Here we go again

1  2018-11-08 by normie_girl


Lolis are for headpats and feed them healthy food, not for lewd.


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You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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Who would wanna kill white people?


Literally every demographic including other wypipo.


Untrue. Willingly self-administered overdoses of carfentanyl are pretty quick.

Whose goofy ass here started the whole fentanyl cutting? Deep down I know it's a dramanaut that took the whole mayocide thing too seriously and imported a few kgs of fentanyl

driving your carfentanyl into a crowd of degenerate mayos


You clearly don't read comments that get removed then. This sub is never short on retards.

Dude, violent mayocide in minecraft lmao.

Lol what?

Dude, violent mayocide in minecraft lmao.

wish there was a way to only mayocide the males

we must secure the existence of white women and a future for redhead qt gfs

Someone unhappy with the election results? Perhaps Obama?

But we won the House

He says unironically a day after President trump exercises his new power of an expanded senate

Because having 2 more seats exponentially increases your powers. It's an anime.

You say unironically after you deleted your comment in the election night megathread about how "you can't stop laughing" before you realized Dems took the house. =D

Are you following me around? I’ve gotten two of these comments so far, but one was shadow banned. Yeah, I got a little too excited about the 538 probability jumps.

Naw, I just screencapped some gloating comments in the mega thread that I figured would be deleted.

Not the White House. I don’t understand why I couldn’t vote for Hillary.

You know what I'm going to take your bait again. Because we elect the president every 4 years instead of every 2.

But why not this year? Drumpf didn’t even win the vote last time.

So should there have been a presidential election in 2002 as well?

Why do you care about 16 years ago?

Because according to you there should've been a presidential election in 2002 because Bush didn't "win". I'm more concerned with what your opinion is for how often there should be presidential elections.

Clearly, other white people.

When will the white community use the words RADICAL MAYO TERRORISM? They can't say it, and unless they will, the problem will not be solved!

There are actually people that think we should let more of these people into our countries. Caucasity is a mental illness.

Anyone who has such a dead smile should be put on a list

Marines, apparently.

I guess they weren't lying about it being Borderline.


Seriously though are we taking bets yet, was it the religion of peace? An unhinged trump supporter sticking it to the Libz epic style 😎? Or did a tankie snap and start killing white people that listen to country music?

I am not sure what to go with...

Latest is that it was a middle eastern dude with a beard. From witness descriptions.

Color me surprised. I was hoping it was a tankie but what can you do.

Possible tankie then, but I dunno. What’s your guess?

Tankie? Lol no. I'm gonna go for incel.

Possibly a magacel?


Don't slander The Queens name

Who is this?

Big milkies persian gf

Aka the YouTube HQ "shooter" that only succeeded in killing herself

Ah yes, I had forgotten about her. She had nice sweater stretchers at least.

Ah yes the non existant reddit boogerman. Just blame Sam Hyde at this point

Imagine believing this when there have been self identified incels implicated in mass killings before.

Right now there is no concrete report on the suspects appearance. Some witnesses say middle eastern, others say white or Hispanic.

It just shows how America is truly post-racial. They only see the human race.

this is the state of amerimutts in 2018, too mixed to even describe. And it's beautiful!


El goblino de los americas...


Yeah, some are saying he looked middle eastern or Hispanic too. I guess we'll need to see what kind of drama there is once the cops tell us who the guy was.

Both hispanics and middle easterners are dishonorary whites, if they shoot a bunch of people.

Examples: the Orlando night club shooter, Zimmerman.

Because some Hispanics are largely genetically European know the census classifies those two demos as white, yes?

Exactly. That's why white crime is so high, al the white guys on southern border states' Most Wanted lists are Hispanic.

Border wall not racist then. cool

The US Census actually has a 'white' category? Is it just a different way of saying Anglo Saxon or is it completely meaningless?

It does, usually shown as "White/Caucasian". It's more broad than just Anglo Saxon, which I guess is up to interpretation if that makes it meaningless. Something that page doesn't mention though is that "Hispanic/Latino" is applied as a yes/no separately from those options.

Uhhh excuse me that's ASIAN

Not in the US where we don't know how maps work.

Shut the fuck up, white boy.

I'm guessing Quck

To be fair, mass shootings are so common in this country it might not be related to the election.


I'm starting to think this was the act of an incel. Religion of Peacers typically don't shoot themselves afterward.

I'd guess it was an incel or snakbar. I'd lean towards qultist but a bar isn't really a political target.

But I don't like to make conclusions before evidence is released.

You do, but we still love you pizza.

Can you give me an example of me doing this?


Ok, do it.

I am not getting into a sperg out with you pizza, go post your legion of links to someone else.

Oh ok, in the future maybe not make claims you can't support.

Oh pizza, never change bud

I mean we could just keep doing that and also continue laughing

Very good point. Has a Muslim shooter ever killed themselves

Yeah but always indirectly like suicide by cop or the kamikaze strat

I think suicide by cops is still haram if it's just to kill yourself (aka not while fighting against the cops). Intent is everything in islam

It's haram to directly kill yourself. Usually kamikaze attacks are fine since your main goal is to kill the enemy and you are "collateral damage" but just shooting yourself up after an attack is haram

I knew that. But has a Muslim ever did the shooters suicide like incels and right-wingers and school shooters do

Who cares? Ameriburgers gonna burg. They don't need a "reason" to shoot each other.

