rules

oh what you mean like fraudulently accusing people of being violent as an excuse to ban them from things or stop their aspirations

Yes, that what's accusing someone of karate chopping a foid as an excuse to take his press pass is.

Is this not extremely obvious? I'm not saying it's right, it's just what's happening.

Now imagine how many people here fell for it.

It's an accusation not made in any seriousness and doesn't require a serious rebuttal from the press.

Imagine how retarded you have to be after watching literally 2 years of eating bait to think this time

this time they won't fall for thinking it's serious just like the OK sign, it's okay to be white signs and milk.

You go after ours, I take your weapon from you and use it to go after yours.

Ok but-

I'm not saying it's right, it's just what's happening.

You're most definitely saying it's right unless you're saying you're not "right"

Jesus, you need to get better at this.

Right as in "morally good" you absolute blobfish.

No fucking shit retard

I really don't get the logic you're using here. What makes Fords accusation fake?

Pretty convinced he did something to Ford. Not like Kavanaugh is a know and proven liar or anything. 🙄

is it his fault her neck looks like a pug dogs face

Can we see your neck please?

I want to see the handsome nape of an Australian MAGAcel.

lol everyone knew the kavanaugh gang rape stuff didnt happen

Imagine being so retarded you looked at the kavanaugh stuff and thought anyone was talking about gang rape.

Creepy Porn lawyer

"Look how dumb DDF is for pretending the rape accuser was a 4chan prank" was literally a front page thread here like a week ago lmao

To be fair, Avenatti is kind of a scumbag that everybody seems to hate.

Sure, I never said otherwise but it was still headline news that a Supreme Court Judge ran gang-rape rings despite people trying to memory hole it

Imagine being so retarded you looked at the kavanaugh stuff and thought anyone was talking about gang rape.

acting just like the dems to own the dems

yeah turns out when you set a dumb precedent everyone can follow it and not just you


Gosh, it's almost like they're validating the very things they claim to stand against. That can't go poorly at all

That's what they're pretending this is about? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Then again these are the same people who see looking at a child as pedosatanicrapennibalism.

K there creepy Biden.

There is a scholarship I want to establish when I die (I live a cheap life and have plenty of money). However, in this case I would like the scholarship to go to a male (someone born male and still identifies as it, so a CIS male, I have no problems by the way with transgender people and wish them all the luck in the world, but I am determined for it to go to a CIS male).

There is a reason for this. The area that I am interested in, I think that men have a particular insight into. And I want to kindle that fire so to speak.

I will set up an estate to administer the Will. I have talked to lawyers and they say it is fine. Now I will be dead, so I won't care but is there any pitfalls you can think of regarding a scholarship (basically how I can ensure it gets through?).

People have scholarships based on race and such, so I see no reason that my scholarship based on gender cannot apply.


Can you clarify Kochroach why you're such a disgusting pedo?


Don't you people call yourself 'pedos?

Yes Kochroach we understand that you’re a filthy pedo. You have confessed to this.

Are you really this mad about the scholarship post I quoted?

Hmm... Suddenly, both have been deleted:

Yes, yes you are. Not even going to play it off as trolling? Not smart enough by half my fellow 'pedo, you let anger get the better of you.

Plz don't stab your dad.

^Check out budget Elon here

One, why are you double posting? Two why do you ping someone while you are already relaying a message directly to them?

You created work for me and because of that we are enemies.

Kochroach = Confirmed pedo

It's not made to sway normal, intelligent, people. It's meant to keep the flyover peasants sufficiently outraged.

Most of these people probably "graduated" high school with an education comparable to that of a coastal 6th grader, it's simply not fair to expect them to think and behave like rational adults.

Lmao now preventing a dumb gussy from ripping a mic out of your hands is assault now. The DDF always reaches shocking levels of retardation in their quest to defend Daddy's latest sperg.

Good lord how many fucking buzzwords can you fit in a sentence?

