Thot who posts nudes on reddit says all dicklets under 6 inches are worthless on unpopular opinions. Shockingly, dicklets show up and get butthurt as hell.

1  2018-11-08 by TranzSexualWiener


This, but unironically.


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Bonus drama

she gets butthurt when someone makes a post saying online thots are sad people and proves their point.

More bonus drama;

her entire post history in general, 90% of posts are obsessing over her giant weirdly deformed nipples. honestly what the fuck is with those things, is that a medical deformity?

maybe getting railed 10inch monster dick will fix my deep psychological issues and my self esteem

this is the state of female humanoid organisms (FHOs) in 2018

Maybe a large dog would work for her. Must be dogs with monster dicks she could use if that's all she wants

أرجوك يا إلهي إقتلهُ

Damn, my hog is barely 6 inches... no pleasing gussy.

But that is why we support bussy, right?

Is this an alt? Big nipples and loves posting their hot takes in unpopular opinion.

Both were also curious about castration. What are the odds?

Hahahaha castration for a girl? Isn't that what marriage already is john? Lol! Sips

I wish.

Definitely an alt. The tits are different though, which is kind of weird.

i don't think it's an alt , i just think most only gussy posters are probably insanely retarded and insecure about their bodies.


shit just go into the post history of literally any gonewild poster.

That seems to be the case. Remember Riley Reid’s podcast appearance?

why what happened?

pretty sure it's the same girl. I actually feel kinda bad for her because she clearly has mental issues, but she is also a bit of an asshole so my sympathy is limited ...

Someone posted one of her alts yesterday. It's like the same exact ahit just under a different name

Yeah, that's the same disgusting ass broad

There is something funny about dudes on this site thinking women are whores for posting nudes for validation, while simultaneously upvoting any average looking cosplayer and telling you at every chance they get how much they jack off to literally anything that reminds them of bobs and vagene.

Imagine there are two or more different groups of people that occupy one place.

That isn't the usual "Imagine..." sarcasm formula, just literally imagine that situation. You'll get it.

imagine thinking those are two different groups

I've never complimented a cosplayer in my life, female, half-clothed or otherwise. By all means, vet me.

I have a lot of respect for actual whores. Women who post nude pictures of themselves for validation are actually worse than whores.

Did you brain just break?

The fact that you got defensive and made it about yourself is a neon scarlet flag

I can smell the virginity and doritos on your breath

I can smell the virginity and doritos on your breath

I'll be sure to tell all the women who've literally paid for the privilege.

You should learn like, one other insult for situations where you don't actually know who you're talking to.

I'll be sure to tell all the women who've literally paid for the privilege. Oh, and my wife.


lmfao wow look at this guy I am so impressed by how much sex with sexy women he has

You're fat


Oh look at this guy bragging about how fit he is

You're like fully retarded aren't you?

More like

You're fat

I'm not fat, i'm so skinny women pay to fuck me. I'm so great aren't I. I have so much sex I am that attractive

Be less transparently insecure.

Says the guy bragging to strangers over the internet how attractive women find him and how much sex he has

So having worked in the sex industry is something to brag over in your eyes.

Oh no I think you're a degenerate. You're the one who seems proud enough to tell online strangers how much you're not a virgin.

There's the 180. I stated a fact of the thing that happened that most clearly illustrated he was hilariously wrong. Hence, "nope".

Me being a degenerate doesn't mean you weren't so jelly you became irrationally angry. You just inferred all that from my simple statement, because of your insecurity.

"ur a virgin"


"wow this guy has sex"


Once you give up entirely on the first one and impotently try to re-frame the entire conversation a second time, you may as well just say you concede.

I'm not the guy who called you a virgin

Keen observation, chum.

How have I done anything but laugh at you telling everyone how much sex you have? Can you read?

Better than you, apparently.

I, too, have been paid to have sex with women.

imagine all the people living for today

Dae Madonna whore complez? Etc etc

There is something funny about dudes on this site thinking women are whores for posting nudes for validation

I find it funny you're trying to make fun of dudes for the exact same thing her post history is full of. She posts a nude of her wide-set pussy and then later posts women who post nudes online are looking for validation.

This is like 4d white knighting where you throw the 2dw whiteknights under the bus, bravo.

yup those are absolutely the same people doing both.

