You WILL wax those female pronounced dick and balls, bigot.

1  2018-11-08 by Oh_hamburgers_


For anyone reading this, bussy is probably the highest trafficked search term on reddit, and only receives few dickings per week (and definitely not enough to run on cock alone). If you can, you can support the creator on [Bussypay]( in order to make sure we have this service for the future.


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How can you "traffic" a search term?

They targeted gamers. Gamers.


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The male-to-female transgender individual claims he was discriminated against.

based author

The author is Italian instead of Ashkenazi


Sent from my iPhone.

That's epic


based and redpilled.

Oh shit

Fucking. Rake. Us. Already.

Everything from this piece of shit ruining peoples lives for a mere 2k each, to the fucking cucked law firms refusing to take the case "fearing the transgender lobby" is so fucked up.

I hope they know that they are an unredeemable waste of the resources our government dedicates to the trans community, and that both the world and our country would literally be better off if this scum forgot to wake up tomorrow morning.

God GC was right all along

Must be Mircy

The male-to-female transgender individual claims he was discriminated against.

based and redpilled.

Just another Thursday

You know that /r/drama is a tranny and bussy friendly place right?

/r/drama is open to anyone not ashamed to reveal their inner autist on the internet

cringe and bluepilled

Ur gay


trannies on suicide watch

That's redundant.

Those damned anti-vaxers are at it again!

Those damned anti-vaxers are at it again!


Sorry, too late here, didn't notice my own typo.

tfw ur about to get gay married and you got the cake but you can't get a waxed crotch for the wedding.

You sure can, just go somewhere with the right tools and wax to deal with a cock and balls, unlike these places that only serve women.

According to the lawyer, JY said he was willing to withdraw his complaint against Poyer for $2,500.

This is just blackmail

When you're a NEET in a dress and your only source of income is frivolous lawsuits.

Wage cucks S E E T H I N G

seething over someone sacrificing their dignity for 2500?

press x to doubt

Pressing X now, sir

It's basically the old ADA compliance trolling scheme

In accordance with an order from the BC Human Rights Tribunal

"One of the women represented by the Justice Centre had approached, and had been turned down by 26 different lawyers and law firms. All of which cited lack of expertise in human rights proceedings, or fear of offending the transgender lobby, or both," he explained.

Moreover, the Tribunal has refused to inform the 14 other women that theJustice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms would be willing to represent them against the complaint free of charge. "Without legal representation, it is likely that most or all of these 14 women are going to pay settlement money to JY,

Lol @ the fucking leafs

Rake us already

Looks like you are already raking yourselves.

what a weird situation. human rights council comes up often for weird frivolous things but a lot of the stories never have follow so who knows.

This is pretty sketchy. I think the guy actually contacted them through facebook. His facebook account was under his male name with a male profile picture. When the shops said "We don't wax men" he told them he had transitioned. Trans people should have recourse when they are discriminated against, but this seems like a shakedown.

That's what they deserve for assuming her gender.

Shelah Poyer, one of the women Carpay is defending against JY pro bono, is a single mother who works out of her home.


Wax on

Wacks off

I was kind of hoping to see KatieCharm ugly crying about not getting her taint waxed.


God no.

Apologies for the autistic serious post, but this makes me legitimately angry. I've been sitting here with a pissed off look on my face for the last hour since reading this post. I live in Vancouver and a man is going around my city extorting women for not wanting to touch his dick. AND OUR SYSTEM IS LETTING HIM GET AWAY WITH IT. I feel like throwing up and punching someone in the face all at once.

Come to think of it, the only time I ever see genuine misogyny in real life it's from trans people. There are five trannies that sit on my floor at work, and every single one of them is a narcissistic bully who treats the women in the office like shit. I fucking hate them, not even remotely sorry.

What can good men do against such reckless Canadianism?

The only thing necessary for the triumph of Canadianism is for good men to do nothing

File a sexual harassment complaint.

I'm 100% sure that my company would choose the tranny over me. In Vancouver, it's tranny>woman.

I believe you mean Hong Couver. On the upside, the Asians don't seem to keen on bending over backwards for trannies, so maybe they will be the city's salvation.

