Wannabe rapist in confessions fantasizing about being a raper

1  2018-11-08 by mysticalmisogynistic



You are receiving this message because you posted in defense of Donald Trump. I no longer provide individual responses on this matter. It has been my experience that Trump supporters are universally incapable of accepting verifiable truths about him and, by extension, themselves, thus rendering discussion pointless and, therefore, a waste of time.

I wish you all the best in your ongoing battle with reality.

Yours respectfully, a logical person.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is

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Bad bot

fuck you leave snappy alone

In confused here, mabye there's a joke I'm not getting. From my perspective it looks like this is a bot designed to comment that message on the posts of any people who have defended Trump am I wrong? I very well may be but why else would a bot make that comment on a post about a shooting.

You're not wrong, Walter, you're just an asshole.

i feel bad for you because youre only 13 so i will explain it

this is a bot that provides links to archive sites to archive content, because people on reddit like to delete their posts afterwards when they get embarrassed

the bot has a bunch of random responses it posts with those archive links, most of them are ironic and copypastas from lolcows (dumb people we laugh at)

this one (minus the partyparrot) is from some smug left winger and as i said is being used ironically

I'm sorry for not understanding and the only way you could know my age is by looking through my post history, which not only doesn't improve your point but now you look like kind of an asshole. What kind of person thinks that using personal information and talking down to someone else makes your point more valid. I feel bad for you, you invalidated your argument by wasting your time scouring my post history just to insult me. I will concede that I was wrong but that doesn't make you not a dick.

your username has 2005 in it

Oh that. Coincidentally, that's not actually why it's there. But I still think using someones age isnt a good argument so I reccomend avoiding that in the future. I am 13 tho. Also, and most importantly, oof you got me.

It's not an argument I just said I felt bad for you so I would actually explain it you

I'm confused why you felt the need to include it, but it's not that big a deal. Cheers

But I still think using someones age isnt a good argument

That's because you're only 13, dumbass.

Right I agree with you on that. But I don't think that using my age in anyway helped your argument. To any observer it would look like you're just using it as an excuse to talk down to someone you're arguing with.

That's because 13 year olds are fucking retarded.

You just don't realize how fucking retarded you are at 13 until you're not 13 anymore.

I don't doubt it.


Lmao imagine going to jail because you wanted to LARP in an autistic site

Most of the responses belong in r/iamverybadass

Tbh so does the OP by a really fucked up version of badass. It's all try hard shit

Fake. A lot of the comments have been removed by the users and supposedly OP replied in his original account defending his alt. xD

someone actually pinged spez asking him to stop this lol


Don't worry, INTERPOL will pick it up if they aren't American.

Lol, as if the FBI is going to waste their time investigating this

The FBI can't even be fucked to look into school shooting threats.

That title tho

"raper" is a reference to a very popular TV show on HBO called Game of Thrones. Unless you're complementing me, in which case, thx bb.

I was referring to “I’ve been a rapist for four years and I think it’s justified”

Oh I thot you were shitting on me, carry on.

I'd rather he get arrested and released because he made up a retarded story, than an actual rapist continuing to go free.

Whitest post ever?


why would you have to fantasise about being a rapist lol its not like you have to ask anyones permission

Here's the full text:

I want stop because I’m scared of being exposed and facing consequences, but I’ve been getting away with it for so long.

The first time I raped a girl I was eighteen and she was fifteen. It was at a party and she was very drunk and high. The girl also had a bunch of issues. I used all of this to my advantage and lured her into a bathroom, saying stuff like “You trust me, right?”, then I raped her. It was the best experience of my life honestly. She was crying and bleeding which scared me a bit so I got a little violent so she’d quiet down.

After that I made her drink a few beers, she passed out, and I tossed her to some other guy and left.

A few weeks after I was scared shitless of her telling that I considered suicide (but not really that seriously tbh) but she beat me to it a few months later. Unfortunately, that gave me a sense of power that I could get away with doing it again.