If we could still ping we would finally have our replacement for jewdank

Peace be upon her

don't compare our hebrew queen to this woman pls. At least when she photoshopped out her horrible tattoo jewdanks nudes weren't horrible to see

Oh jewdank was significantly better no doubt

our hebrew queen

Hosephus, check your sources because that skank wasn’t tribe.

fucking misleading name then 😠

We’re her milkers even that big? I honestly don’t remember.

Everything about her was mediocre.

Oh man, now that's a nostalgia boner.

Good ol' drama when it wasn't overtaken by MDEfugees.

She's still around coaching some other thot, sarah xxx or whatever.

I’m out of the loop - what did this Jewdank do to cause so much drama?

Go up and type jewdank in the search bar and limit it to /r/drama

Why, think I should try to drag her in here?

I’m out of the loop - How come Jewdank got mentioned on drama so often? What set her aside from other girls posting nudes on reddit?

A bunch of reasons. I know she was a mod at some point but she would also respond to literally and critiscism of herself. I know she fucked around on the subreddits she was on where she would try to promote her stuff and cut out other Reddit whores

Don’t be an asshole.'s so fun

Come on dude. She is pretty unhappy already.

well then, you better not pm her and tell her a bunch of weirdos on a meta sub think her retardation is hilarious i guess?

you do realise what sub this is right?

I’m sure she can never find this, especially since dramatards are very well behaved and don’t ever harass anyone 🤫

i can tell you're a newfag, because the best times this sub ever had was when the lolcow found their way to the drama thread and started sperging in it.

but rest assure, we have been cucked hard, no pinging, and harassing her by telling her the thread exists also probably breaks some lame rule designed to kill fun.

but regardless, stop moral policing, this sub just isn't for you if you don't like laughing at train wrecks.

Thanks for the clarification, dramatard.

she's unhappy so it's fine if she posts something that will maybe affect a lot of unsecure tiny dicked redditors

you can't really shame and not expected to be shamed don't you think 🙃

Yes, but there’s a difference between making fun of a generic group (her post) and personal shame (towards her).

Doesn't really matter, she is still potentially causing a LOT of haram to some people.

The fact that she has her own insecurities and that she admits that they are caused by porn/society while posting stuff like this just makes it that much more horrible since she knows exactly how shitty it feels to see posts like hers.

I agree here. Serious-er posting incoming: I think penis shaming is terrible, and both sides men and women should stop it already.

yeah ideally and if you want to shame someone on their appearance imo you should be prepared to get mocked too.

Maybe I'm retarded but bullying the bullies is the best way to make them stop in my experience. They leave you alone really really fast lmao

Maybe I'm retarded

I suppose so much of that bullying left some scars.


I've never been really bullied literally because whenever someone tried to do it I was just meaner and attacked something i knew the person is complexed about. sometimes public shaming just work, since people usually try avoid it happening to them at any cost

(Takes notes)

what are you doing here if you aren't already a seasoned insecure bully or a deeply overcompensating bullying victim?

I’m safely in the centre.

^ dicklet

Maybe we should stop worrying about the feelings of hypothetical people. And also real over emotional manchildren.

What's so special about this absolute femcel tier of a lolcow that brought so many white knight dorks out of the woodwork? Imma start believing in Soros dark money funded femcel defense forces...

The only thing worse than a dumb ugly broad with no personality who hates herself because she'll never be pretty is whatever retarded cargocult meme garbage you post thinking it'll validate your worthless life.

The interesting part is that the person in question is the embodiment of every flaw incels and insecure manchildrens exhibit, making her roasting on r/drama an almost pro-social act. Far more decent gussy has been cannibalized by the resident incel community with no push back. And yet a lot of {{{passionate people}}} with some extremely {{{strong opinions}}} go to bat for this femcel. Solidarity of the terminal losers? Her premium snapchat subs? The world may never know...

^ dicklet

I've been found out...


The term you are looking for is “white knighting”, sweaty.

Um, sweaty... I know ;-)

Disappointing it wasn’t the first thing people called me 🙄

What’s the difference for the microcock reading her post?

Those aren’t tits that need protected, they need milked for as much lols as possible

You are talking to some incel lowlifes here. This is the only chance these scum get a chance to talk to gurls

Small if tru

Imagine if you cared as much about all the female forums shaming men :thinking.

