Texas gets Blacked by Gussy

1  2018-11-08 by JabroniMark99


"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


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Good to see that the mayocide is underway 👍

I can't wait for it to be illegal to be white


This but unironically.

cant wait to exploit white texan daddies in prison as sexual laborers

America will probably be a one party republic in a few decades.

Because the Republicans have banned all others?

The nature of the system means there will always be two parties. Either one will reform or one will fade to irrelevance to be replaced with another.

If one gets too weak we're in danger of turning into a dominant party state. Honestly I can't say that either Republicans or Democrats would be more likely to do so at this point.

Anyway Americans do not tend to be a servile people, they change their minds quick and get annoyed at the people in power quick and throw them out.

There will always be a disagreement. If we all agree on abortions that just stops being a wedge issue and we find a new one. If we all decided the Republicans are done the democrats would split on any of their numerous fault points and we'd have, for instance, a neoliberal party and a democratic socialist party.

You're retarded if you think the republicans won't change up their game a bit to be more inclusive of minorities.

Demographics is not destiny, the parties are constantly evolving and developing new positions to attract voters from all stripes of American life. Hell if you went by demographics you'd say the Republicans would be long dead.

I agree, I never said otherwise. The republican party will adapt eventually.

It's already one party with two factions that alternate seeming to have control of the government.

I'm all for minority representation but major against gussy representation so I don't know how to feel about this :/

Wow which racist downvoted this. Minority representation is important?

How is it uplifting that someone beats another person when you know nothing about them but their race?

Off to re-education camp with you.

From left to right:

10, 6, 2

Next one after 2 would probably leave me barfing so I'm not going to bother

wanting to fuck women


Article gave them a color but no name.