So when a close friend of mine threw another party to celebrate graduating, I got the opportunity to go after a girl I’d had my eye on for a while. She was very beautiful and I happened to know she was interested in me as well.

I ended up drugging her and raping her in of the back of my car while she was passed out. And you know what? She continued seeing me weeks after it happened! I doubt she even remembered it. I thought it way ok because she wasn’t aware it happened. It didn’t even affect her.

I was aware of the fact I couldn’t keep getting away with it if I continued raping so many girls. So I stopped for a few years and then got into bdsm. It was a great outlet to “consensually” abuse, hurt, and “rape” women. And guess what? They liked it. They liked being treated that way.

Women will talk about how they don’t like being treated like an object or how rape is so bad and yet things like bdsm exist for a reason. The number one fantasy of the girls I’ve been with are rape fantasies. So I give then what they want. When I’m doing a scene with a girl, sometimes I won’t stop or I’ll do something we didn’t discuss first, like anal. And they don’t really do anything about it.

If they address it to me I’ll give some bullshit reason like “I didn’t hear the safeword”.(I usually gag or cover their mouth) And they’ll still have sex with me after.

What women don’y realize is when they initially consent to a scene with me, they “consent” to everything. If I want it, it’s going to happen whether or not they really give consent.

I absolutely feel like my behavior is justified. Women literally ask for it. I’ve experienced it. Just a few days ago I got a message from an ex girlfriend who wanted to cheat on her bf with me because he wasn’t “dominate” enough and she missed having sex with me.

Women like her make me feel like if you’re attractive they let you treat them how you want. So I do.

This is one of the worst post I have EVER seen. Delete it.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Bad bot!!!!!!!!


Hey guys. I think everyone should stop reporting and ignore this. The guy who posted this is probably watching this. The police won’t do anything. It’s probably fake but don’t harass him. Even if it was real, he said he doesn’t rape anymore. The victims are dead or they were passed out and don’t remember it to this day. There would be no one to testify against him for rape.

Oh, hi rapist! 👋

You think its real? Im not even the op. But come on its not worth all this drama over.

You're OP, I'm a reddit super moderate and I see your IP address matches.

Have fun with the FBI 👌

Plot twist: you're OP.

You are too, hello one of my many alts!

Thanks for trying to include me, but nawp... this is my solo venture.

I dont believe you. Im not op. The story was def fake. Stop

Check this guy’s account history, he is almost definitely OP under a different account, what an absolute piece of scum

The victims aren’t just dead you MADE one of them kill themselves. Their death is on you. You’re a piece of fucking scum and you’ll rot like you deserve.

Why you talking to me like Im op? But no one is responsible for a suicide. Rape is not a permanent thing like suicide is. She could’ve gotten over it.

You’re either OP or a fucking scholar on him. You know people can see your post history? And yes, you are responsible for it. She would be alive if you didn’t rape her. I pray to god there is a hell if only so you can rot in it.

How do I turn off the ability to see the post history? But Im really not op I’m usually a lurker and I deleted my other accounts because I didn’t need them but now I’m commenting because this is important. Don’t try to fuck up that guy’s life. He didn’t do anything.

He (you) admitted to doing something. In writing. And it’s been recorded by multiple people. And it’s being investigated.

Is it only going to be investigated online first? They’re not going to start by coming to his door are they?

Lol after comments like this why even bother using third person pronouns? Just say “my door”.

Can someone just answer the fucking question? I promise Im not op but Im curious. He could be in a lot of trouble if this came off the internet. It’s only going to stay within the internet right? I thought everyone agreed the story was fake? Why is everyone making a big deal out of it?

Reddit has this man shooked

Fake or not, reddit logs IP addresses and its very easy to get real IP addresses even when hiding with a VPN.

A real IP leads to a real person - or, in this instance, if the person still lives with their parents and the internet is in their name, their father will be asked about his history as a rapist and confronted with OP's post history and he will have to answer for it.

This is ridiculous. If its fake you have harassed someone innocent. Maybe it did upset ppl but it was harmless. If its real it wont even accomplish much.

If it's fake, having federal agents investigate them isn't bad for anyone.