We harass unhappy guys here all the time. Just because it's a gussy doesn't mean anything should change.

Besides, I think a little hate might make her realise how pathetic she is and start working on her life.

little hate might make her realise

Have you read anything she said about this? She knows it already

We harass unhappy guys here all the time.

Jolly good then!

little hate might make her realise

Have you read anything she said about this? She knows it already

We harass unhappy guys here all the time.

Jolly good then!

Bby this may not be your subreddit. Leave now before the corruption sets in.

Eat shit

Look at all these enraged manchildren 😻✌️

Prob the best breasts I've ever seen in my life. They are so unique that I don't think I will ever see a pair that looks as interesting and beautiful as yours. None of that fake professional and edited crap, those all natural beauties are perfection at it's finest.

Wow imagine being this desperate holy shit. At that point you have to stop the cope and just admit that you are destined for inceldom.

I think even he looked at that comment after busting the nut and thought "why am I like this?"

Just reported you lmao


Is this kosher with drama rules? 😭

Says the comment was approved by /u/basicallyadoctor. No stress, fam.

oh god those pepperonis made my throw up in my mouth a lil 🤢🤢😷

That would be a full on slice of salami.


I had a look at the profile of that thot. 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢WARNING NSFL🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢

I feel like OP has just trolled us all into viewing that

If he'd indicated the ethnicity in the OP I sure as hell wouldn't have looked

Ok so this is why pajeets aren't into indian women... understandable tbh



what degree of larp or pasta is this?

But male pajeets are usually even more degenerate so idk about your little story



Fighting their degeneracy requires teamwork bhai. Wait for some time, these mayos will calm down like a retarded child crying for a toy. Leave him be, don't disturb him.

Jesus, fuck. Is Boba fett in there?

Why is she blown up before intercourse? I get that women can expand but they're not usually 2-3 cm expanded for no reason xD

Talk about a grand canyon

Lol at this fat chick with massive saucer nipples bitching about small dicks.

Protip (hehe): it’s not about the length.

She isn’t in any position to throw stones 🤢 Although given the state of her less than desirable attributes I wouldn’t mind some of her confidence.

she posts a lot about her insecurities and crippling "body issues". If that's confidence...

Insecure people with body issues tend to cover up and make text based posts about their problems. Overly confident bat shit crazy cunts post nudes online.

Nah they mostly posts pics so that thirsty niggas can compliment them and shower them with compliments. That or to sell used panties to the same crowd

I've never seen a gw poster that didn't came off as deeply insecure

So zero confidence is required to get your kit off and post nudes online?

Nah, just confidence in some areas and insecurity in others.

Kinda like overcompensating. People act in ways that they think reallly confident people do in order to hide their insecurity.

Not when guys on the internet are so thirsty and have no standards

that's just her just fishing for compliments

She’s fine. Not every one has to look like your 13 years old waifu.

If you support free speech, you must support people posting their loli. It's completely legal speech. If you won't defend loli posting as free speech because you or someone else finds it disgusting, then no speech that you or anyone else views as disgusting is safe. The courts have been very careful to not charge anyone for loli, because they'd get their asses fucking annihilated by a higher court due to the firm precedence of loli being completely legal speech. Gab had nothing to worry about, this guy was just making shit up to fool people into thinking his censoring wasn't entirely personally motivated.


Please be pasta please please please

It's a fucking snapshill quote, of course it's pasta

We're allowed to defend you and simultaneously call you a fucking weirdo who is probably apt to pedophilia. Free speech is great.

You’ve got exceptionally low standards almost gutter level if you think she’s fine. Whatever floats your boat.

I think ur cute too, does that change anything?


She needs to see a doctor. Those things look like they’re gangrenous.

That's the joke you fucking quaker.


Some people like microwave pizza nipples.

So when are we going to mod her?

She looks fucking beat

I guess some thirsty fucks like it.

our vagina is really sexy, I love the way it sits between your firm legs and emphasizes the lips in a really sexy way. I think shaving it was a great idea as I can see it in all her glory. Looking at your other post, your nipples look so sexy and combined with your vagina I think you would have a really sexy body. I'd love to see a full body Pic though. 😉🤤🤤 10/10 really sexy and natural.

I love the way it sits between your firm legs and emphasizes the lips in a really sexy way The fuck kind of vaginas is he looking at that don't sit between a girl's legs?

