NPC's activated Reddit-wide as Rosenstein gets axed from the Russia investigation

1  2018-11-08 by Oh_hamburgers_


You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


  1. This Post -,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Goes on for the full page followed by half of another. Tomorrow could be fun.

I think they jumped the gun on this and should have waited for a real attempt to stop the investigation or dismissal of the special counsel, but who the fuck am I

Tbh what is happening here is very obvious. The guy Trump appointed as acting AG has been writing anti-investigation op-eds for a year.

It’s like when Stalin kept firing the heads of Cheka until he found one (Yezhov) who was willing to execute other Party members.

Ahh yes the famous gulags of the midwest

He got him killed and replaced with Beria, who proved to be one tough and perverted son of a bitch.

Good old "flesh lump in a wastecoat" Beria.

Well, that flesh lump survived. Appearances could be deceiving. Although he pissed himself when he was about to be shot in the head in Lubyanka, so there's that.

Is there anything other than this innocuous and reasonable article he did or has the media whipped everyone into a nothing burger.


Hint: Finances are directly involved in the Russia investigation. Threatening to slash funding for the investigation is what that article was.

The idea that was somehow reasonable is so divorced from reality it borders on mental illness.

Are you going to post other sources related to Whitaker or are you literally just going to parrot the word "finances" without actually reading the article I posted?

This is why we laugh, pizza.

Here’s your source tho I doubt you really care tbh

And really, I think what ultimately the president is going to start doing is putting pressure on Rod Rosenstein, who is in charge of this investigation, is acting attorney general, and really try to get Rod to maybe even cut the budget of Bob Mueller and do something a little more stage crafty than the blunt instrument of firing the attorney general and trying to replace him.

I do think it's funny that Whittaker is now the guy being appointed to the position, especially after reading your transcript.

I love that his brace criticism of Trump is what he's being accused of now lmao

Wait you’re reading this as a criticism of trump?

Yes, the entire broadcast.

Yeah its a bug in the latest version of the NPC code. When they can't figure out how to serialize an input they cast it to an object of type TrumpCriticism


linking to cnn

not knowing its a wholey owned subsidiary of presstv.

How many fucking decades has it been since Fox got bought out by Al-Waleed bin Talal? 🤔🤔🤔

At least the pro iranian shills on digg were subtle and had class

It’s his actual words faggot. Jesus Christ how bad are your reading comprehension skills

What does iran even pay you in given the sanctions? Goats?

Persian pussy and hashish duh

Persian pussy

So bacha bazi


Like desert dwelling arabs have any idea how to grow marijuana, or can be competitive with american pharmaceutical titans at creating brain destroying concentrates of THC

I'm glad the little retard never left us <3

I agree with you that the article is reasonable enough, but the timing of Sessions’ firing is still incredibly convenient.

Convenient how, and for who? Everyone sperging out about nothing as per usual.

What if it's just a trick to make them look stupid?

So he's honest and sane?

Yeah Chicup, because all of this is just fake. The constant lying, the 20 indictments, all of that is fake.

Also, everyone knows innocent men try to obstruct investigations into themselves rather than letting them finish.

I get you're a hyper partisan retard, but I want you to look real fucking deep, use every brain cel you have and ask yourself this question:

Do innocent people act this way? If you were under investigation and you knew you were innocent, would you attempt to obstruct justice and perjure yourself for no reason?

You might not admit it here, but if you're being intellectually honest at all I know what your answer will be.

20 fake indictments to pwn the libs

the 20 indictments

LOL, most of the indictments had nothing to do with Russia, and when Mueller finally indicted actual Russians their lawyers showed up ready to proceed and Mueller was like "um, I'm not ready" and made it obvious that he only charged them to justify his investigation.

Yeah, just a coincidence so many people around Donald Trump decided to lie to law enforcement about the FBI.

Well they all took plea deals so you would think after 5 of them they would have anything on Trump by now

Those are counting days between everyone being indicted and the final report to Congress. Iran-Contra for example had Ollie North and the other guy were indicted within a year and a half.

This seems highly questionable. The idea investigations like this end quickly is just not true.

Even by your own graphic, most of them do end this quickly. Iran-contra lasted as long as it did because it cleaned up all the people who perjured themselves, and whitewater spiraled into the Clinton being impeached which I'm sure it's including.

The average is over 900 days.

Due to two huge outliers. And yeah, it sure does take forever to figure out what happened when all major monetary transactions are recorded and you have 5 people taking plea deals and the FBI already investigating the candidate through dubious wire taps.

Nothing dubious about those taps, as we've already seen. The people tapped were on the FBI radar well before they even worked for the Trump campaign.