If it's real - or even suspected of being real - the person will be put on trial and the person can be prosecuted even without evidence, based on the admission of guilt.

Admitting to a "fake" crime can have consequences just as real as committing an actual crime.

You done and fucked up, sir. 12 hours ago you were confident. Now you are scared shitless. And for good reason. If you really believe nothing bad will happen to you, my guess you will probably stay put which will make your impending arrest all the more easier. You aren’t fooling anyone with your burner accounts, either. I see this all the time and it’s fairly common. People think they are smarter than they are, but they fail to see and acknowledge how the systems in place work and why they’re there.

YES IM OP OK I ADMIT IT IM A TROLL. I swear I didn’t know this would be linked I didnt think it would get this much attention. PLEASE STOP.

I made it all up. Ive never raped anyone. This is all made up. Its not even a fantasy or anything. Written purely to get a rise out of people. I have never even thought about raping another women. I was just copying what people think rapists think like.

But yea I just want you guys to know this in case the fbi is watching!!!!!!!!

Nope. It’s a little late to cover your tracks.

The fact that you didn’t think we would connect the dots on another Anonymous account created yesterday and looking through your history proves your level of intelligence. Your second mistake was thinking this was 4chan.

I didnt know people could still see the other username. I thought it just said deleted

My point exactly.

That young women was just convicted for murder by bulking someone to suicide. Also Brendon Dassey is still in prison for life for a redacted full confession he made when there was 0 evidence. They way I see it, whether it happened or not, you’re going down for it.

YES IM OP OK I ADMIT IT IM A TROLL. I swear I didn’t know this would be linked I didnt think it would get this much attention. PLEASE STOP.

I made it all up. Ive never raped anyone. This is all made up. Its not even a fantasy or anything. Written purely to get a rise out of people. I have never even thought about raping another women. I was just copying what people think rapists think like.

But yea I just want you guys to know this in case the fbi is watching!!!!!!!!

He’s not going to go down over a Reddit post if there is in fact no other evidence. But he should be scared of a possible investigation.

Let us know how the investigation goes! 👍🏻

YES IM OP OK I ADMIT IT IM A TROLL. I swear I didn’t know this would be linked I didnt think it would get this much attention. PLEASE STOP.

I made it all up. Ive never raped anyone. This is all made up. Its not even a fantasy or anything. Written purely to get a rise out of people. I have never even thought about raping another women. I was just copying what people think rapists think like.

But yea I just want you guys to know this in case the fbi is watching!!!!!!!!

Don't downvote pls

You need to be fed to a wood chipper feet first and have it be turned off just as it starts shredding your lower abdomen. Then be left there to die a slow, miserable death like the piece of shit you are.

Nah, I have a better idea

we first cut out his toung, witch will kill him if left untreated, so we do that and than stop the bleeding, but only right before he dies. Than we slowly remove his ribs and play them like a xylophone in front of him, while he's still conscious. Than we pour bleach in his eyes. After that we castrate him, but not just the balls but the dick too. After that we remove each of his fingers and toes by the knuckles. We than crucify him upside down for about an hour. After that we leave him in a room with a couple of convicted rapists, give him a taste of his own medicine. After that we blast his ears with an extremely high frequency sound at an extremely high volume, the kind that will leave him with ringing in his ears for the rest of his life., we than remove all of his teeth. And for the grand finale we put him in a cage and hang it up on display in a very public area for all to see, we give him food and water every day until he dies a couple years later.

Reddit badasses are a special kind of retarded.

I've known more coherent downies.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Thread title should be "Violent redditors LARP each other to climax"

you could get raped with a knife smashing your insides and have your dick cut off slice by slice you absolute disgrace to this planet. You don't deserve to be treated like a human


So many people spell rapper incorrectly at first I assumed op meant rapper as in singer

OP apparently responded to my post in question, which was one of the responses as mentioned by /u/SAC-Lawn_Gnome.

He claims it's fake. But do we have any proof of this?



Yeah. Not only are you a rapist troll, you’re a dumb one.