Says the SPS poster

Serious posting all over the thread defending Daddys aide from DNC martial arts assassins.

sps is unironically a good sub


i mean i know why you guys hate it, because you genuinely like the actual politics sub

omg poppinkream with another post! trumps finished


because you genuinely like the actual politics sub

u/snallygaster is claiming that r/drama likes r/politics a bannable offense? Because it should be

Sure thing, cap

Walk me through that logic.

They post hot takes that don't get posted here. More hot takes is always a good thing, as long as that retarded mod that posts about "Elliot" all the time isn't involved.

shits on the regular politics sub without getting gay about it like panichistory

What buzzwords?

He should press charges. She assaulted him. /r/pussypassdenied

The soyboys on T_D actually think that's a karate chop?

TBF most T_D manlets would have been floored by the power behind that blow

Every (young) MAGAtard I've met is borderline anorexic so this is a pretty hot take.

Are they not making enough of those GBPs for a tasty portion of breaded chicken three times a day, and in Daddy's amazing economy? Surely not?!

That's not fair, many of them are hundreds of pounds overweight.

You have to be as retarded as them thinking this will blow up if you dont see their ‘’subtle’’sarcasm

Tariffs being what they are, they can't afford to call it "Kung Fu".

They understand nothing. It takes a man of refinement to appreciate when a woman's been put in her proper place by a man

Whoa! 😯 Dial down the alpha, dude. My hamster is spinning. 🐹😵

I am only an observer to the alpha Acosta and how he puts the woman in her place without a karate chop, as you have noticed

He is masterful at handling the foolishness of women

alpha Acosta


Very much the alpha. This is a man who understands that women need to be shown how and when they may act

People think Trump was upset about the aggressive line of questioning. We both know it was because he was out-alphaed.

As you can see there, Accosta was effective at handling the woman as you would a child. Trump could take lessons in making the female obey like that

He grabbed Trump by the Bussy. Not literally, of course, thought that would have been amusing.

Also grabbed female staffer by the pussy. Not literally either, but that would have been very funny

She got valuable instruction how women should behave, learned her place, so pussy grabbing might be the best thing for women sometimes

Go out and grab one yourself, in honor of the Acosta dominance over her

Go out and grab one yourself

I'd like to grab Acosta by his ""mic"" 🎤👀 if you know what I mean.

Of course you would. He just cowed a woman

If you were a female, you would go into lordosis and present your vagina to him for this behavior

If you were a female, you would go into lordosis and present your vagina to him for this behavior

hmmm, guess the woman who was 'put in her place' didn't get that memo. Sad!

It is, but because she knows that Acosta has judged and found her unworthy

You can believe that he saw many women bent over and presenting when he left that room, after dominating the lesser female like that

Sex isn't real. I mean think about it. Have you ever had it? No. It's a sham created to trick men into doing what women want. Not buying it, globalist.

The words of an incel. Men like him have been taming women to have sex for millions of years

Not buying it, globalist.

Of course you lack the ability to put the woman in her place like Acosta does. It would seem frightening and strange to you

Yep. I was unhappy. How many times have you learned the truth about something and you felt the rug pulled from under you.

The best way to cure this problem is to get over yourself and realize a simple truth. Women are good for only two things.


That's it. Love, romance. That's an act that women put on so that you propose marriage. And once you marry. You are her bitch. Her wage slave. And from the woman's point of view. That is all you are.


The language speaks for itself. "You are the provider." "You bring home the bacon." In other words, you are an ATM machine with legs. And now here is some more bitter truth.

Once a man gives a woman kids, it's over. The guy is on the way out. After the kids are born, the guy is nothing more than some dude she meet at a bar taking up space in her house. Why does she need him anymore?

The guy has been played. She got his seed. He served his purpose. So she files for divorce, get the house, car and bank account and lives off the lifetime annuity called alimony.

And here some more truth. If that divorced woman is still hot. She goes back to riding the cock carousel.


The divorced guy ( who is probably a beta provider ) pays for her lifestyle. She got the car, house and kid. Which is what she wanted all along. She dumps the Beta she married so that she can go back to banging the Alphas she loves.

