Trumptards over at r/The_Donald pretend that they’re not praying for RBG’s demise.

1  2018-11-08 by Ghdust2


Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.


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I am, for the drama.

I am too, but r/the_donald pretends like it’s not.

so dramatic

Thanks for posting this juicy dramatic thread with a bunch of shut-ins agreeing with each other!


Ping me when one spergs out and shoots up a wal mart.

I am not, because I am not gonna stoop to hoping someone dies for reasons that fucking petty.

Maybe if she killed my dog or something, I’d feel that way.

Look at those fucking retards spreading the "lower the age of consent to 12" lie. It's amazing the mental gymnastics those baboons twist themselves up into

Who is she and why should I care

A famous liberal supreme Court Justice, her dying would give a nother seat for Trump to take

Would be the best drama coin since FPH was banned.

Well, at least they do pretend.

Meanwhile Tucker Carlson’s house is getting firebombed or something.

Tucker Carlson being bullied? Lmao

It's kind of what he's best at

True true.

Meanwhile Tucker Carlson’s house is getting firebombed or something.

Good. 😃

getting firebombed

That would be the day.

Yeah just look at how /r/politics reacted to that old woman dying after voting republican

That sub is literally all boomers. I kinda believe it.

Why pretend? The bitch is a ghoul