Farm animals? Heavily prolapsed ones? God knows.

Porn made me self conscious about my nipples

I only find huge cocks visually appealing

These aren't connected in any way guys!

Porn is Haram obv

This but unironically

Tbh, she should be more self-conscious about that giant cunt of hers.

Why did you post a picture of the sarlacc

She damaged it with a dragon dildo and now can't go back to human cock.

That looks like a howler monkeys asshole

ROFL. You're right. Looks exactly like a monkeys asshole XD


I've looked at a lot of monkey assholes and can c9nfirm this is what they look like.

We need an exorcist here.

It looks hungry.

Jeez, her body is really... unfortunate looking.

Probably why she cant deal with anything under 6 lmao. They try to deny the roast beef meme but the memes make themselves

That's the ugliest vagina I've ever seen, and I used to work in the sex industry.

I'm thinkin Arby's

Oh dear god why did I click that link 😭😭😭😭 also genuinely, it looks like she has a prolapse of sorts. There is too much hanging out. That is NOT labia.

That's labia minora, my friend.

There is nothing minora about that.

It's a burnt roast beef sub lmao


Actual S grade beef curtains, possibly the worst I've ever seen and that's with the beer goggles I'm wearing right now.

Is this the new goldswitchblade?

Goldswitchblade was 18, pale and fairly busty.


She died as she lived.

Why is pepperoni nips trying to shit talk dicklets at least they don't need a 10" horse dildo to get off

Lmao how will dicklets like you ever recover?

Excuse you I use my arms for these cave hoes like a real gentlemen

Those things look like milk duds

This is definitely the same psycho from the vasectomy thread, someone mod her here ASAP

As someone with a big dick I agree with this post

3% club ayyyyy

i will literally disagree and argue with anything that points to me (and others like me) being sexually/physically undesirable except dick length because that is my only feature that i have that is special

that being said it is over for shrimp dicks

Yeah, lotta dicklets in this thread

prove your worth in the real world!

Is this how? shows tits

The most simple, pure thot. She needs a guy with a bimbo fetish.

She needs a guy with a bimbo fetish.

Reporting as ordered, sah!

That post history. Yikes someone is having a miserable life in front of them.

Imagine not realizing you can make a tinder and have 10+ suitors in an hour as a female.

It's over for below-6-inchescells


'too big'

This is actually a thing.

If a woman on the internet accuses a man of having a small dick, it should be both allowed and required for him to post a pic proving her wrong

Someone has a cave-of-a-cunt. Hi /r/Badwomensanatomy.

honestly 6 inches is a modest ask. its still in average range. its like saying i wanted a girl with regular sized nipples

Salty dicklets in this thread

Six inches won't do much to fill the Grand Canyon....

Any hole's the Grand Canyon to a pencil.

but pencils are long and thin.

thot can't make up her mind if she wants long dick or thick dick.

She’s a virgin.

Imagine being a woman, but still not knowing that women have different sexual preferences

Is there a female preference for undersized penis?

There are female preferences for not being too large

And they're all taken I presume

Yeah. Lots of girls are genuinely about the small penor. Big ones can be real uncomfortable for some chicks.

Well, no dick is girthier than a baby's head. So in theory any woman can take even the biggest cock, at least until it starts hitting her cervix.

As for length, most women are fine with ~6''. Longer and it gets painful for many. If you have a long dick, you always have to be careful not to thrust too deep. Even girls that get off on pain don't automatically get off on that pain.

For many women dirty whores getting with a really big dick guy is just so they can cross it off their list. Not because they genuinely enjoy it. Most true size queens have unusually big vaginas.

Feel kinda sorry for her. She doesn't like her body and is totally fixated on it.

That's why she tries to "get back" at men and tries to push their buttons and their body issues.

She needs to get laid a few times and see that it's all that big of an issue.

She seems hella BPD or some shit tbh. Psych issues up the wazoo.

Where are the Indian Chads when you need them?

Banging the Pujas? Tbh she should just go for an arranged marriage, by the time her victim sees her pussy he has a choice between plumbing it's cavernous depths and explaining why he won't to his relatives.