This is reality. But remember this. When you see a shark eating human flesh. it is not evil. It's just feeding.

All those words won't bring daddy back.

I am a bot. Contact for questions


I'm afraid the bot has a very small appetite for pasta. Still, is a good effort

There is little else I can tell you incel, but remember a lesson that Acosta teaches to those who do not know how to handle females properly

A woman is not simply a hole to have sex with. Sometimes a woman has two or three holes that can be used. But only if you put the woman in her place

Now it's your turn to be the Acosta

Oh you sweet summer child, it's clear you know nothing about female anatomy or sexuality. It's almost as if the only source of knowledge you have with women is mysogynist subreddits filled with other lonely virgins. If you for once, just once, listened to someone who actually respects women and has experience with them you would learn that women actually prefer smaller penises. Smaller penises arent in risk of bruising their cervixes, which means women dont have to worry about that and can instead just lie back and enjoy it. Smaller dicks also are better at hitting angles a big dick couldnt hit, like the G-spot etc. Its also more enjoyable for women to perform oral coital acts on a smaller dick, because they can fit it entirely in their mouths and be more creative in their way of stimulating it with their tongue, without choking on it.

In ancient Rome, big dicks were actually considered something animalistic and bad, while small dicks were associated with being humane, intelligent etc. Enemies and beasts were often depicted with big dicks while philosophers and great heroes were depicted with small dicks.

Gee I wonder why white males still perpetuated the big black dick stereotype

chuckles in white male privilege /s

Edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger!

Posts like this is why I do Heroine.

I am a bot. Contact for questions


Woah, look out Bruce Lee.

Karate chop

Looks like the soyboyers have become the soyboyees.

Its creepy to go in there and see how they basically want to suppress free speech cause it hurt their feelings. Imagine being this much of a trumptard

Lolwat, i mean this being /r/drama I can't tell if you are serious or not.

Sir Defends-a-Thot


Ya know, that's the first time I ever seen an intern try to take the mic away from a reporter during a press conference. I wonder who put her up to it? You don't think this was premeditated do you?

i doubt they knew Acosta would sperg out in a press conference

Sperg out, huh? Is that the idiom Russian trolls are using to describe Donald Trump being asked tough questions now? Yeah, after Sarah Sanders' rehearsed tweet on the subject it's clear that this was staged by the White House in an attempt to take CNN in general, and Jim Acosta in particular, down a notch if not altogether.

smells like srdines in here all of a sudden

Can't tell if SRDine or malfunctioning NPC...

How did acosta escape the electric chair after using some forbidden shaolin technique on that poor interns arm causing her to explode?

she ded

That's a stretch

Fucking hilarious to see Repubs scream "Assualt" when they were jerking themselves raw over that republican candidate that body-slammed a reporter.

The most ironic part of this drama is the fact that MAGAtards have been consistently whining about the definition of "assault", when it comes to women, being "overblown or exaggerated" for years, now.

I'll fucking bet my family estate that they'll defend this shit to the grave, all the same.

It’s almost if both far right and left see politics as a game and they’re really just enthusiastic sports fans.

Partisanship is a sport where nobody ever wins, because the game never ends.

I’m talking about the fans not the players

Nah, you can't "both sides" this shit.

When Anthony Wiener got busted showing his dick, nobody on the left tried to create and elaborate conspiracy theory of republicans catfishing him. When the pic of Al Franken honking that chicks boobs came out, he resigned and didn't try to post a photoshopped fake instead.

Politics is one thing, but lets be real here. The Republican party definitely has the lock on straight lying ass shamelessness.

Leftist take: She wasn't assaulted. Corey Lewandowski did assault that poor girl.

Rightist take: She was assaulted by Acucksta. Corey Lewandowski didn't assault that other scheming woman

Radical centrist take: anyone who brings out the fainting couches over touching someone's arm is a fucking retard.

Proud Autism Mom

Who's mom is this?

She's a democrat so her 'child' is a cat

We should revoke the voting rights of anyone who has ever posted a political picture with text like that one on Twitter.

as long as acosta is ejected i think thats all that matters


Damn it, stop pinging people you reply to.

