CNN : President Trump is considering former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi for attorney general

1  2018-11-08 by Communist_101


This is why we need mayocide.


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I'm not used to such hate being directed at me and that made me cry


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Best case drama scenario, he picks Christie, who then immediately rescues himself from the investigation for being snubbed for his initial cabinet

He assigns Chris to lead an investigation to find answer to REAL questions.

Like why do kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch?

How do you get lost in the Sauce?

Where do the missing socks go?

He leads an investigation to where his wife hid all the cannoli

Tony Soprano, Attorney-General.

Justice department sponsored by socks

Are Trix really for kids?

According to Qanon/PizzaGaters, yes, tricks are for kids.


I don't know man. Christie's pretty corrupt. Fuck, my grandmother and my ten year old niece both have dirt on the guy, so it stands to reason that Trump can get him to play ball.

This could be a good way for Christie to redeem himself tbh. Christie needs to retaliate for what Trump did to him.

That's way too alpha of a move for someone like Fatty, he's probably on his hands and knees grovelling for AG as we speak.

if there's one thing i know about Chris Christie (and there is only one thing i know about Chris Christie) it's that he's a big fat guy.

I also know that his parents stuttered when they named him.

Why dafuq do people name their kids shit like Chris Christie or Will Williams or Jack Jackson or Tucker Carlson?


This tbh.

*Toxic whiteness

My name is Robert Robertson but everyone calls me Bob Boberson

Isn’t Pam Bondi the judge he paid off not to look into TU 🤔🤔🤔

Thought that name sounded familiar, so she's definitely on the short list

No corruption! No corruption! you're the corruption!!