The evidence used for the Page tap was the dossier and a yahoo article that was secretly sourced by the same person. And with all of this, still nothing.

You realize this was completely debunked after the FISA shit was released, correct?

How are you repeating a talking point that flopped months ago?

It wasn't debunked at all. People just said it wasn't the sole reason why the warrant was done so therefore it's no big deal.

Page 15-16 noting "source #1" which we know is Steele. Talks about his findings for 10 pages.

The FBI trusted Steele because they had internal intelligence supporting aspects of the dossier.

You're being very misleading by pretending the FBI did anything wrong here. You don't get a fisa warrant reapproved 6 times using the same evidence every time.

I want you to think real hard here friend. What's more likely, the FBI along with multiple FISA judges, many appointed by republicans are in the wrong, or Donald Trump is a delusional moron that can't accept reality?

It wasn't debunked at all. People just said it wasn't the sole reason why the warrant was done so therefore it's no big deal.

You realize the entire conspiracy was that the dossier alone was used, correct?

Okay, now you're just going full retard.

Full retard by repeating objective facts?

Did you not read the Fusion GPS testimony?

Essentially what he told me was they had other intelligence about this matter from an internal Trump campaign source and that -- that they-- my understanding was that they believed Chris at this point -- that they believed Chris's information might be credible because they had other intelligence that indicated the same thing and one of those pieces of intelligence was a human source from inside the Trump organization.

You very clearly don't know what you're talking about. There's nothing illegal or incorrect about using pieces of the dossier or even that article unless they were the only things used.

They weren't. which is exactly what the fisa stuff revealed. So again I'll ask you, what's more likely here, the FBI along with multiple FISA judges, many of which were put in place by Republicans are in the wrong, or Donald Trump and his base are delusional morons?

You have to understand that these things take time.

It may take 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 years, but we the people WILL see Donald J. Drumpf thrown out of the office he has illegally and brazenly stolen.

You spend way too much time on the internet. Christ.

And you spend way too much time caring about what other people do on their own time.

Lol case and point

You gortta get the last word in still huh buddy

"I said something to this guy and he responded, he just has to have the last word!! loser!!"

Sometimes I wonder if you people are even lucid.


When's the last time you hung out with more than 3 people at once? When is the last time you had sex? When is the last time you drank socially?

When's the last time you weren't on anti-psychotic meds?


Poor pizzashill. Internet arguments are not a good substitute for real life achievements. Maybe try small things and move to larger things. Let's get you to going outside, at least 3 times a week. Take a walk!

Can you provide proof for a single claim you've made about me?

That you're a sad pathetic man who gets in agenda posting political internet arguments all the time? Hmm really going to have to get Sherlock on that case to get some real evidence.

If you weren't so stupid you might be cute.

The constant lying

Name one.

Did you miss the whole fiasco where Trump JR lied about the things in relation to the meeting?

Have you missed the indictments for literally lying about Russia?

Did you miss the part where JR is scared of perjury charges:

Totally innocent people perjure themselves for no reason btw.

Imagine being a GOPcel and hating the war hero who is actually draining the swamp in Washington, much like the swamps he led his platoon through while Cpt. Bonespurs was was getting sucked off by 4/10 Slav whores back home.

Cpl. Bonespurs

Can you really see Trump as a Captain?

It is obvious, but from an optics standpoint, this is like declaring war to Russia due to interfering in the elections. They have plausible deniability, and the response is not proportional.

Triggering the protests due to Sessions's firing wasn't even part of the original plan, and it looks more like an attempt to 'do something' from a deluded minority that expected these recent elections to be the end of the Trump administration.

The turnout tomorrow is going to be awfully underwhelming, and it will only serve for the opposition to say "see? Mueller's probe doesn't have significant support." Which will then prompt them to move against Mueller, and at that point you can't really do much because you already fired the last bullet you had.

You realize the dems have the house and can literally start their own probe using Mueller right.

There's no denying that this move was as retardedly reactionary as Trump's firing of Sessions, the difference is he doesn't get hurt at all because his fanbase eats his bombastic retardation like an amateur pornstar chugs cumshots.

The people behind this should have left the posturing to Pelosi. There are no second tries with this protest. Yes, they can mount as many investigations as they want, but these protests were supposed to be a last resort measure to display malcontent in a massive scale. By breaking protocol you make the general public ambivalent/apathetic to the protest.

What his fanbase believes is absolutely irrelevant though, congress won't stop acting because some magachuds don't like it, and much less the house now.

That being said, I agree with you that the timing is all wrong, and I don't see anything about this outside of Reddit and Twitter.