Maybe the Purge is a good idea, instead of having a shooting on biweekly bases, why not just condense that into a single day where everyone can just do whatever? So much more convenient, and fun since it's all inclusive!

Was talking about this with my shrink the other day. She said that there is a need for country wide mental health push, but also, that the copycat effect is actually very real, so toning down the media attention may also help.

Your psychologist definitely put you on a list btw

> tfw not a burger

also she brought up the topic so.

My bad.

From the post above it sounded like you started ranting about the purge and the copycat effect to your shrink. It's just a funny thought imagining the shrink trying not to set you off while hovering her finger over the silent alarm.

An unhinged trump supporter sticking it to the Libz epic style 😎?

What better place to find libs in the West Coast than a country bar.

unhinged trump supporter

Country fans Will never be safe 🤠

The magic eight ball says... Saudi terrorist.

Basketball-American after a drug deal gone wrong?

he suspect has been described as a Middle Eastern man in his early 20s wearing all black clothing and with a beard.

It has begun

When Snackbars attack Bars


Well his name is what David Ian Long that sounds pretty standard American 🤔

Just amerimutts deluding themselves into thinking that white dudes aren't the ones commiting the most public mass shootings. He was a mayo boi

White former marine, though.

Doesnt mention appearence...must be middle eastern.

Yeah and he's dead so it's not like they don't know.

The gunman was described as a white male, armed with a single handgun, a law enforcement source said.



Quit lying

Imagine actually sweating about what race the shooter is


Quit lying

People say this after literally every mass shooting/bombing and almost every time these days it turns out to be a white man or an "Anerican white" man. "Coulter's law is the epitome of confirmation bias.

i hate white people

This but completely unironically

Wrong it's a mayo

A marine mayo. We should all start kneeling.

Nah it was a based mayo Marin. Must've eaten too many lead crayons while in the sandbox.

it feels like i never see you anymore /u/normie_girl

Miss me?


that isn't an insult, it's just a statement of fact :/

Jeez you could've lied to spare my feelings

Chapos listened to fat beard man.

Oh it must be a Wednesday in Burgerland?


This is what happens when you give an entire country made of mostly rednecks and white trash gun rights.

Us Britbongs are good boys and gave up all ability for us to defend ourselves.

Come now, this doesn't happen every week, only every other week

be american get shot

It's a tradition at this point

The real answer is that the military is brainwashing people to commit mass shooting so that over the generations Americans will evolve into either freakishly fast beings, able to dodge bullets or develop a thick skin/blubber that is impervious to bullets.

And looking at the obesity stats, I think the latter option is the likeliest one.

Weaponised sumo wrestlers


the military is brainwashing people to commit mass shooting

Marinecels are on watch

Marines can't be brainwashed since they don't have one.

Ha haaa

Just be lucky you are insulting Americans and not Muslims or you would get locked up for your comment in Bongistan.

It’s because Muslims are righteous and Americans are just dirty infidels who will destroy themselves soon inshallah

[Claps in American]

Tips in American

Thots and prayers

Unfortunately, some deranged lunatic shooting up a place in the USA is not an uncommon experience.

I can almost hear the Redditors racing to the thread to be the first one to start liveposting the events.

Reddit was a mistake.

Remember: DO NOT post about police movements. The shooter is posting dank memes in between reloads, so he might be able to know that police are after him.

I hate living next to a third world war zone.

Same. We should deploy the reserves for when they start caravanning up here.

I hope we do.

Place your bets. My money is on MDE fan rather than Q follower this time.

Would an MDE fan really shoot up country night? Idk man doesn't sound right

Idk man doesn't sound right

Listen, Paddock had gambling debts. He was really depressed.

He wouldn't be able to have done what he did if it were a gun free zone.

Where do they get all these crisis actors from

Imported straight from Israel with only the finest Soros bucks.

The police officer killed was named as Sgt. Ron Helus, a 29-year police veteran with a wife and son who was looking to retire in the next year.

Just like the movies.


Time for your tri-annual mass shooting bingo card pics.

• Thoughts and Prayers

• But California has the toughest Gun control laws... How ever could this happen

• Where was the good guy with a gun

• Mental Illness is the real problem here

• It wasn't an assault rifle (huge thread debating what an assault rifle is)

• 600 comments of "discussion" on what constitutes a mass shooting

• But xxx people kill each other much more often than xxx people

• Crisis actors!

Ain't mass shootings quite common in LA?

I think it depends on your definition of mass shootings.

Somebody shooting at mass(american)

Probably, yes, tbh. It is a big state.

I know it's petty, but redditors that post "stay safe" to anyone who says they're withing 400 miles of the bar are such fucking morons

yo I'm also in California and I just heard a gunshot. Edit: It was a balloon popping

Stay safe

Stay safe, possibly seek therapy. Nothing wrong with that. Stay safe.

We should not frown upon redditors who wish to keep themselves safe.

13 dead. Damn. No one gives a fuck anymore. We need some bigger numbers bruh

be american

get shot

And yeah, this meme might be outdated but y'all just keep doing the same shit over and over again. Are you even trying, America?

Stop being such a bigot. American culture is just as good as any other culture!

The sex of peace

Daily reminder that men commit 96% of mass shootings

I’ve been on Reddit for 8 hours today how did I not hear about this until this thread?