It's over for dickletcels

She may be a weirdo but she’s right about the dick size thing. Chicks 🐥 like big ducks 🦆.

of course shes brazilian

How am I a 'thot' wtf???

ur a hoe

Now you're a 'thoh'.

you don't seem to understand r/Drama parlance.

thot: literally any woman

Mayocide: Systemic eradication of the white race through breeding with non-whites. (this is a good thing that we want to happen)

Bussy: Shorthand for boipussy, the best hole one can find on a human body.

__cel: anyone who cares about any issue. Fill in the black with the issue.

cuck: anyone you don't like. This is especially true if your name is u/IDFShill

and so on.

Please do stick around though, we need more dramatic people. Seriously, we're a bit starved for them at the moment. We've had to go with homegrown moderator drama, which while fun is a bit incestuous.


From her post history:

As a girl from Reddit, I would not date me. I am slutty and a horrible person.


I think you're a goddess and I think we should go out for drinks and bully guys until they start crying.

that's assuming she won't be bullied first for her saucer nipples.

Sure I'd love that.

what if I like being bullied and demand more while waving a ripped $5 bill in front of you

Dw girl, you'll find your big-dick prince.

Hope so!

u look great babe, feel free to visit r/Drama more often, you may even end being modded

Why not? I'm bored anyway

good, just dont bother with the angry dicklets around here, they're not even people

They're... a little bit people :)

A+ nipples btw

Thank you <3

The pics aren't bad btw, just really poor lighting.

And really poor nipples

You need to convince us otherwise

Does your chut extend all the way to your gand?

Welcome, just look for a guy spewing out big dick energy and follow the trail.

Question. Do you like your cervix being head butted? Most girls I’ve known have not

Question. Do you like your cervix being head butted?

Pain arouses me.

mfw i have a mighty 6.5 incher 😏 you jealous dicklets? 😎

Post something critical of thot.

Lol how will dicklets recover.

First comment to my post: lol dicklet

Just another low iq foid projecting her own insecurity onto mens genitals. Tale old as time.

The incel spillover from CA and MDE is getting really bad

Well, there has to be some balance considering all the feminists lately.

Radical centrists only

Or she actually really likes big dick the way a lot foids do.

Yeah cuz they have loose holes. I know.

Lmfao imagine being this sensitive about your tiny penis

Sounds like a "you" problem not an "us" problem. Do some kegel exercises so you won't need to find dudes with fist dicks to fuck.

Lol, even for a dicklet, that's pretty funny.

Little dick clique alpha leader reporting in

ITT: haha, but she's ugly lol, my chode is beautiful right guys? A 3-incher can do the job just fine! 😤

For real though, my fingers are less than 3 inches and they do the job better than 9-inches.

Whatever makes you feel better sweaty

lmao fingerlet detected

hahahahah tiny dicked nerds

wait do yall not have 8 inchers or something? LMAO

Don't worry guys, with enough practice even with a merely average 10 inch dick you'll be able to rock her world.

tfw ur a manlet without 10 inches rip :(


unfortunately not gay

looks like its meet yeet skeet and delete from here on out

She says later in the thread that she's a virgin LOL.

This is like asking a 7 year old if a speed limit should be increased. They have no fucking idea what they're talking about.

Tfw your penis is over 6 inches 😎

No less than 5.5, no more than 7.5. Sign up here:

She's right

Dicklets on suicide watch

I've already been reported smdh

It's over for dickcels

you should know

Size queens should be publicly flogged.

With an 18" purple dildo, amiright?

By tiny dicks? Lmao as of thinking anyone cares what guys with small dicks have to say

ye there comes a point where you just need to learn to bottom tbh.

This is wisdom

I thought you were s man? Or does bussy prefer dicks over 6 inches too?

If that’s the case I am fucked 😭

I'm a boy

True. Even men love the look of big dicks. See: porn.

He profile is full of entertaining ethot instability, but this thread in particular doesn't seem that dramatic. She rolled with the bants and didn't get exceptionally buttblasted in any of the threads I read through.

the worthy drama in the posted thread is more about the upset dicklets than the thot herself.

the bonus drama and icing on the cake is that she herself is a trainwreck, i just included it as a little extra.

the best part is chicup pretending he has a penis.

Holy fuck, her pussy is actually massive though.

Disgusting that some women think this way and not the other way around that anyone with a dick would hit that thing, whatever that it. Disgusting, wanted to bleach my eyes when I saw that.

Goddamn I bet she’s an animal in the sack