Lol at using chud unironically.

Out out out!!!



By breaking protocol you make the general public ambivalent/apathetic to the protest.

Yes, breaking protocol is the thing that's going to reduce public interest in thse protests.

This information is deeply concerning to me. It does not take a lawyer or even a former federal prosecutor like myself to conclude that investigating Donald Trump's finances or his family's finances falls completely outside of the realm of his 2016 campaign and allegations that the campaign coordinated with the Russian government or anyone else.

Forgive me if I'm missing something extremely obvious, but wouldn't the finances of the man who won the election that experienced the alleged manipulation bear some relevance?

Yes, they would.

Are you kidding? That might never come! Then they'd miss out on this sweet opportunity to get in the way of everyone driving home from work on thursday evening.

"Jumping the gun" is basically the Democrat party motto at this point

and should have waited for a real attempt to stop the investigation

...but...that's what they did, isn't it?

We’re still doing this NPC thing, huh?

Looks like it.

It's very relevant, and applies to both sides, too.

it's retarded

G... Guise... Stop... Stop making fun of my side!!!!

describing everything in video game analogies makes you a massive retard no matter what your politics are. but hey I guess you can just pretend everyone's offended if that makes you feel better

t. butthurt npc

Yeah the NPC meme totally doesn’t offend you it’s just so stupid you need to comment to let us all know how stupid you think it is that’s all uh huh

"FFS Plato, only a massive retard would use shadow puppets to make an analogy."

-rhiehn's greek ancestor upon viewing the allegory of the cave

I don't know if Ibwould compare a meme used for shitposting with Plato but k

good thing no one cares what you would do

"video game memes are LITERALLY comparable to philosophical metaphors that underpin most of Western civilization"


this is why it is time for white people to end

>implying Plato was anything but a whiny bitch

He couldn't even respect his mentor

The NPC meme is retarded, but people's butthurt responses made it good again.

Or at least stop being so retarded about it.

"Ha people who share beliefs say similar things, I am so smart for pointing that out. Get wrecked noobs." This is like those dumbass bingo cards.

"NPC meme applies to both sides"- NPC

""NPC meme applies to both sides"- NPC" -Weeb

"""NPC meme applies to both sides"- NPC"- Weeb"- But not me the enlightened /r/drama connoisseur."

Yes because only one side regurgitates the same few lines a million times like they're a lazily programmed avatar in Runescape.

If you think it doesn't you're a non-centrist NPCfugee

I just like calling other people NPCs

Shut up, NPC!

Until they implement actual people on the left, that's what we're left dealing with.

I mean, it actually makes sense here

This reeks of MDE

orange man mad

Oh. You weren’t joking about the NPC response.

Amusing this happens the day after an election. Daddy can keep a secret.

I saw plenty of talking heads figure Trump badly badly badly wanted to fire Sessions so he could get someone to fire Rostien, but McConnell talked him into waiting until after midterms.

Q predicted this.

If a group has a pre-organized plan and then executes that plan, they're NPCs?

And if you question tht narrative, you’re an NPC.

What if the real NPC was the friends we made along the way?

I thought the plan was to wait until Rosenstein got fired

There were like 4 links submitted to /r/drama about Sessions being fired. It's not some retarded NPC response, it's good old fashioned karma whoring.

People acting like bots for dumb personal reasons (i.e, karma whoring) is kind of the heart of the NPC meme. Actually being bots is something else.

That's why I'd say this meme is misapplied if this turns out to be all a bunch of bots.

pewdiepie got to 69 696 969 before tseries? FORNITE DEFAULT DANCE!

Didn't teedee lose front-page stuff because of spamming and abuse?

I thought the tie would result in a drama free week I guess daddy had other ideas.

Looks like spam

You guys don't remember the net neutrality ones from this year?

They're only the top-voted post on several hundred subs. Surely this is all organic.

The lack of drama from the Midterms is now gone. God bless Daddy Drama

Also pewdiepie got 69m subs

hey do you guys remember what happened at kent state lol

fingers crossed

What happened?

the army got called in, shot into crowds of protesters and killed a bunch of them because they were communists

fucking lol says they used m1 garands thats a bit of overkill for students

Imagine these guys in a meeting. Their phone rings. The caller ID shows nothing but an antifa logo. "I have to take this" they say to their coworkers, as they exit the room and are never seen again. Dramatic music plays as the movie cuts to aerial footage of the Pentagon.

Private: "Reports are coming in from all over the country. Something big is happening, sir!"

General: "MY GOD"

Cut to Bernie Sanders at home enjoying a backyard BBQ with his family; a helicopter can be seen on approach....