Daddy is ANGERY and DDF is absolutely S E E T H I N G in /r/publicfreakout

1  2018-11-08 by Wraith_GraveSpell


"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


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All those tards in there saying it's assault when he brushed her attempt to grab the mic away are ignoring that she "assaulted" him first when she was grabbing at the mic.

The DDF stretch on this one is intense. I hope they did some warm up stretches beforehand.

He obviously assaulted her, didn’t you see him try and grab her titty?


Dude she said this was a sexual assault. That means it's a sexual assault you're looking at.

Typical incel siding with the man against the woman as usual. MDE OUT OUT OUT

You been all over drama fighting off those DNC karate chop ninjas, take a break otherwise the shredder might get you.

Gussy can't be incel bro


A chimpout behind a podium is still a chimpout.

Where's the seething though? The whole thread is calling out drampf for acting like a 12 year old and defending Jimbo.

That's what controversial is for.

This is exactly the sort of thread for DDF drama, SJW freakouts on youtube are the basis for half their political ideaology.

Here it is now.

Nice cope, retard.

This is much less "assault" than the Corey Lewandowski thing was. Slightly moving your arm so it pushes another person's arm away is not assault, or a "karate chop" or anything like that. The fact that the right has their fainting couches on standby for this slight brush is retarded.

That said, I don't know how many questions and interruptions you should get before the President can tell you to stfu and move on, especially with dozens of reporters in the room.