I'm unironically banking on that.

lol owned

How the fuck are there 5 trannies in your workplace alone?! How many trannies are there in vancouver?

Too many. There are so many trannies in Vancouver that it's literally something I have to deal with every time I leave the house.

You work in tech, right?

My thoery is that he works in a gay bar.


Vancouver is the San Francisco of Canada. It is where all the progressivism and astronomically high real estate prices go. Luckily our version of Silicone Valley is located in Montreal.

Wait, you're invalidating them by not trying to look feminine at work? That's what you're saying?

Traditionally feminine, I'm guessing.

How do you have so many trans in your company?

honestly though why dont you look more feminine? are you a tomboy, lesbian , or just don’t care? Im actually curious.

Most likely just doesn't care. No need for her to anyway.

The whole point of that anecdote is that she doesn't have to justify her choice in clothes.

lmao tranny drama is best drama

Same, it legitimately pisses me off - and women who bend over backwards to accommodate them also piss me off.

There's a really interesting post on gendercritical about a lone woman at a tech company who's boss went to thailand and at 60 years old came back with boob implants and claiming to be female. The boss then started to use the female changing rooms (had never changed at work before) and stalking the female employee so they could change at the same time. The female employee then had to deal with her boss exposing a penis to her brazenly and unnecessarily out of some form of validation and clearly making her uncomfortable. She complained and her bosses took the other bosses's side out of fear of being transphobic.

There's also the case of a transgender female attacking women at a womens shelter, literally a 6' man walking in a wig and women that have no choice are forced to be with that person.

It's getting ridiculous in the UK with prisons too. They just let all the transgenders go to female prisons and in some cases it SHOULD NOT BE DONE. It's literally a muscular 6'2 man in a wig prouncing around and none of the female inmates go near the person. There have been cases of rape, beatings e.t.c

It's just wrong. When you question the trans activitists they literally live in LALA land. They say "but how is it different from any other woman that rapes". "She is a woman rapist and should be punished like any other".

They literally see any man who says "i am a woman" as the same as a 5' 100lb woman and cannot see anything wrong with their fanaticism.

The whole prison issue, rape shelter issue and issue of locker room penile exposure (vast majority of transgender people do not have any plant to get 'bottom surgery'" and of course transgenders competing in sports with no hormone replacement will be what collapses the trans rights pushes as "the next big civil rights issue",

It's kind of sad as when the backlash coalesces it will be virulent, and the old school transgenders that are literally people that just want to live as women and not violent pornsick males who are engaging in a fantasy to prey on women or having some weird mental issue will cause will suffer.

The whole self declaration issue is madness, you literally put the weight of the law on the side of any man that wishes to fuck with a womans locker room or rape shelter or vulnerable female inmates. As soon as the words " I am a woman" leaves the persons lips the weight of the law is forced against whatever woman speaks up and says "i didn't like seeing this person have their penis exposed extensively in the changing room or I'm not confortable that my boss is now obsessively trying to follow me into the womans changing room to get naked with me:

The "peak trans " threads on Gender critical make for horrific reading. Or just searching "prison" on that sub or "transgender prison daily mail" and seeing all the cases of transgender rapists in female prison to get seriously maddened by where society is going. The backlash will be insane.

Your pulitzer's in the mail

I am a bot. Contact for questions

I knew it would be leafs.

How the fuck did people who live in a frozen fucking wasteland 9 months of the year turn out to be so fucking pussy?

Current year man emboldened all the retards.

Bake the cakes, buy Black Panther on DVD, marry the gays don't throw them off roofs, and wax the balls! This is current year for God's sake!

To each Xher own

Are we really taking the Daily Wire as a serious news source?

Look at the balls on this guy

The female estheticians in question only serve women and do not offer so-called "Manzilians" — the male equivalent to a Brazilian wax. "The procedure for providing a man with a 'Manzilian' is quite different, using a different kind of wax and a different technique," noted the lawyer.

So the tranny can get his balls waxed in a different procedure but refuses to do so because he's a huge asshole and scammer.

Why would you want someone who didn't know what they are doing near your balls with hot wax?

He's a sub and into femdom?


Sixteen Canadian



Send the meteors already.