That kinda sums up everything you ever have to say, doesn't it?

i just want to see more of cnn posting apples and crying in response tbh

Why are you watching CNN from your bogan trailer park anyway?

i just see it on the internet afterwards when it blows up, i dont hate myself enough to actually watch american news

I hope you're paying for lots of AFL channels so I can pirate them. 😎

lol thats a pretty big anomaly and apparently abandoned by the queensland government

never even heard of that shit tbh

The only thing that's as almost hard hitting as CNN's journalism is Acosta's karate chops.

Low grade drama on both sides on this one. Is this what 2019 brings?

Karate chop!


The girl, or Acosta?


Imagine being such a perv that you hire 90 pound girls to be your personal goons

Trump can't even be a competent totalitarian despot.

Gaddafi would disagree, then again look where it got him

Bayonets up the butt-hole.

What happened to this sub that you guys can’t take a second off from sperging about trump to laugh at Acosta literally karate chopping an intern. Like who keeps recruiting on r/politics?

literally karate chopping


It doesn’t matter what his intent was, a karate chop came out.

Sorry about your blindness my guy

I guess you can empathize because you clearly replied to the wrong person

Do you know you're a gullible retard?

You’re right lol what should of gullible retard would believe something just because of video proof?

There is proof Acosta was assaulted, if anyone, and then there's the edited video that confirms your bias. You look absolutely retarded for claiming Acosta assaulted the WH intern.

you look absolutely retarded for claiming Acosta assisted the wh intern

Well good thing I never said that. But yeah I definitely agree, that’s only slightly less retarded than saying Acosta was assaulted.

You're metaphorically beating your chest with a limp wrist.

limp wrist

Someone’s day dreaming about Acosta

Imaging being such a wuss you think this was a karate chop.

Imagine being such a retard that you think that’s not a karate chop.

It's okay buddy, from your perspective you probably feel threatened if so done caughs behind you. #betamalelife


Yikes, sweetie

Really embarrassing seeing all these politics users on drama getting ass blasted by someone acknowledging objective fact.

I’m only pretending to be retarded

And don’t you dare try to pretend you know this sub, you 30 day old MDEfugee.

Well you clearly you don’t need to pretend if that was your conclusion. “Don’t you dare!” Lmao what a loser. Anyway did you know you can have numerous reddit accounts? Been here for years, unfortunately.

Lol you think it’s about intention!


Fixed for you

Oh I’ve seen the video, it only makes it more hilarious how dumb you are

I’m as hurt as I would be if I was being called a retard for calling the sky blue.

What happened to this sub that you guys can’t take a second off from sperging about trump

Says the DDF who never stops sperging about muh god empirur

Who are you talking to? You need more brain cells too lol

The OUT OUT OUT bot and MDE border wall made SRDines think it was OK to come serious post about politics here.

You really went full retard, doc

You haven't noticed the increase in serious posters lately?

I've noticed an increase of pedes that have zero banter and get extremely assblasted and seething with autistic rage everytime daddy is mocked

Nah, we had WAY more of those like 6 months ago than now.

honestly why didn’t trump just tug cnn from the White House the minute he was elected

there’s no law that says he has to give them a seat at the table, their staffers leaked debate questions to Hilary in order to influence a federal election, and they’re as much a legitimate news organization as the Food Channel

Because every time they cry about him on air (16hrs a day) he gets more attention and more votes.

trump just tug cnn from the White House the minute he was elected

He's driving CNN into the ground so after he's done being President he can buy it for cents on the dollar, rename it The Trump Network and cuck Fox News for daring to let "republicans" host shows who are left of Coastal Republicans like me.

Wake up with Alex Jones in the morning imagine how fun that would be to watch.

Jim Accosted her.

Acosta? He hardly knew her!


always hilarious whenever the left’s own batshit standards of conduct are held up to the light for all to examine, let alone when it’s used against one of their woke mouthpieces 😂


tfw a girl will never touch you like that